Thank Heavens I’d written the password on a post it note & stuck it on my ‘puter!


Hello … I’m back!  I‘ve been away for a while.  M.I.A. (Missing In Action)  for what feels like years, and although I kept trying to pick up the blogging ropes again, real life kept  coming up with other stuff and *threw a spanner into my plans and thoroughly messed things up.

*’threw a spanner into . . .’ [normally ‘the works’] is a British term, used when something upsets your plans or messes around with anything you might be doing and generally puts a stop to your plans or ideas etc.

Spanner in the Works by cobs

Where have I been and why?  Well … I’ve not been travelling the world (sadly).  I’ve stayed right where I am, – and I thankfully haven’t had Coronavirus or Covid 19 – so I count that as a massive blessing.   Although health problems did come into the equation.

Originally I lost my crafty mojo.  It was as if my brain had forgotten how to be creative! I have a craft room of amazing incredibleness, and couldn’t seem to be able to bring forth the creativeness which lives inside me 100% of the time.  So to have lost my mojo, for what felt like forever, was upsetting to the point of depressing.  How the heck did I lose my mojo?  It was attached to me like Peter Pans shadow was sewn to him by Wendy Darling.  


Then . . . I had a flare up of medical problems.  …   I suffer with the ‘amusing’ problem(s) of nerve damage, caused by a road traffic accident some years ago in which I injured my lower spine.  Added to that,  a beautiful combination, my body developed diabetic neuropathy a few years ago (another nerve damage thing) and these two things decided to gang up together in order to have a little fun of their own making, and it caused horrible havoc in my body for rather a long time.  Miserable pair of beggars. (grrr).

Then … with the belief that I am a Superwoman who can achieve ANYTHING I WANT, (I’m not and I can’t), I tried to shift the garden bench roughly 12 inches, by shoving it with my thigh.  The result of this unbelievable stupidity was a great big,  massively HOT, KABOOM,  felt in my lower spine, – reminding me that I’m not ‘Super’ anything, other than SUPER STUPID!  Which Mr.Cobs confirmed, with those exact words too!

Then … (as if that wasn’t enough), three weeks later, I only went and injured my knee by giving it a thoroughly good whacking on the corner of our big wooden bed.  “Darn it!“,  “Oh dear me!” and For Goodness sake!”  were  sort of  the words which popped out of my mouth, …  followed by some tears.  Mr.Cobs called out an enquiry of:- …. “What the heck was that big bang?”  from the living room, to which I could only tearfully shout back:- “It was ME!”.

Back & knee

So anyway ….   ‘Real Life’ was also going on at the same time, with it’s Coronavirus Lock-down and social distancing;  Mothers Day;  A Grandchild’s Birthday (I’ve spent every birthday with him since he was born…  in fact, I was there when he was born!);   being confined to the house like a prisoner; etc etcThe result was a situation of dreadful fed upness, and some things just had to go onto the back burner until I was ready to pick them up againSo … that’s where I’ve been and that’s some of what kept me ‘busy’ and not blogging!

But anyhoo .  .  .  .  Moving forward  ...  I felt the desire to create something.  But it wasn’t the normal paper, paint, clay, card designing or any of the things I normally create.

I’d seen some really lovely creations made by Textile Artists and had the greatest desire to have a proper ‘go’ at this magical art form.  I had a bit of an idea about using textiles for things other than their intended use, as I’d done a short textiles course about twelve years ago.  But the important thing was that I wanted to try something.  I wanted to create.  My creativeness was putting in a phone call, and I answered the call! 

phone copy

Sooooo I am now officially a self taught Textile Artist.  I’m creating art works using fabric and textiles.

The Textile Artist copy

I’ve made some things which I want to share with you, but I haven’t taken any photos yet, so that’s my job for this week.

I’m also having a ‘go’ at writing a book.  Yup, me!  Some of you said I should write one, and I knew I had a book inside me, waiting to get out, and finally it’s happening.  It’s only at it’s very beginning – but that, according to a song I know – is a very good place to start!

Let's start at the very beginning

It’s so lovely to be back chatting with you.  OH MY GOOD GARDEN CABBAGE!  I almost forgot …  during my ‘away from blog land’ time,  a knock came at the door one day and Mr.Cobs went to answer it.  It was a police lady.  She’d come to enquire about me.  Where I was? and How I was?  Was I there?  Could she see me, please?  Oh.My.Goodness!  – what had I done to cause the Police to come to the door asking to see me?!!!  Totally freaked me out!

Police lady copy

I hobbled to the door with the help of two walking sticks  and the lovely Police lady reassured me that I hadn’t done anything wrong, but they had received an enquiry that they had to follow up on. Apparently someone via my blog and WordPress, had contacted the authorities and asked for someone to check on me and make sure I was still alive!

I have never felt so guilty for doing nothing than I did right at that moment!

I didn’t even know that you could ask the police to go and check up on someone in this sort of circumstance! 

I had to confirm it really was me by giving my date of birth, place of birth, and various other questions which I can’t now remember, and then she very quietly asked if  everything was OK at home?  Flippin’ heck… she thought Mr.C might have been knocking me about, or keeping me from blogging!   I laughed raucously  … and the police lady began to laugh too.  Well, the end result was that I told her I felt very guilty that valuable Police time had been wasted all because I hadn’t blogged for a while, and I couldn’t apologise enough to her for all this wasting of police time.

She was so sweet, and said that if they receive an enquiry like this, they have a duty to investigate.  She said that someone associated with WordPress and my blog had made the enquiry and she could now send re-assurances that I was indeed alive and it was merely real life and some health problems which were keeping me from blogging at that time.

So .. to whoever it was who made the initial contact with the police – I do hope that you received the confirmation that I was Ok and still alive and that life had simply been a bit of a trial!  Please let me know if it was you, so that I can be re-assured that your concerns were answered.

This all sounds like the last few months of absence have been dreadful, and in some ways they have …  but there have been wonderful moments too.  I had a significant birthday (ending in an 0), which, despite lock down, was so very lovely.  The nicest anniversary – with bunting put up in the garden and afternoon tea.  Some really beautiful, magical changes in our little garden.  Oh! … and … there has been a new addition to the family.  But …  I’ve blathered on for more than long enough, so I’ll tell you about that another time.

Right now … I’d better get going on some photographs so that I can share the evidence of actually being a ‘Textile Artist’!   (I’m sure I’ll still be working with papers, clay, paint and card again at some point so please don’t give up on me!).

In the meantime, I send my love and one huge bucket of squidges to each of you.

Coffee Sig

Author: The Art of Cobwebs - aka:- thecobweboriumemporium

Hello. I'm 'Cobwebs'. I live in a wee little cottage in the South of England, aptly called Cobweb Cottage. This little dwelling really is a cobweb factory. Not inside (well, occasionally) - but outside - flipping heck! This information should give you a clue as to why my blog is called The Art of Cobwebs aka: The Cobweborium Emporium. I've been arty and crafty from a very young age, and although my crafts have sometimes turned a corner and taken me in another direction, I've always crafted in some way, shape or form. One day, in the blink of an eye, life changed somewhat for me and the consequences were many. I had to find a new way of being 'artistic'. Card making; scrap-booking; producing ATC's and ACEO's; needle felting; Polymer clay; painting- but in a more relaxed style than I had before, and sewing, - are all things which I visit, as and when life allows. I've fairy recently become a Textile Artist and am enjoying this new creative outlet very much as it offers me so much scope for letting my imagination run through a grassy field and feel the wind in my hair - (mentally, of course). I love to create. To make things. I truthfully believe that the best gifts in the world are those in which you've given your time, rather than your cash. Thank you so much for visiting. Please visit my blog (link below) and have a look around. I'm sure you'll find something to enjoy, even if it's only a handful of jokes! (yes, seriously - there really are jokes!) Wishing you a truly blessed rest of your day! ~ Cobs. <3

65 thoughts on “Thank Heavens I’d written the password on a post it note & stuck it on my ‘puter!”

  1. I am so very glad you are back and I am sending lots of positive thoughts your way!

    It really sounds like you’ve had a time of it…I hope you’re recovering though. I did not know the police could do checks like that..bless them, I am very pleased to hear you’re ok.

    Large, cat fur covered hugs from all of us here 🙂💚🐱🐱🐱🐱💚🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Ohh, thank you Sam.
      Re the police visit: I wouldn’t have dreamed in a million years that the police going out to someone’s home who’d stopped blogging for a while, would be something the police would do. They’re so stretched at the moment, with everything which is happening in the world in general, that a police officer(s) put on the case of getting a location for my IP address, then tracking me down and paying a visit, …. well, I at first thought it was some sort of scam when the lady police officer turned up at the door. When I realised it wasn’t, I felt awful at being the cause of them spending so much time and effort in finding me and visiting, just because I’d stopped blogging. (I’d rather they spend their time finding criminals and locking them up!).

      Thank you so much for your fur covered hugs … I’m sending bunches of the same type of hugs right back at you.

      Have a great Monday and a fabulous rest of your week. my lovely friend. ~ Cobs. xx

      Liked by 4 people

      1. It’s very good to have you back in the Land Of Blog and I look forward to reading more from you…very intrigued by your mention of a book…!! ( Please tell us more *jumping up and down a little and waving my arms much to the horror of Tooty who obviously thinks I’ve taken leave of my senses…)

        Be well, stay well and have a wonderful day xxx

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I send my love and understanding to Tooty. LOL

          The book …. details will come … eventually. But it has to be fully written and checked a gazillion times, then read by those in the know, before I can share all the dirt. But … a clue …. it’s about the appearance of something which has appeared in my garden, and the things which have occurred because of it.

          And that’s all I’m sharing for now. LOL (But … it’s not a gardening book).

          Aw thanks for coming Sam. I adore seeing you. ~ love, Cobs. xxx

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Welcome back, Cobs! Sounds like you’ve had a few downs in your downtime! I didn’t know you could contact anyone regarding missing bloggers either… I’d never be found if it were me; I don’t blog under my real name and the Mansion has a tendency to vanish when needed!
    It’s good to see you posting again though, there has been a large Cobwebs shaped hole in Blogland for quite a while.
    Looking forward to seeing your creations again (and getting a burst of inspiration from you too!)
    Take care… until next time! 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Hello Tom.
      Yeah, a few downs, but the body is getting a little bit easier to work with, day by day.

      The police … I was astounded when she turned up at the door, and genuinely thought it was some sort of scam! Like you, I don’t blog under my real name either, nor my real DOB – in fact, according to any websites on the interwebby thing, I’m over 100 years old! So the Police actually locating me blew my mind. The time taken to do all the research, and then put an officer on the job of visiting me … flippin’ ‘eck! And all because I was doing nothing. Eeek!!

      Aw thank you so much for you kind comments and welcome back message. It’s lovely to be back.
      As for the large Cobwebs shaped hole … it would have to be a large one for my bottom to fit it. [sniggering]

      Sending much love and a bunch of Tom shaped squidges ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I also meant to say good luck with your book, but typing comments letter by letter (and then correcting the spellchecker errors 😊) on the mobile phone seems to take an age (!) which in turn leads to me forgetting to say what I originally intended!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Aww, I feel your pain Tom. Daughter No.2 likes to use skype for messages and photos etc, and so I have to type back ‘in real time’ and it takes me for blinkin’ ever! And, added to that S.P.E.L.L.C.H.E.C.K.E.R. is a pain in the ahhhsz! It changes words I want to say, and doesn’t do a thing about words I’ve mis-typed by hitting a character with a fingernail.

          Still …. it gives Daughter No.2 a reason to laugh at me (as if she needed any more!) lol

          Thank you for your good luck wishes for writing … I didn’t realise what writing a book involved before I began. Flippin’ ‘eck! Fact checking a gazillion times is a pain in the process!

          Hope your Monday was bright and happy, and that your Tuesday will be even better. I feel the need to tell you to buy a lottery ticket. But that might be a misguided notion. So don’t hold me to any promise that you might win. :o)
          Much love ~ Cobs. x


  3. Dear Cobs: What a delight to see you back!!! We had not forgotten you, rest assured. Like Samantha, I had no idea the local constabulary acted on concerned inquiries about absent bloggers! It certainly sounds as if you’ve been through the wringer, though. So glad to know that you’re okay and getting your mojo back!! I look forward to seeing your creations. 😍😍😍

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hello Gilly!
      Aw it’s so nice to see you.
      Thank you so much for your beautiful words and kind wishes.

      “Been through the wringer” – what a great way to put it. That’s the way it felt too!

      Like you, I had absolutely no idea that the police would act on a non posting blogger, and I still feel so bad about the wasted man/woman time spent on checking up on me, locating me and then sending an officer out to visit me. Heck, I’m not worthy of the petrol used in the police car, let alone all the other stuff! eeeek!

      It’s so lovely to be back, amongst blogging friends like yourself, who I’ve missed ever such a lot. It’s also wonderful to have found my mojo again. It’s part of what makes me tick and I missed it.

      I’ll be heading over to your blog later today. I’m slowly doing the rounds, and trying to catch up with everyone.
      In the meantime, sending you much love and a big bunch of squidges. ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Cobs! What a lovely surprise to receive notification that you have blogged! Goodness, life, and health things surely can put a damper on our creative lifestyle for sure. Praying for a speedy recovery, and looking forward to your next blog and pics of your creative journey! Much love and hugs! XXX

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Hello Cobs. What a delight to see you back. I totally get the losing the mojo thing. Mine did the same for a while. Isn’t it comforting to know that someone cares that much too make sure your OK? We had to do the same thing for our Mum years ago as no one had heard from her in over 4 days which was strange. Turned out her phone had a fault but it was such a relief to get that call that all was well. Big hugs and look forward to seeing your posts and the adventures of a texture artist and writer! X

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Kim
      Aw thank you for your lovely comment.
      Yes, a disappearing mojo …. phew, it’s a worry!
      So glad that nothing was wrong with your mum, and that it was just a faulty phone line.

      Thank you so much for coming and spending a coffee moment with me. I’m hoping to get around everyone’s blogs over the next few days – so if I haven’t got to you yet, I’m on my way!
      Sending love ~ Cobs. x

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I rarely comment, but it’s such a treat to see you back. Looking forward to seeing your textile art and hearing more. I had no idea the police could or would do that sort of check up, worth remembering if I ever need to check up on someone x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Karen, lovely to ‘meet’ you!
      Re the police: It was a real surprise to me when the police lady told me why she was there. I think I’d rather they saved their time for important searches for missing people – family memberes, children, people with dementia or anyone who’s expressed a desire for their own demise. I felt SO guilty about the police time being wasted on searches and locating me – simply because I hadn’t blogged for a while. I still feel awfully guilty about it now, and still waiting for a bill of many thousands of pounds being sent to me through the post, telling me I had to pay for the whole shebang! eeeek!

      Aw thank you so much for your lovely words, Karen. It’s good to be back.
      Please don’t feel shy about commenting, ever. It’s so lovely to hear (read) your voice and know who I’m chatting to.
      Wishing you a truly blessed rest of your week. Stay safe out there! ~ Cobs. x


  7. There you are my friend! So so so glad all is well although a wee bit banged up, you are here! We have all been so, well, worried that something had happened to put a stop to your writings, which I have missed terribly. My mojo has left the building for quite some time but I think now maybe, with some help of the fall weather and rains, I may be able to get something down on paper.
    I have had my own medical issues as well Cobs, but not blowing out my back and knees. OUCH! My partner Marty suffers from what the call “kissing spine disease” which is when some discs touch in your lower back. Not pleasant and finally after waiting for months and months has now finally started some treatments to see if they can nail the spot and “fix” him. I could go on about myself too but it’s kinda boring stuff. Lets just focus on the now and moving forward from here. 🙂
    Textiles Cobs, sounds very very interesting. I know a gal, Uta Vasina (troll maker extraordinaire) she is making her own fabrics with her artwork now. She is painting and drawing up a storm. Beautiful pieces. She is in California. Crossing fingers she is still safe from those raging fires.
    How is little Hugo? Not so little anymore. I have another Boston terrier named Hope, she was 2 this past Saturday. I lost my ol’ Stan boy two years ago August. I miss that boy every day! He was nearly 15.
    This Covid is really ruining a lot of people’s social lives and depression has hit a lot of them. So sad, the missing out on birthdays, anniversary gatherings etc and just something as simple as a hug, is really taking it’s toll on many. I am a hugger and not being able to hug my friends that I see at the locals shops is really hard. I don’t mind being home, lots to do, but this new normal is NOT normal.
    Any my post is getting to be longer than yours, but I am just so glad you are back! I do hope you are not in too much pain Cobs, chronic pain is bad enough but then adding more to the mix is just not fair.
    big virtual hug to you Cobs and Mr. C and all critters that may be running around your cottage. 🙂
    much love from Victoria, BC

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Sue! Aw it’s lovely to see you.
      Sorry to hear that your own mojo has been on holiday. It’s an awful thing when it happens. You feel (almost) bereft. Having had my mojo leave the country and wander off, I can relate. I hope that your mojo comes home soon and that normal service is resumed!

      I’m so sorry to hear about Marty and his back troubles. That problem he has sounds like a real trial. I hope that they manage to fix things for him and that, after time, he is able to lead a normal life – or as normal as possible. Certainly with a lot less pain, that’s for sure!

      I hope that your own problems are temporary and that whatever it is which ails you, goes away and stays away for good! You don’t need any rubbish in your life. Let’s mentally empty that bin of rubbish, and get rid of it!

      Your friend – Uta Vasina (troll maker extraordinaire) – I’ve come across her trolls (I think) on Pinterest. I remember her name! If it’s the person I’m thinking of, her trolls are FABULOUS! Their faces are so detailed. She has a true talent.

      Hugo is the same baby he always was, and yes, he’s bigger. He’s a big, beautiful boy, and all muscle. But … he’s still very shy. Bless his heart. Oh … and definitely a mommy’s boy! I cannot even go to the loo without him needing to sit outside the door and wait, and if he thinks I’ve been a second too long, he knows how to get that door open and burst in. Nothing is private. Having a shower is fun of another sort. But that’s a story for another time. It will tickle you though. lol.

      Yes, I agree, this Covid 19 pandemic, really is taking it’s toll on some people. It’s heart breaking to see how people have become quite introvert and silent. It’s like looking at someone who’s forgotten how to converse. And with others, as you rightly say, depression and mental illness has become a very big problem to them.

      But the pandemic causes problems that were never problems before. It’s the silliest things. For instance, I never noticed if someone coughed when I was out shopping. But now, everyone notices. I joked with a neighbour a few days ago, that it’s almost more acceptable to break wind than it is to cough, now. And although I was joking, it does have a ring of truth about it.

      I love that one line of your comment – “… this new normal is NOT normal.” SPOT ON! You’ve got that SO right, Sue.

      Aw it’s lovely to see and chat with you again. Thank you for the virtual hugs, and I’m sending a whole bundle of them, through the ether, right now, to you.
      Please take good care of yourself, and stay safe.
      Much love ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Well at least you know how very much you have been missed. You just have no idea how much love you send out in blog land.Of course ‘we ‘know who went looking for you but I’ll never tell. Can’t wait to see all of your new talents and…who knows…maybe I’ll find my mojo again some where out there. I tries looking in the garden but it is too hot out there. Love you dear Cobs..WELCOME BACK

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Beverly!
      How fabulously lovely it is to see you here and be able to chat.
      No, you’re right. I didn’t realise how much I would be missed, and never knew about the love I send out into blog land, for it’s just me being me. Nothing special. I just love people. It’s what I was put on earth to do. Took me a few years to work out what special thing I was put here for, but once I realised, I relaxed into it and just let the love flow.

      You know who it was? Ohhhh do tell! I need to know that they were told that I was fine and groovy, and was only away because of rubbish health problems and some real life stuff. (you’ll have to email me).

      You’ve lost your mojo too? Oh my goodness. There must be some sort of mojo robbing going on. Who’s doing it? If I find out who’s stealing mojo’s, I’ll tie them to a bouncy castle and cut the ropes. That’ll sort em out! (LOL)

      Talents? ME? You must have the wrong person …. or you’re drunk. Nah … you can’t be drunk. You’ve got the wrong person. LOL.

      Love you right back, Mrs. Parkison…. and am sending a whole big tower block of love to you. Each room filled with heaps of love. love. love, and each floor decorated in all the different colours of it. Ah, by the time you’ve got through all that love, you’ll be sick of me! LOLOL.

      It’s good to be back Bev., if only to chat with you.
      Thank you for coming, my lovely friend. ❤ ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Helooooooooooooooo how jolly awfully wonderful to see you back in blogland, you have been missed dreadfully.
    So sorry to hear that you have been under attack from the dreaded ‘Poor Health Ogre’ ….even if some of your trails & tribulations ‘may’ have been self inflicted.
    How dare your crafting mojo abandon you (although to be fair mine has taken a leave of absence!!) I was under the impression your mojo was well & truly welded to your side and at your beck & call ~ just goes to show what I know 🙂
    I have to hang my head in shame and also confess to have been MIA ~ lets make a pack right here & now for the pair of us to return to blogland with many audacious posts, shenanigans and raucous laughter
    Love to you and yours
    Mrs P

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Helloooooooo Mrs. P. and … Hi De Hi! (only people of a certain age, and in the UK will ‘get’ that reference. lol)

      Missed dreadfully? Aw P…. don’t fret. Your aim will improve. You’ll get me in the end so long as you practise. [snigger]

      The Craft Mojo abandonment …. I believe I could have a court case if I chose to pursue it. I too thought it was welded to me – but it must have found a trick to unweld. I’m going to keep a close eye on it in future. Running off! How VERY dare it! (another reference for UK people. lol – I think I’ve watched entirely the wrong programmes through the years, but … boverred? …. whoops, there goes another one!)

      You’ve been MIA too? Well that’s pants. Yes, we should make a pact … we shall return with many audacious posts, shananigans and raucous laughter. (where exactly do I buy these things? Are they available in the UK?)

      HEAPS of love to you and yours, and a big lick up the face from Hugo.
      I’ll be over on your blog within the next few days to catch up on you being MIA. ~ Cobs. xxx


  10. Oh Cobs! I kept watching for a new post from you….I missed them so much! They always added a bright spot to my day! It seems so much has happened since you have been MIA. I’m so sorry you have had such difficulties, but so glad you did not have COIVD! I’m so hoping you stick around for a long while now that you are back! I think these past 6 months have been very trying for everyone. But looking at the bright side, it does allow us to stretch out of our comfort zones and try something new! (I did too!) I am looking forward to seeing those photos and just being able to catch up with you and what you are doing! You definitely have some exciting things going on! Looking forward to hear more about your book! Take care! Watch out for those bed frames that seem to jump up and snag us!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Nancee!
      It’s SO lovely to see you.
      I too am VERY grateful for missing out on Covid. It’s on the list of ‘avoid at all costs’ as far as I’m concerned. From what I read , it can be a bundle of nasty little germs who have a mob mentality and want to cause havoc in your body. I really don’t need more havoc. eeek!

      You’ve tried something new after these last 6 months? OOo… I have to come and visit your blog asap and find out whats new!

      I am absolutely watching out for the bed frames! The nurse told me I should wrap some deep foam sheets around the bed frame to ensure that it never attacks me again. I’m thinking that could be the best idea anyone has come up with! lol

      Thank you so much for coming Nancee, I’ve missed chatting with you. Lovely to catch up a little here. and will continue to catch up over on your blog too!
      Sending much love and a bundle of squidges ~ Cobs. xxx


      1. Awe, thanks Cobs! So much has happened in the last 6 months…I lost my job, sold my home, and moved over 1000 away. I am loving our new location…close to a beach! I am still making cards, but have started something new in the past 30 days….loving it! Love and squidges to you too!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Ohh Flippin’ Heck! Wow Nancee, you have certainly had a time of it so far this year!
          Did you have any warning that your employment was going to come to an end? I hope so, so that you at least had chance to make plans.

          Mind you … selling your house and moving a 1,000 miles away are certainly plans! Why did you move to the place you are now? Do you know people there? Relatives, friends etc.

          I’ve just been over to your blog and have loved all the cards you’ve made – my favourites are the Gnomes cards … and my very most favourite of the Gnome cards is the one where you began to sing;…. “I went to a Garden Party ….” …. and I instantly began singing the song and am still singing it now. You gave me an ear worm! LOL

          I LOVE the something new you’ve started in the last 30 days. Wow those paper beads are amazing! You clever thing! You’ve certainly nailed those down.

          The shell pendant is so delicate looking. So pretty. Well done Nancee.

          I hope that life is becoming a little brighter and lighter, and that you don’t have a problem in finding a new job, right where you are.
          In the meantime …. I’m whispering a prayer for you, and sending you heaps of love and squidges. ~ Cobs. xxx


          1. I had 3 days notice. The new majority owner came to me and told me he was going to cut my compensation by 60%. I told them no, I wouldn’t agree to that. They then wanted me to train someone to do what I did and then they would let me go. I told them no, I would not agree to that, so they let me go. Luckily, the other agency that I worked with (partner agency) wanted me to work with them on a part time basis. I agreed, and due to the work, I could work remotely. I have a sister that lives about 5 miles from me here. I had a sister that lived near me up there, but we don’t like the cold weather. We took advantage of the situation and put our home up for sale. It sold in 2 days. We were very lucky as it was about a week before the pandemic started. We were able to find a home we loved here 3 days after arriving and were in our new home 30 days after leaving Illinois behind. We haven’t looked back. It was an adjustment, but we love it here. We wanted to retire here, so we just moved up our time table. It is a different life style, but we are loving it! Thanks for visiting my blog! I love those gnomes too! I do believe they are my favorite to color! Can’t wait to see what you have been creating!

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Well although I don’t like how they treated you, it’s actually worked out really well, so they kind of did you a favour Nancee. I cannot believe the cheek of them asking you to train someone in your job, after expecting you to take a 60% reduction in your compensation! What a cheek. Could they not see what a slap in the face that was! Flippin’ heck!

              I think you’re incredible and way braver than I would have been in that position. You changed your life completely, sold your home, moved 1000 miles, and within 30 days had found and bought and actually moved into a new home! That’s bravery with wings on!

              Way to go Nancee. I think you’re officially brilliant!
              Sending much love to you ~ Cobs. xxx

              Liked by 1 person

  11. COBS!!! I’m so glad you’re back! I was worried about you too, but it never occurred to me that I could call the police for such a thing. I hope all your aches, pains, bumps and bruises are better, or at least heading in that direction, and that the textile art is just the tip of a new crafty mojo iceberg.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello QWCraft – it’s lovely to see you.
      Hope you are happy and in fine health.

      Thank you for your lovely comment and wishes. Wouldn’t it be groovy if there really was a Crafty Mojo Iceberg!?! I think I’d pay to visit it. Or even …. buy a house there! (although … the heating costs could be rather high!) lol.

      Thanks for coming QWC. Sending good wishes and a bundle of hugs your way ~ Cobs. x


  12. Welcome back Cobs! You’ve certainly been through it. I fell in January — walked right off the end of a walkway with about an 8 inch step down and spent 6 wks unable to use my left arm and feeling incredibly stupid and about six months getting the use of that arm back — so I can commiserate. So excited to hear you’ve finally found your way to textile art — looking forward to seeing your work. Good luck with the book.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Esp. it’s fabulous to see you.
      Oh My Goodness! You’ve had a right ol’ time, haven’t you! That wasn’t just a fall, it was a crash course in how 8 inches can change your life, and not for the better.

      How is your arm now? Do you have full movement and feeling in it?

      As for feeling stupid – ah, haven’t we all done the odd stupid thing every now and again? You’re not alone. You’re amongst very good company.

      Thank you for your good wishes. I’m trying to get my photos sorted out and as soon as I have some good ones, I shall share. I’m really enjoying the textile art – although I have to pace myself. But it’s truly brilliant and I love it.

      Thank you so much for coming Esp. Please take very good care of yourself.
      Sending much love and a huge bundle of squidges ~ Cobs. xxx


  13. So glad to see you your back in blogland. Twasn’t me that called the cops on you but pleased to hear your ok. I reckon all our Mojo’s heard the covid news and all decided to go away together and stay in one big family bubble. Talk about deserting a sinking ship though. If mine ever puts in a re appearance it will be doing time and a half cleaning the loo with a tooth brush! Not been in the best of health myself but thank goodness for having the garden to retreat into when the tough got going. Or should that be when the going got tough. Well you get the drift. Looking forward to seeing your projects. Hugs Mrs A.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello ValeryAnne.
      Aw your mojo disappeared too! Yes, I think you’re right.. they were all obviously family mojo bubbling together, somewhere secret.

      Awww.. the cleaning the loo with a toothbrush – that’s harsh, but fair I think. lol

      Sorry to hear your health has been letting the side down too. I hope that things improve and that you’re back on top of it soon, instead of ‘it’ being on top of you.
      Sending much love your way, and putting in a whispered prayer about your health.
      Stay safe out there. ~ Cobs. xxx


  14. Welcome back, so relieved that you are OK, I did miss you (and worry about you!) but I didn’t contact the police. So looking forward to seeing your textile work. x x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Mrs.Craft! Aww, missed you too.
      I’ve just been over to your blog gazing at your goodies … red currants, white currants (I have no idea what you do with them but they sound delicious), gooseberries, raspberries …. aww, I’m feeling like I need a large loaf of unsliced bread from the local bakery, some butter, and a pot of jam. I’ll get the loaf and butter, you lay out your pots of jam so we can do a taste test to see which one we like best. (probably all of them if I know anything about your makes).

      I still recall the taste of your chutney! Oh my goodness – it’s the BEST chutney we’ve ever tasted. Loved it.

      Photographs of the textile arty things I’ve made are now waiting to be loaded onto ‘puter, so hopefully, a post will be on it’s way very soon!

      In the meantime … sending lots of love and a bunch of squidges ~ Cobs. xxx


      1. Thank you, we do love chutney and jam here. I’m trying to preserve what I can before my next chemotherapy starts (hopefully next week) as I’ll be on the strong stuff. I’m making the most of being useful whilst I still am! I also have very impatient children who are demanding raspberry jam so looks like that’s on my agenda. Fresh baked bread and butter would definitely work well with my jams! Maybe scones too? x x

        Liked by 1 person

          1. I was diagnosed with Hodgkins lymphoma last October, had 6 months of chemo that looked like it was working then my 6 week scan after treatment showed it was back, treatment 2 failed so treatment 3 starts shortly, some super strong chemo that I’m hoping will kick the big C’s butt. Scary times, crafy keeps me going! I hope you’re feeling much better, sounds like you needed some time to look after yourself x x

            Liked by 1 person

            1. I’ve just found the post, when you share your diagnoses and cried as I read.
              I will be praying for you, and asking for healing angles to surround you and care for you.

              I ask myself why there are SO many bad people in this world, who get away with the most horrific crimes, and go unpunished, or, if punished by being put in jail, live the most luxurious, fully catered, free health care, free dental care, TV, computers, telephones – you name it, they get it. But … there are people like you, truly beautiful souls, who are put through turmoils like this disease, who have done nothing to deserve this.

              Please know that I send my love to you, and will pray continually for you, my beautiful blogging friend. Stay positive.
              all my love ~ Cobs. xxx


  15. Glad that you have made it through all of that chaos and catastrophy and what a wonderful thought that one of your friendly readers thought enough of you to check up on your when you “disappeared”.
    The new projects sound exciting and I look forward to seeing them when you are ready.
    All the best,
    John Bloodworth, Gentleman Crafter.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello John! Lovely to see you.
      Yes, wasn’t it wonderful that someone cared so much that they went to all that trouble to get some information to learn how I was! I was really taken aback by it, and humbled.

      It wasn’t a good time, both physically and mentally – but I don’t need to explain any of that to you, for you know how it can happen sometimes.

      Aw, it’s so lovely to see you – I miss seeing you on screen. But times change and we move on. Your blog is looking fabulous, and I love the 30 Days of Cardmaking! All the cards have such wonderful sentiments, and everyone of them whispered to my soul. I ‘felt’ them all.

      Thank you so much for coming John, and for the truly lovely comment. It means a great deal.
      Sending love and squidges ~ Cobs. xxx


  16. Welcome back! I’m very happy to see you here and glad that your nerves have stopped playing games with you. Looking forward to the textile art and more posts from the crafty one. Sending virtual hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Cobs you are back!!! Yay, I have missed you so much (no it wasn’t me who called the police but I will confess to checking your blog a few times in case I had missed something). Sorry to hear that you have had so many medical problems that has squashed your mojo but I am so excited to see what new textile projects you are cooking up. Hxx

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Oh my gosh! I can’t believe the police came looking for you! It is a heart warming to know that someone cares that much. (I care to and when I wondered about you I said a prayer for you. That’s what I do when my blogging friends go MIA) It also reinforces my husbands request that I make sure he knows how to access my blog, in case I die, so he can let my readers know.
    So happy to hear that you are crafting again and have started your book. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Ruth. ❤
      I still can't believe that someone felt I was so 'special' that they went to all that trouble …. and then the Police actually came to check up on me. I'm still 50% in awe and 50% feeling guilty that the police spent all that time on me and goodness knows how much money must have been involved! Flippin' heck – I'm not worthy of any of that.

      I'm so happy to be back and re-connecting with people.
      Sending much love to you Ruth. Have a blessed rest of your day! ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I am not surprised at all that someone was that concerned about you. WP is a wonderful blogging community where friendships are formed between people who would otherwise never know each other. Even though I hadn’t been following your blog very long I did notice your absence and wondered about you several times. There are a few other bloggers who have gone MIA and are added to my prayer list.
        I hope your day is filled with blessings as well My Friend. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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