#InkTober2017 – If the Hat fits, Wear It!

Well since we are in the Bewitching Month of Ghosts, Ghouls, and adorable little ones dressed up in their finery …  I thought I’d better get in the mood, so I ‘inked’ a Witches Hat while the Witch was wearing it …. but she’s only allowing you to see her Ruby Red Lips!  She’s clever like that.  Magic!

I made this inking for #InkTober2017 on a Postcard!

I bagged a bargain of over 90 Kanban Postcards for just £3.99 a few weeks ago in a Create and Craft sale.  The postcards came in a selection of 3 different sizes, with sweet little pictures on the address side,  and a simple, decorative background on the other side.

Kanban Postcard Cutie AssortmentSince I like to use postcards quite often in crafting projects, it was a no brainer.  I jumped at the chance of buying them, as they were such a bargain.

They’re rather good quality and very thick, so I knew that they’d take the ink without it bleeding through to the other side.

The Witches hat was first drawn with an ink pen, then I filled in the colour of the hat using black writing ink as I wanted to ensure that the writing I was planning to team with the hat were the exact same colour of black.  The ribbon band on the hat was made using teal coloured Drawing Ink.  (The buckle was added with a fine paint brush, using copper drawing ink)

#InkTober2017 If the Hat Fits 4
#InkTober2017  – If the Hat Fits ….

The Witches Ruby Red Lips were coloured with an Ink Pen in a deep red colour.

I added highlights where the light would naturally hit the hat, using a silver drawing ink, applying it first with a brush and then moved it around with my finger tip.  I’ve taken the next photo with the flash on, so that it really showed up where I’d added the highlights.


#InkTober2017 If the Hat Fits 2
#InkTober2017 – Taken with the flash turned on, so that you could see where I added the highlights.

Once the hat was inked and the lips were in place … I first pencilled out the words (to make sure I got them in the right places), and then inked them.  The highlights on the letters were all done with a Gelly Roll Pen.

Finally …. I dabbled some black ink on my glass mat and added a few drops of water, then picking up a little ink on my brush I spattered some ink over the card.  I then did the same with some copper ink.

Of course … any Witch worth a cauldron, wouldn’t be complete without a Wand!  ….

#InkTober2017 If the Hat Fits 3
#InkTober2017 – The Wand was also made by Cobwebs from The Cobweborium Emporium

The Wand  was one I made a while ago, meaning to put it for sale, but it got packed away when we were moving house and was never sold.  I came across it, along with a couple of others, fairly recently, so thought I’d include it as the Witches Wand to make the whole thing ‘complete’.  All she needed now was her black cat.  Which I have (Alf Capone) … but it’s so difficult to photograph black cats!

Anyhoo …  as I am want to say …  That’s all there was to it!  🙂

Happy Monday!  May your day be blessed with love and may you bless someone else with your own love.





Oh I do like to be Beside the Seaside!

I wanted to send a card to a fellow blogger  – Berverly of More Ink Please –   not for anything in particular,  but ‘just  because’.   I couldn’t share the card until she’d received it as it would have spoiled the surprise.  But, I got an email from her at the end of last week telling me that the parcel of  ‘Happy Mail’  had arrived,  so I can now post details of the card here on the blog.

Because I live by the sea I wanted to send her a card which made her think of the ‘Seaside’,  and that’s why the card itself is all about the seaside.

It has a little Tibetan silver bicycle leaning up against the Beach Huts.

Oh I do Like to be Beside the Seaside 2

And someone is flying a kite ….  which has a tail of ribbons! . . .

Oh I do Like to be Beside the Seaside 3

Two smaller pictures featuring Beach Huts stand proud of the card itself, by being mounted on foam tape. 

The fun,  and colour continue inside with a teeny bit of zentangling and a little bow.

Oh I do Like to be Beside the Seaside 4

The Bunting and sentiment (‘With Love and Best Wishes’) were added to the front,  and a silver metal airplane – ‘flying above’ – was fixed to the card, in the skyline.

Oh I do Like to be Beside the Seaside 5

Finally a little brassy coloured (metal) vintage style post card finished off the front.

And that’s all there was to it!

For those of you who don’t know the song which is the title of this post,  I’ve been and collected a YouTube video…  but if you know the song by heart, there’s nothing to stop you clicking and enjoying.  The song was written in 1907,  and this version was sung in 1909 by a music hall singer called Mark Sheridan.

We have beach huts here where I live, but they’re not quite as fabulous as the ones on the card. . . .

Beach Huts Dorset

However …  a couple of years or so ago a designer (who some of you may have heard of) did a Random Act of Kindness  – but she called it:  a  Random Act of Kidston . . .

CathKidston Beach Hut Dorset 1

…  and she covered some Beach Huts in her fabric designs,   –  she made matching deck chairs,  and put matching bits and bobs in the Beach huts.  It caused quite an impact.  People were coming from miles away to see them.  This following hut is my personal favourite…

CathKidston Beach Hut Dorset

It’s a typical Cath Kidston design and so me.  I love it.

But … if wishes came true …. I think I’d want a Beach Hut like one of the ones on the card I made for Beverly.  There’s something so friendly and smiley about them.

Oh I do Like to be Beside the Seaside 5

Thank you so much for coming and spending some time around the kitchen table and sharing a coffee with me.

Have a truly lovely start to your week.  Be good to yourself, and each other …. and may your God go with you.

Sending love from me in my corner to you in yours ~


P.S.  . . .   Dear Lord  …  hello, it’s me again.  Ummm..  it’s about the weather.  It’s hot.  Very hot.  VERY, VERY HOT indeed.  It’s causing me some problems.  One of which is that I appear to be melting.  I know I can’t be sweating …  because my mom taught me that ladies don’t sweat.  According to my mother,  ladies ‘glow’.   Well …  I’m really glowing here.  REALLY glowing.   So … I’m wondering …  could you please turn the heating down a little bit?  A little biggish bit?  Not just for me but also for my plants, and for my three fur babies.  Alf Capone, Maisie Dotes and My Little Fat Bitch aren’t coping well with this level of hot.  I’ve just taken a look around my living room and down the hallway …. and it looks like a murder scene.  All my four-legged companions are  ‘as if’  dead.  Now if I’m hot and I’ve only got shorts and a t.shirt on,  then these four-legged babies must be SO uncomfortable because they’re all wearing fur coats!

I’d be so grateful if you could turn the heat down.  Thank you.  ~  love ~ Cobs. x

Happy Anniversary!

Well my goodness, it’s been quiet around this blog for the last month, hasn’t it!  I won’t bore you with the details, suffice to say:  Life sometimes gets in the way and it can take up valuable crafting time.  How dare it! 

“What a darn cheek”, I hear you say.   I agreeHow VERY dare it, indeed!

I’ve been trying to fit a little crafting time in, and one of the things which was on the list of ‘To Do’, was an anniversary card for my truly lovely neighbours.  Big M  (aka Mr. Cobs)  learnt that they were going on a fabulous holiday to celebrate their wedding anniversary, so he shared the news with me and of course … I instantly went into ‘must make a card’ mode, and this, dear readers, is what this lovely blog post is about.

I’ll put in as many details as possible in case this card inspires you to make something similar for someone you know.  But if I leave anything out, please feel free to ask in a comment.  Comments are moderated (to delete ‘spam’ before it gets onto the blog) – so your ‘question’ or comment won’t appear on the blog straight away.  But I will reply asap, I promise, cross my heart, hold up my pinky finger and say “Honour Bright”.  (yerrsss….  Shirley Temple was a part of my growing up.  My mother loved the films).

Anyway … let’s get on with it, shall we?

1 Anniversary

The ‘base’ card I used was a 5×5″ ready scored card (by Craftwork Cards), in a beautiful soft biscuit colour, with white polka dots.  I began by cutting half of the front of the card off, diagonally, and then on the reverse of the cut off piece of card, I sprayed it with plain cold water from a very fine mist spray.  I let the water penetrate the card and after a moment or two, I curled the card round a little tube, to give it that lovely curve you see in the photograph above.  If you do this – hold the card there for a moment, to kind of ‘set’ the curve and give it a memory of where you want it to be.  Then set it on one side to dry while you get your papers chosen and cut to size.

For this project I chose papers from Docrafts ‘Papermania’ in their Parisienne Blue range.  The doily is also from this range.  I cut a 12×12 into 6″ squares, then cut one square diagonally, and also cut a doily in the same way.

2 Anniversary

I fixed the triangle of paper and the doily to the curved piece of card first, (you might find this easier to do if you drape the curved card over the edge of your desk and work with it that way),  then fixed a 6×6 sheet of the paper to the card, as shown.

I attached the curve back onto the card again, and using strong red tape, I taped it down to the front of the card. I then punched two holes through the curved piece of card, and the card front (now attached, beneath it) and then ensured the curve stayed exactly where I wanted it to be by using a tie of thin organza ribbon through the punched holes.

My attention then turned to the back, and I made a card stand for the back, so that the wallet card would stand up when it was finished.  (Imagine a school photograph, which has one of those stiff fold out bits on the reverse, enabling you to stand the photo up without a frame.  The card stands I make are the same sort of thing).  I then finally fixed the ‘loose’ front in place, along the inner bottom, thereby creating a wallet style card.

I added some metal, vintage style corners in place, using some strong glue and my craft clamps.  (Bought some time ago from The Range for next to nothing.  I HIGHLY recommend them!)

Corners fixed in place and not moving, ….  then came the fun stuff!

3 AnniversaryThe Roses came from my stash.  I buy flowers anywhere I find them.  If I see flowers which I know would work perfectly on cards (or albums etc), I buy them straight away.  Finding the right flowers when you need them can be a task and a half sometimes, so I try to have a selection already in the craft room so that I have them when I need them.

The roses I chose for this card are a kind of delicate to touch, silky flowers and I fell in love with them because of their softly folded petals and the way they curled at the edges.   I tucked them into the curve of the card and added silky green leaves wherever I thought they were needed.

I made a big bow using some wide, pretty blue Organza and added a satin ribbon from the Parisienne Blue range on top, to layer,  and also tie the biscuity colour of the card into the ribbons, and finally, I added a large rose to the centre of the ribbons and fixed it in place.

4 Anniversary

Next came the tags which I wanted to tuck into the pocket.  I used some beautiful royalty free images and also stamped a ‘post card’  onto some card, then vintaged it up using a warm brown ink pad and duster brush.

5 Anniversary

All around the edges of the tags I kind of sprinkly, embossed some very fine, golden embossing powder to give them a bit of pizzazz The stamped message that you can just about see on the tag behind the postcard above reads: 

1. A legal commitment to live as
husband and wife
2. Wedlock
3. A close and intimate association
4. A pledge.

Which kind of sums it all up in a few words, doesn’t it?.  I loved it!  It was perfect for this tag.

And finally …  this card would never have fit into a regular envelope, so I made it a matching box, which I lined with contrasting papers from the same Papermania Parisienne Blue range

6 Anniversary

The card was ready and waiting for my neighbours when they came home from their holiday.

Thank you so much for coming and spending some time with me.  I’m sorry that it’s been a bit quiet around here, Thank you to those of you who so kindly kept me in your prayers and sent me messages.  You touched my heart in so many ways and kept me plodding along.  Thank you.  I want to say I love you, for it.  And I do – but not in a creepy way you understand!    . . . aw, you know what I mean.  (chuckling to myself here).

Have a truly blessed rest of your day.  I hope your weekend is fabulous and that the sun shines warm upon your face  …. just not so hot that it melts you though!

Heaps of love and squishy stuff …

Cobs siggy sml

Life is a Journey .. not a Destination. ~ A vintage style handmade card


Life is a Journey, not a Destination.
Life is a Journey, not a Destination.

This post is dedicated to Stacey, a fellow blogger on WordPress, who came up with a brilliant idea of promoting other crafting blogs in posts.  Stacey very kindly mentioned my blog (with a link) and other crafters blogs that I hadn’t seen before which was enough to tell me that I too should take up her idea and promote crafters blogs on my own blog here. 

So, since Stacey came up with the idea, I am firstly promoting her blog (link below) and dedicating this post  – and this card  –  to Stacey. 

Stacey’s blog can be found here:  http://staceyscorner.wordpress.com/2014/06/01/share-sunday/  ~ go and take a look and maybe even click to follow her.

To Stacey,   a dedicated blog post and card,  for an amazing idea!  ~ from Cobs.

. . .  join me on a journey through this card  . . .
. . . join me on a journey through this card . . .


Every few days/weeks  … now and againI’ll make what I call a ‘labour intensive’ card.  One of those cards which takes more time than the regular cards you’ve so far seen me post here.  This card – ‘Life is a Journey, not a Destination’, is one of those cards.

It’s not that these types of cards are difficult, they just take a little more thinking and working out so that you end up with the ‘feel’ that you started out knowing you wanted.  This particular card was inspired by a piece of wall art which I have hung in my bedroom, facing my bed.  It’s an iron framed rectangle with a piece of calico strung in the centre and printed on the calico are the words Life is a Journey, not a Destination, and that’s what gave me the theme for the card.

I wanted the card to have a vintage style, with a slightly ‘steampunkery’ feel to it – but at the same time I knew I wanted it to carry a message,  and wanted the message to be read as either literal or spiritual, depending on who the card ended up with, and the circumstances they were in within their life, at that time.  And ... I think I’ve managed it.

This card could be for someone who’s:-  moving house;  going on a cruise or going abroad;  it could be a simple regular birthday card (for either a man or a woman);  it could be for someone who’s starting a new job;  or perhaps for a person who needs some encouragement;  maybe some tests soon?;  or … it could be given to someone who is going through some sort of personal challenge or challenging time, and this card would be a gentle, loving way of saying that they’re going to get through this time and move on to a better place or time.

I’ll give you a list of everything I used to make this card at the end of the post, because I don’t want anyone to look at the list and think that they couldn’t make a card like this.  I might have different stash to you, and I might have different cardstock; dies; ink pads; glues etc etc … but I’m pretty sure you will have things in your stash that you could use to pull a card like this or similar together.  Just because the list of stuff I’ve used might look long – please don’t be put off.  If you want to make something like this, go and look at your stash.  You’d be surprised what you can use in order to make your own style of card.

For now .. I’ll just give you different photos of the card so that you can see things closer up….

Up up and away!  . . .

Life is a Journey not a destination 2

(working)  compass  to help you keep you going in the right direction . . .


Life is a Journey, not a destination 3


Time passes quickly, –  so some gentle encouragement to enjoy the beauty of every moment.


Life is a Journey not a destination 4


As followers and readers of my blog know  …  I LOVE to put surprises inside all the cards I make.  I feel that the inside of a card is just so wasted and such a let down when you open a birthday/Christmas or any other time card, and find a big white space with a little bit of writing. 

I like cards to be beautiful inside and out and surprise the receiver when they open their card! . . . 


Life is a Journey not a destination 5

Oooo…  I wonder what the magnifying glass is for?!   ;D 

Life is a Journey not a destination 6

OOhh .. another surprise!   ..  now we have a lucky wish star and a ticket which gives me ‘entitlement’ to one wish!    But .. what the devil is that magnifying glass for???

Life is a Journey not a destination 6a


Ah haaaa!  . . .   It’s so you can read the page from the dictionary/thesaurus!  Ok .. one mystery solved,  . . .   but  … what’s that pink ticket by the end of the handle?


Life is a Journey not a destination 8


Ah haaaa!  . . .  mystery number two solved!  (Just call me Sherlock.  lol)

Life is a Journey not a destination 7

Oh, and by the way  … the postcard inside . . .  is for you to write your message on, for the person you’re sending the card to!  See?  It all makes sense!

Life is a Journey not a destination 9

And that  . . . (photo above)  . . .   is the just finished card, stood on a glass cutting mat, on my desk …  and that’s all my  mess  important, essential, fabulous, well organised   {cough}  equipment and tools behind the card.  (I’ll clean it up properly at some point, so that I can take a photograph of my craft room and share it.)


The Recipe for this cardI used:

  • Sheena Douglass – Little Bit Sketchy – Magnifying glass stamp.
  • Papermania Acetate (for the ‘window’ of the magnifying glass)
  • Papermania Black Embossing Powder
  • Stazon ‘Saddle Brown’ ink pad
  •      ”       ‘Jet Black’ ink pad
  • Memento Dye Ink Pad in ‘Desert Sand’
  •      ”               ”            ”     in ‘Rich Cocoa”
  • Xcut Build-a-Scene Dies – Vintage Hot Air Balloon
  • Heartfelt Creations 12×12 pad – which I used some of the images from.
  • Spellbinders ‘Once upon a Time’ Die
  • Tattered Lace ‘Postcards’ Die set
  • Heartfelt Creations ‘Time Sentiments’ stamp
  •         ”               ”          ‘Journey Sentiments’ stamp
  • Pinflair Gentle Blends – in Denim colour
  •       ”            ”            ”      –  in Dark Khaki colour
  • Graph It Glitter Ink Pen
  • Compass – was in a pack of 4 I bought a while ago, from the children’s section of either Asda or Tesco.
  • Dictionary page was cut from an old Dictionary/Thesaurus which was no longer used.
  • Cardstock used:
  • Warm Chocolate Brown 300gsm
  • Plain Black 270gsm
  • Orange – was scrap from my scrap draw
  • White – 270gsm
  • Kraft Card – 300gsm
  • Extras:
  • 2 x short lengths of silver-grey Rayon Seam Binding.
  • Grey and white Bakers Twine
  • 3 x fuzzy, funky fibre, Eyelash Knitting Yarn/Wool –  1 x length of warm brown.  1 x  length of jet black.  1 x length of a blues and purples mix.
  • One tiny metal vintage looking Postcard embellishment.

And that’s all there is to it!  😀

Aw, please don’t be daunted by the apparently long list of ingredients for this recipe.   I’ve named almost everything I used here just to be helpful to anyone who wants to know where I got a particular thing, or the make of the papers or dies etc,  (named everything apart from glue .. but if you need to know:  I used Collall All Purpose, Anita’s Tacky Glue, hot glue, and Double Sided Tape) – but I bet you use tons of stuff when you craft a card and you don’t even notice what you’re using anymore.  It’s just all  … ‘stuff’ … which is treasured and loved,  and there because you use it!

Thank you so much for coming to read.  I hope you like the card!  Oh … and don’t forget to visit Stacey’s blog!

Please have a look around my blog here and check out the different categories.  There’s a list of them all in the column over to the right, – you’ll find the list of categories towards the top of that column.

Have a truly beautiful rest of your day!  ~

Cobs siggy sml