Say Goodnight, Not Goodbye . . .

Sundays are a kind of big deal in the UK, not to all, but to most people.  It’s a day that families all come together and gather around the table to eat Sunday Lunch, or Dinner – depending on what time they choose to eat this main meal of the day.

It always (normally) consists of a roasted joint of meat, or maybe a chicken, with an assortment of vegetables and other yummy bits and pieces, with lashings of gravy.

However, today, there will be 22 people missing from their families, for these people had their lives ended, without warning, last week, on Monday 22nd May 2017, and it’s the families of these people who I am thinking of today, and sending prayers, heaven bound, for them to be helped to come to terms with their loss.

I know the pain;  the anguish;  the turmoil;  the disbelief … and oh so many other feelings which invade your heart, mind, body and soul as you try to understand what’s happened.  Try to tell yourself to WAKE UP.  WAKE UP!  YOU’RE DREAMING.  Eventually the realisation dawns and you find that it’s not a dream.

For the families and friends of the following people who were there, then gone in a moment,  I wanted to honour their loved ones they lost that night, by sharing a truly beautiful song, written by Beth Nielsen Chapman, and sharing the names of the people who’s lives were ended by a form of  ‘madness’.

  • Megan Hurley,  aged 15,  of Liverpool, England UK
  • Elaine McIver,  aged 43,  of Cheshire, England UK
  • Courtney Boyle, aged 19,  of Gateshead, England UK
  • Philip Tron,  aged 32,  of Gateshead, England UK
  • Wendy Fawell,  aged 50,  of Otley, Leeds, England UK
  • Eilidh MacLeod,  aged 14,  from the Isle of Barra, The Hebrides, Scotland UK.
  • Chloe Rutherford,  aged 17,  of South Shields, England UK
  • Liam Curry,  aged 19,  of South Shields, England UK
  • Sorrell Leczkowski,  aged 14,  of Leeds,  England UK
  • Michelle Kiss,  aged 45, of Blackburn, Lancashire, England UK
  • Jane Tweddle-Taylor,  aged 51,  of Blackpool, England UK
  • Nell Jones,  aged 14,  of Goostrey, Cheshire, England UK
  • Martyn Hett,  aged 29,  of Stockport,  Greater Manchester, England, UK
  • Angelika Klis,  aged 40,  of Poland, Europe
  • Marcin Klis,  aged 42,  of Poland, Europe.
  • Olivia Campbell,  aged 15,  of Bury, Greater Manchester/Lancashire, England UK
  • Alison Howe,  aged 44,  of Royton, Greater Manchester, England UK
  • Lisa Lees,  aged 43,  of Royton, Greater Manchester, England UK
  • Kelly Brewster,  aged 32,  of Sheffield, England UK
  • Saffie Rose Roussos,  aged 8 years old,  of Tarleton, Lancashire.  England UK
  • Georgina Callander,  aged 18,  of Whittle-le-Woods, Lancashire. England UK
  • John Atkinson,  aged 26,  of Radcliffe, Manchester. England UK

(the lyrics to this song are below the video window)


In honour 22.5.2017 Beth Nielson Chapman


May the families of those lost be surrounded by love, and may not too many Sundays pass before they eventually forget to remember that there is one less plate.  They will never forget who they’ve lost, nor how, but may the pain ease, little by little,  and over-time may they eventually stop having to remember to breathe, and instead just breathe, until one day they are able to fill up their lungs with air once again. 

My love to them, and to you.  Thank you for coming.  May your God go with you.  ~ Cobs. x


Author: The Art of Cobwebs - aka:- thecobweboriumemporium

Hello. I'm 'Cobwebs'. I live in a wee little cottage in the South of England, aptly called Cobweb Cottage. This little dwelling really is a cobweb factory. Not inside (well, occasionally) - but outside - flipping heck! This information should give you a clue as to why my blog is called The Art of Cobwebs aka: The Cobweborium Emporium. I've been arty and crafty from a very young age, and although my crafts have sometimes turned a corner and taken me in another direction, I've always crafted in some way, shape or form. One day, in the blink of an eye, life changed somewhat for me and the consequences were many. I had to find a new way of being 'artistic'. Card making; scrap-booking; producing ATC's and ACEO's; needle felting; Polymer clay; painting- but in a more relaxed style than I had before, and sewing, - are all things which I visit, as and when life allows. I've fairy recently become a Textile Artist and am enjoying this new creative outlet very much as it offers me so much scope for letting my imagination run through a grassy field and feel the wind in my hair - (mentally, of course). I love to create. To make things. I truthfully believe that the best gifts in the world are those in which you've given your time, rather than your cash. Thank you so much for visiting. Please visit my blog (link below) and have a look around. I'm sure you'll find something to enjoy, even if it's only a handful of jokes! (yes, seriously - there really are jokes!) Wishing you a truly blessed rest of your day! ~ Cobs. <3

52 thoughts on “Say Goodnight, Not Goodbye . . .”

  1. Oh sweetheart, what a beautiful post. You said you know the pain, and I don’t know why or how you do, but my heart aches even thinking about such a thing. Love the lyrics here and that you chose to list all of the Angels that Heaven gained this week. Hugs my sweet friend. Even an ocean away doesn’t stop tears from falling when families are enduring such heartbreak.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Jessica.
      Thank you so much for coming, and for leaving such a lovely message of love and support for the families of those taken, in Manchester, England, on Monday 22nd May 2017.
      Bless you.
      With love ~ Cobs. x


  2. Beautiful post. I have been trying to write something to your last post but I am just so dumbstruck by Manchester. I want to express how deep the emotions run but the words do not come. More importantly I want to find the words to let you, your friends and fellow countrymen know that our hearts hurt for all of you. I think of those empty chairs, empty beds of these children at night, the changed futures for all those families and I weep. These are the antics of a spoiled child/adult gone out of control. There is nothing to be gain from such senseless acts. All too often, these acts take us in the wrong direction leading to haterd and misunderstanding of innocent people.
    I am so sorry all of you have to deal with this unimaginable act. My heart goes out to all of you. God Bless you, Cobs, for having the gift of putting words to emotion so well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Morning Scrapper
      Thank you so much for coming and for leaving such a wonderful message of support for the families of those taken on Monday 22nd May, in Manchester.

      I know how words can sometimes escape us when an emotion runs deeply like a river within us. It’s normally those times when I end up in prayer, and having a conversation with God. He can normally help me to relax and then reach inside me to find the source of my emotions and put them into words.

      But … if you read your comment here Morning S., your words didn’t escape you … they were just waiting for the moment you relaxed and out they came.

      Thank you so much for coming, and for leaving your beautiful message of love and support for the families of those who were taken home, in Manchester that night.
      Bless you and your heart.
      Sending you my love ~ Cobs. x

      Liked by 1 person

  3. What a beautifully written post. This whole situation is unbelievably sad, I’ve shed many tears this week too at the world I’ve brought children into. It’s hard to stay focused on the good, but that is what we need to do, and you are one of them. Have a peaceful Sunday x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Mrs.Craft
      Thank you so much for coming for a visit today, and for leaving such a lovely message written with love, supporting the families of the souls who were taken that night.

      It’s true, the situation is so unbelievably distressing and many tears have fallen and are still to fall.
      Just as you say, we must focus on the good. Let love be our ‘weapon’.

      Thank you Mrs.Craft for your message of love.
      May your day be peace filled and may you feel the love in the room when you and your family are all gathered together in one place.
      Bless you.
      with love ~ Cobs. x


    1. Hello Beverly.
      I was thinking about you as I came to the end of writing this post. I knew you would ‘feel’ the words on the page here, because the devastation and grief of your own loss is still with you.

      Thank you for coming and for leaving the lovely message of support.
      Sending my love to you Beverly. ~ Cobs. x

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Lovely poem, thank you for finding it and putting it out there. Such a waste of precious life, and for what. I will never understand, nor do I want to really, understand the mind of these people and how they think that what they are doing is all in the name of a “god”. I really don’t want to get into all that, but I do want to say that my heart goes out to all that have lost a loved one.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Soozy
      It isn’t a poem, I typed up the words to the song you will hear playing in the video above the words. I’ve loved the song for many years and have it on a CD of her songs.

      Thank you for coming Soozy and for taking the time to leave a comment in support of the families left behind who are going through such suffering right now.
      with love ~ Cobs. x


  5. Such a heartfelt and loving tribute, beautiful in so many ways. And such sadness, such sorrow. Each time these senseless acts of evil occur in our world, my heart grows heavier; and my thoughts and prayers fly to the families. Your words spoke for many today, Cobs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello, dearest Aunt Beulah.
      Thank you so much for coming, and for the beautiful words in support of the families affected by this dreadful, tragic loss of lives.

      Thank you, also, for the prayers for them. They very much need all our support, now and in the coming days.

      God Bless you, my friend.
      with love ~ Cobs. x


  6. My prayers are with them and you for remembering them in such a beautiful way, showing the person you are, truly beautiful inside. Loss is never repairable but we have the precious gift of the love we once shared and the memories we will have forever. Big Hugs x

    Liked by 1 person

  7. When words are hard to find, someone finds the words. Thank you for finding the words. All of my thoughts and prayers go out to everyone that suffered the heartbreak wrought by this horrific senseless act.
    May peaceful blessings find everyone today and in the days to come.
    ~ Tami

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello dearest Tami.
      Thank you so very much for coming, and I also thank you for your wonderful words in support of the families of those who lost their lives last Monday. Your prayers will be very welcome to them, and I thank you for them.

      Bless you Tami.
      with love ~ Cobs. x

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Since I learned of the tragedy which beset a city I worked in for many years and a venue I’ve frequented many times, I have been avoiding the news. The pain of others is hard to witness, especially as a parent, and I have limited my knowledge of this events for reasons of self sanity. Your post brought tears to my eyes to see the names and ages of those identified and words can never do justice to the lifetime of sorrow which will fill these families, but your tribute was heartfelt and worthy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Abigailrt
      Thank you so much for coming and sharing your story with me.
      I can understand how you feel unable to follow the background stories behind the people involved in this atrocity.

      Thank you so much for coming, and for leaving a message of support for the families and friends. Support is something they very much need right now, and I know that kind words from people who are unknown to them, can help with both their grieving, and their healing process.

      No one can set them free from the all encompassing pain they are trapped in. So it’s down to us, the people of the world, to help them, with love and with gentle, loving words of kindness, and with prayers.

      Thank you so much for your beautiful comment, and the support which is weaved into the words.
      Bless you.
      with love ~ Cobs. x

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Ruthie.
      Thank you so much for coming, and for the beautiful comment.
      The families of those who lost their lives need all the support available. So here is a way of adding your name to that support, and I thank you for that.

      Bless you.
      with love ~ Cobs. x

      Liked by 1 person

    1. [nods] … I agree Hannah.
      This has made me so very sad this past week.
      But then, it’s made our whole country very sad indeed.
      I’m uplifted though that our people have pulled together with one thought … Love.

      There is no way to peace. Peace IS the way.

      Thank you so much for coming Hannah, and for your beautiful words in support of the families who have lost relatives in this madness.
      with love ~ Cobs. x

      Liked by 1 person

  9. May love, peace and comfort be the lights to help you find your way in this dark time. Many, many hearts have broken along with yours and to those who have lost an angel, we will be your support with our continued prayers. The angels have welcomed your beloved ones into paradise and their suffering has turned to joy. Be blessed, our hearts are with yours.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. lovely message. Such a hard time for so many families. This world grows so violent… or it always was but now the violence has such technology that many are killed where one was before. No matter what it is grim.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Salpal, lovely to see you.
      I agree. Grim is a good word for the world right now.
      But I fear for where it’s heading, if it continues at the pace it’s currently moving at.

      Thank you again for coming, and for your message.
      with love ~ Cobs. x

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Such beautiful words for such an ugly occurrence. If there were more people with words as kind as your own, I believe that such violence would not exist. My love goes out to everyone who was at the concert and to the people of Manchester, it’s sad that it takes something as tragic as this to bring the world closer together. Once again, such a beautiful post xxx

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Lovely to meet you too. I wish we could have met under better circumstances though. I’m new at this whole blogging thing and don’t really know what I am doing. I hope to pick up a few tips and tricks from some lovely blogs like yours -Mas xx 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Aw, don’t fret on it Mas. You’ll learn as you go along. It takes a little while, but if you aim for learning one new thing a week about your blog, or blogging in general, then you’ll be continually moving forward.

          Be yourself. People like you to be you.

          Congratulations on your venture into blogging. There are some really lovely people in blogging land. It might take a little while to get some of them reading your blog, but don’t let that put you off. Anything worth it, has to have a good foundation to begin with.
          Good luck!
          ~ Cobs.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Thank you so much! I can’t wait to learn all about the blogging world and create my own little community on the internet! I know it will take a while to get there but the best part is always the journey, right? -Mas xx 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

  12. Your posts are still not appearing on my Reader. 😶
    Happily I took a peak when my brain remembered to check you out.
    Such a sad week Cobs and it does not end…
    You have written a beautiful tribute. 😇😇😇

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks you Daisies.

      Today I woke to the news of another mindless, violent attack of Londoners and people from other countries on holiday in London.

      I have to admit that all this violence is really taking its toll on me. I’m such a careful, loving, gentle person that this sort of continued violence is just not understandable by me.

      But … I continue to say that our best weapon is love. However I fear that our Governments might feel differently.

      Thank you so much for coming.
      Sending love to you Daisies. ~ Cobs. x

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, ‘girl thats on the pursuit of happiness’.
      The words and the song came from my heart.
      I love my country very much and this rocked my world, and my world has continued to be rocked since then too.

      We really do need to all practise love and forgiveness. It’s the only way we will over-come this thing which is trying to destroy us all.
      Thank you so much for coming. It’s lovel to ‘meet’ you.
      Have a blessed rest of your day my friend ~ Cobs. 🌹

      Liked by 1 person

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