Freshly picked Goblin Snot … and other fine produce from the Land of the Fae!

GOBLIN SNOT!  Freshly picked!

Oh yes.  you read it right.  What you’re looking at really is Goblin Snot!

Now that I have your full attention,  😀  I would like to introduce you to a few items of produce and products that can be found in the Land of the Fae  (Fairies) – but only if you’re observant; careful; quick; ready with your collecting jar, …  and . . .  only if you truly, TRULY believe.

And,  of course,  you need to know what you’re looking for.  

Freshly Picked Goblin Snot etc. boxes
a handful of ‘products’ available in and from the Land of the Fae (Fairies)

Amongst many other things, you can find:

  • Kisses of Mushrooms. 
  • Thumbelina Thimbles
  • Freshly Picked Goblin Snot
  • Wild Harvested Gnome Whiskers
  • Organic Dragon Soot.

Let’s deal with the Freshly Picked Goblin Snot first, shall we?  . . .

Freshly Picked 100% pure Goblin Snot

Now fresh Goblin Snot is a rare find indeed.  One has to be as quick as flash, as sly as a fox and as clever as an owl.  You have to sit about, in long grass, being very, very quiet, for  quite a long time, waiting . . . waiting  . . .  w.a.i.t.i.n.g.  … until – – –  you hear that distinctive rustle of little chubby Goblin feet, accompanied by the  sound of …. “ah, ah AHhhhh…. CHOOOO!”  (followed by a lot of snorting, sniffing and grunting).

Now it’s exactly one second before the  “CHOOOO!” part of the sneeze that you have to be super fast and get your snot collecting jar in place and ready to catch the desired, much prized, JUICE!

100% pureGoblin Snot

If you’re really lucky your JUICE might even contain ‘things’ which you might not recognise, but they’ll be the sniffed up ‘stuff’ such as pollen, leaves, grass, and all sorts of oddities from the woodland carpet of Fairy Land.

Now you’re probably asking yourself why anyone would want to collect Goblin Snot, and the answer is as wild as you might expect.  You see … Goblin Snot is magical stuff.  A tiny amount, onto the tip of your finger, will open ANY door.  If you wanted to go and see inside Buckingham Palace, then Goblin Snot would open not only the big gates at the front, but it would also open all of the locked doors you need to get through in order to go and see the Queen herself.  Or perhaps you’d like to get into The Whitehouse, or how about going midnight shopping in Tiffany’s?

Well if midnight shopping in Tiffany’s or a bank vault is your pleasure, then you’ll also need ….  Organic Dragon Soot.

Dragon Soot
Organic, Wild Harvested, Dragon Soot!

Finding Organic Dragon Soot is indeed a moment of pure magic in itself.  It’s so easy to miss it.  I mean to say ….  would you notice extra-fine soot on the floor of a Woodland area?  Probably not.  So to come across it and manage to collect it up before it magically disappears is a real stroke of good luck!

Organic Dragon Soot

Why would you need Organic Dragon Soot from Fairy Land?  Well . . . 

  • One tiny pinch of Organic Dragon Soot sprinkled over your head, will turn you invisible for precisely one hour.  Not a minute less, not a minute more.  One Hour!  Think of all the things you could do in an hour, if you were invisible.  [GASP!]  Oh, you little rascal!  I can see your mind working from here!  FORT KNOX?  Good grief, you think BIG!  Well, if you bagged yourself some Fresh Goblin Snot to open the doors, whilst invisible from using the Dragon Soot, I guess that even Fort Knox wouldn’t be that much of a challenge!

Organic Wild Harvested Gnome Whiskers

Next on our shopping list is . . .  Wild Harvested Gnome Whiskers.

Now these are a tricky one to obtain, for you first have to find your Wild Gnome.  A Wild Gnomes whiskers are stiff and prickly.  They’re not the soft, white, fluffy, cloud-like whiskers you see on Garden Gnomes.  Wild Gnomes are protectors.  They protect the perimeters of their particular area in Fairy Land.  These particular Wild Harvested Gnome Whiskers were carefully and quietly collected from a Wild Gnome who was taking a warm afternoons snooze, lent against a tree in Freckled Mushroom Wood and snoring his head off.

With the help of some Dragon Soot to make me invisible, I crept up and with my manicure scissors, I snipped a few of his whiskers and popped them into a collecting jar.

Wild harvested Gnome Whiskers

Wild Gnome Whiskers are a great addition to your potions closet because:

  • They offer protection – much like putting on a suit of armour.  All you have to do is crush and grind the whiskers using a Pestle and Mortar.  Once all powdered down, you then add one tiny pinch of powdered Acorn Cup, and one Fairy Spoon of mashed Mushroom Cap from the wood where you gathered your Gnome Whiskers.  Mix it till you have a paste, and then put a tiny dab onto the middle finger of your right hand.  You will, within minutes have an invisible suit of armour.  You could be a Super Hero …. but beware … you won’t be able to fly!  (After all …. you’re not a Fairy and you don’t have Fairy Wings!)

Next on this Fairy Shopping List are ….  Thumbelina Thimbles.

Thumbelina Thimbles and a Kiss of Mushrooms


You’ve no doubt heard the story of Thumbelina and how she was very tiny.  Well in Fairy Land, Thimbles are highly prized.  They aren’t just used for protecting your fingers when sewing, but they are a symbol of affection.  They are the Fairy equivalent of a Kiss.

Peter Pan, when Wendy Darling said she would give him a kiss, held out his hand to receive this gift.  He thought ‘a kiss’ was the thimble which Wendy had in her hand.  Wendy gave him the thimble, and from that moment on, thimbles became ‘kisses’ in the Land of the Fae.

Why would you need Thumbelina Thimbles?  Well …. they don’t offer you anything other than  the magic of love and affection.  They bring warmth into your life and a warm smile to your face when you look at them.  Just holding a tube of them in your hand can give you a warm feeling deep inside.  Right in the middle of your body.

Thumbelina Thimbles and a full size Fairy Kiss

Thumbelina’s Thimbles are made especially for Fairies (and of course for Thumbelina herself) by the Head of the Sewing Department, in Fairy Land.

I’m very privileged to know his name.  Come closer …. I shall whisper it to you ….  The Head of the Sewing Department in Fairy Land is Fineous Wizzigig.  But shhh… don’t tell anyone because it’s a secret – shared only between you and I!

If you look carefully in a Fairy Wood where you live (if you can find one) you might just find some Thumbelina Thimbles.  They are left by the young, giggly little Fairies, for the human folks to find.  It’s their way of passing on a kiss, from one realm to another.

And finally . . .  you’ve seen in some of the photographs here, a ‘Kiss of Mushrooms‘.  Another gift from Fairy Land, for Humans to find.

GoblinSnot-KissOfMushrooms GnomeWhiskers-DragonSoot ThumbelinaThimbles

A Kiss of Mushrooms is something that the Fairies hope you will keep, for the spotted mushrooms are a bringer of love and luck.

I found this one last week and have mounted this Kiss of Mushrooms on a wooden block, painted red, and there it will live for ever more.  A very lucky find, indeed!

❤  ❤  ❤

Thank you so much for coming and sharing these wonderments found in my little bag, after a mid afternoon trip to Freckled Mushroom Wood.  There was no need today for my Fairy Net, for I captured things that needed no net – but I always take it with me – just in case.  Who knows when I’m going to need it!

I hope your Monday began with a stretch and a yawn, and that from there it just got better and better.  If it didn’t…  leave any troubles at the door (outside the door) and allow nature to take care of your Monday troubles.  Tomorrow is another day.  A gift, for you to choose how you want to spend it.  Grumpy, cross, annoyed.  Or …. happy, smiling and with love in your heart.

Have a wonderful tomorrow my friends.

Sig coffee copy

Please note The stories, tales and narrative, and tales of fantasy and fable were written by me and belong to me.  Therefore copyright begins here.  Cobwebs.  23/7/2018








Author: The Art of Cobwebs - aka:- thecobweboriumemporium

Hello. I'm 'Cobwebs'. I live in a wee little cottage in the South of England, aptly called Cobweb Cottage. This little dwelling really is a cobweb factory. Not inside (well, occasionally) - but outside - flipping heck! This information should give you a clue as to why my blog is called The Art of Cobwebs aka: The Cobweborium Emporium. I've been arty and crafty from a very young age, and although my crafts have sometimes turned a corner and taken me in another direction, I've always crafted in some way, shape or form. One day, in the blink of an eye, life changed somewhat for me and the consequences were many. I had to find a new way of being 'artistic'. Card making; scrap-booking; producing ATC's and ACEO's; needle felting; Polymer clay; painting- but in a more relaxed style than I had before, and sewing, - are all things which I visit, as and when life allows. I've fairy recently become a Textile Artist and am enjoying this new creative outlet very much as it offers me so much scope for letting my imagination run through a grassy field and feel the wind in my hair - (mentally, of course). I love to create. To make things. I truthfully believe that the best gifts in the world are those in which you've given your time, rather than your cash. Thank you so much for visiting. Please visit my blog (link below) and have a look around. I'm sure you'll find something to enjoy, even if it's only a handful of jokes! (yes, seriously - there really are jokes!) Wishing you a truly blessed rest of your day! ~ Cobs. <3

51 thoughts on “Freshly picked Goblin Snot … and other fine produce from the Land of the Fae!”

  1. Cob, You have the most wonderful imagination .You really need to write a book. I can’t say I’m into goblin snot ,maybe dragon soot possibly even gnome wiskers but love the drippy wax seal on the the little tiny bottles.Now I am all for the thimbles and the kiss mushroom, I do love mushrooms but don’t take the chance to harvest them myself. I did attempt to grow some a while back but they didn’t .
    I can certainly see why Mr. Cob might give you a strange look out of the corner of his eye.. but shoot….have fun while you can. is short and getting shorter every day.. .like me. I think I was short to begin with and getting shorter every day seems to be the norm . I really need to rearrange some things so they are easier to reach without a stool. Maybe a toadstool is called for or a large mushroom. No…Babe would take a bite out of it and get sick. I hate cleaning up after a sick dog. ugh!
    Keep up the fun….love you much. xoxo

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello beautiful Beverly! 🙂
      I’m absolutely tickled pink that you enjoyed looking at these little bottles of magical potion elements. 😉

      The Goblin Snot … well there’s definitely a place for it, but … it’s absolutely one of those ‘not to everyone’s taste’ things going on with it. LOL.

      I wish I was better at taking photo’s because when you see that Goblin Snot – all stuck to the side of the bottle and dripping down to the base (inside), you can see all sorts of things in it, which would give your puzzler plenty to wonder over. ewwww! LOL

      The Gnome Whiskers – ah, now those are something I can see you liking. Safely inside a sealed, antiquey bottle. Those would definitely bring a smile to your face each time you looked at them. Just the thought of the snoozing, snoring Wild Gnome, sleeping his lunch off, lent against a big ol’ tree and snoring loudly. Then, creeping up, silently, comes Cobs . . . manicure scissors in hand … reaches in (holding her breath) and … snip … snip … snip. Whiskers Gathered, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! 😀 😀 😀

      I’m TOTALLY with you regarding the collecting of your own mushrooms. It’s a dangerous hobby unless you know exactly what you’re doing. Nope.. with you. I wouldn’t do it either.
      (But Fairy Mushrooms – ah, now I’m an expert at those – so that’s ok for me to do – with care, obviously!)

      In one way you’re right, life is ‘short’ … or is that ‘fleeting’?
      The older you get, the faster days go by and the quicker the hands on the clock seem to move.

      Of course, it’s not happening like that, but I think we come to a point in our lives where we realise that we’ve wasted time that we thought we had plenty of, and perhaps we’d (secretly – maybe?) like to go back and this time spend our time wisely. Make more memories. Ensure we document those memories so that as our memory lets us down, we will have our records which will allow our rememberers to remember *that* time all over again.

      I think there are certain things that stick with us as things we’d like to experience again. For me, I’d love to experience the moment my Father made his speech at Mr.Cobs and my wedding. I’d never seen my Father be nervous before, and I wanted to reach and hold his hand, but didn’t because I thought it might put him off his speech. I’d love to do that time again, and this time reach out and hold my fathers hand.

      I’d also like to make more memories with my daughters when they were growing up. And document the memories we did make. More photos, and more receipts, tickets, ‘stuff’ that I’d have kept and put into a box or book/album(s).
      There is an Abba song which sums up this lost time feeling so well and makes me cry every single time I hear it. (I’ll go and look for it, and if I can find it with the words, so you can read them as they’re being sung, I’ll add the link at the end of this comment). It’s called ‘Slipping through my Fingers’. A beautiful, touching song.

      YES to re-arranging things so that you don’t need to be climbing up and down on a stool. I’m all for making life easier regarding things like this. Get the family involved in helping you. Make a Saturday or Sunday buffet and invite them all to bring a contribution to the food, and to bring themselves ready to do a bit of ‘short person’ shifting in that kitchen. They’ll have it done in no time Bev. And .. it will stop you risking breaking anything – both in the kitchen cupboards or on you!

      Regarding writing the book . . . I know. Aw I know. I have a book inside me and I want to write it, but I think it’s lack of confidence in my abilities. Am I really clever enough to write a book!?! tsk tsk. I should tell that wicked divil on my left shoulder to shut the heff up, and only listen to the Angel on my right, shouldn’t I. LOL

      Thanks for coming Bev, and for the truly fabulous chat. It’s such a joy to see you.
      Sending love and wishing a great day for you. Squidges ~ Cobs. xxx

      Found the Abba song – with the words. (This is the version from the Mama Mia film, so not sung by Abba in this one, but still well sung and truly lovely)

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh Cob. the song is good. But you know we can waste a lot of time thinking about what if and I should haves. Every time my grands come through the door they are different youngans.Growing up way to fast and there is not a thing we can do about it and I guess we really don’t want to, in the grand scheme of things.Keeping them where they are would be kinda cruel and certainly selfish on our part.
        You know I love your creativity even if it is kinda wonky. xoxo

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Cobs
    I believe, I believe. I love your fairy and goblin pickings. Wish I had a fairy thimble to know I am loved too.
    Goblin’s whiskers- such a rare find and so adventurous – imagine if you got caught snipping off those whiskers.
    Goblin snot – sounds yuck to collect( kudos to you for collecting) but good to have- like to open a cookie jar when mama has kept it locked up or when you need to start a locked up car and go on a midnight adventure. Whoopee !
    Love your post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Susie. Happy Tuesday!
      Ohh, I’m glad to read that you believe . . . for only true believers will see Fairies. Those things you see moving fast, in your peripheral vision – but when you look, there’s nothing there! FAIRIES! Flashes – from nothing and nowhere and with no reason. FAIRIES.

      Yes, the collecting of the Goblin Snot wasn’t the most enjoyable thing to do . . . but so worth it! 🙂

      Thrilled that you enjoyed the post Susie. Thank you so much for coming and for leaving a lovely message.
      Wishing you a blessed day ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Ruthsoaper 🙂 Happy Tuesday!
      Childrens books . . . I’ve wanted to write a book(s) for such a long time, Ruth, but I lack the confidence to actually ‘go for it’. However . . . the feeling is strong in me and I think I just need to stop thinking and start doing. Forget confidence and just let ‘me’ do the writing. Perhaps. lol

      I’m thrilled to pieces that you like the ‘Fine Produce from the Land of the Fae’.
      Thank you so much for coming Ruth and for the lovely comment. Love chatting with you,

      Have a blessed day.
      Sending love and squidges ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello beautiful Daisies. 🙂
      Well, the short answer is … I’m not sure about placing these for sale. I don’t make things for profit, but simply for the enjoyment of making them, and, of course, to sometimes share a giveaway now and again. But … I think I’d sort of like to sell some of my things – not as a profit making exercise, but simply to re-coup costs of materials to make, so that I could make some more! It’s such a great therapy and helps me to ‘get over’ not being able to sculpt and create in the way that I used to. So … maybe I should actually get on and stop procrastinating. (Worlds Greatest Procrastinator talking here! LOL)

      I’m tickled from my head to my toes that you got some smiles and a handful of laughs from this post. I think I can say that …. my job here is done! LOL.

      Sending much love to you Daisies. ❤ ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Ruthie!
      Aww, it’s wonderful to see you my lovely friend.

      An expert? Well …. I’ve been taught by the best. The Fairies in Fairy Land have taught me all I know, and are still teaching me new things, even now. 🙂

      I’m thrilled to bits that you like this post and the contents of it.

      Also filled with joy that you like the song I shared with Beverly. It’s a song which is nestled into my heart, and my heart sings it regularly. It truthfully makes me cry and choke on tears, every single time I hear it.

      Sending much love to you Ruthie. Thank you so much for coming and bringing your smiles with you.
      Have a truly blessed day my friend ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh, Cobs, you really made my day! These are absolutely the nth degree of magickal! If only I’d had a vial of Goblin Snot when I went to Buckingham Palace to take tea with Her Majesty! (They didn’t let me in.) Your creations are just so whimsical. I’ve been mulling over an idea which I will bring to fruition when I’m back in our enchanted wood on the lake… along the same lines as yours but no doubt not nearly as charming. I look forward to your next creation!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello GillyF. 🙂
      Aw I’m over-joyed that you like the magical Fairy Shopping. You would definitely need a dab of Goblin Snot for Buckingham Palace.

      I’m also now waiting with bated breath to see what your mulled over idea is when it makes it’s way to your blog! Can’t wait. 😀 excited here!

      I know it won’t be the same as my shopping, but knowing that it’s going to have the same vibe, but be something totally different is really making me feel excited and happy. (Think: children the night before they’re due to go on a plane to somewhere fabulous! The feeling is just like that.)

      Thank you so much for coming GillyF. and for leaving such a fabulous comment.
      Love chatting with you.
      Sending squidges ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I am smiling from ear to ear. How great the land of Fairy is. All these wonderful things. I am in awe of it all! So precious and fun. I love how you share this wonderful land with us. Thank you my friend for your wonderful imagination and beautiful creations. xoxoxoxoxoxo ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, bless your heart Tam. I say the same things to Mr.C when I see your creations. You are one of the people that I say over and over …. “I wish Tam lived here. I’d buy practically all of her stock! She’d never need another customer.”

      I think we have a mutual admiration going on.
      Love you to pieces Tam.
      Sending buckets of squidges ~ Cobs. xxx


  5. Oh. My. Goodness. Cobs!!! I saw the word snot and just started to grin. You sucked me right in and I needed to learn what is Goblin Snot, does one gather Goblin Snot and how should one store Goblin Snot. Those questions have been answered. I now think I may have to go in search of some of that wondrous substance known as Goblin Snot. In fact….I may have to take my 7 year old grandson along to look for some as I am sure this would totally be something he would want to be involved in. (I am not sure his parents would understand but they may be in that awkward age where Goblin Snot isn’t that thrilling…..just give them a few years and a grandchild).
    Many many squidges to you for introducing me to Goblin Snot! It is so good to be educated.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I gathered these delights from the Land of the Fae, and I showed them to Little Cobs, who, like your grandson, is also now 7,

      He loves all of the things but . . . the one he kept coming back to was the Goblin Snot. He found it totally fascinating and at one point he squirrelled it away and I couldn’t find it. When I asked him where he was he look at me with that guilty smile only he can manage, and carefully produced it from behind the television.

      I don’t think he would have actually taken it home … but I think he wanted to keep it somewhere where he and only he could find it. Bless his darling heart.

      I’m going to get him his very own sample of Goblin Snot – just for him, and he can take it home. His mother is already fed up with me – for Little Cobs has gathered a section of Grammy little things, on his desk, which he refuses to move to any other place. They HAVE to live exactly where he puts them.

      Now … he has A LOT of little things. Far more that I’ve shared on the blog here. So I know that all the dusting and tidying up must be a real pain in the rear end.

      How do I know this?

      His mother (daughter No.2) was EXACTLY the same. She adored little things. Tiny toys. Little mice – a family of tiny mice, which she named – Mr and Mrs. Sheebee, and baby Sheebee. She still to this day has Mr. Sheebee. (not sure where the other two are. Probably left home. LOL)

      Like mother, like son eh? LOL

      Tickled pink that you like the Fairy Land Produce. (If you liked these, wait till you see what’s coming soon.)
      Thank you so much for coming Chicken, and for leaving such a fantastic chat behind! Loooove chatting with you. (but then, you know that already).

      Heaps of love and squidges ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  6. What a wonderful peek into a magical land ~ full of 100% natural organic produce LOL
    You truly have a gift to bring a glimpse of the Fairy Kingdom to us mere mortals, of course I DO believe that such a realm is within our grasp …. but only a few are chosen to share their world as you do
    Thank you for holding my hand and whisking me away to visit the enchanting Freckled Mushroom Wood.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, P., … I know that you simply must have your own Freckled Mushroom Wood (by another name of course!), For I’m quite certain that Fairies visit your home and cover you in fairy dust, during their night time visits. You have a touch of the rascalness which is unique to Fairies, and this is how I know that your life really is touched by Fairies. 🙂

      🙂 Tickled pink that you like the Fairy Produce and so glad that you managed to get here to see it. I’m taking it that you rubbish internet service is now coming from a different set of plugs, and that you’ve changed the batteries in the machine! YAY for Duracell. (lol)

      Thanks for coming P, and for the lovely comment.
      May your Friday be blessed from start to end.
      Much love ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Now you come to mention it, we do have Willow Wood, a small copse where deer live …. that must be our special fairy place, if indeed faeries do visit The Cottage On The Green and sprinkle fairy dust I think I’m mistaking it for regular dust ~ I’m sure I have more than my fair share of that stuff.
        Not have I only got new plugs, leads. wires and batteries I even put 10 bob in the meter LOL

        Liked by 1 person

        1. 10 BOB??!!!! [eyes as wide as saucers]

          Are you crazy, woman? What if you need bread? What if the rent man comes? These is ‘ard times. You can’t go around flinging shillings into the ‘lectric meter, Doris! What Stan’ll say when he gets ‘ome from the pit, I don’t know!

          Oh. My. Goodness! 10 bob! The woman has finally lost it.

          Look, if things get tight, you just tell me and I’ll make a nice stew and send a pot around. I knows how to make bits of meat go a long way. [winks]

          But … at least you’ve got that ‘amster back in the wheel again. It’s good when he runs fast because it helps the internet to work so much better, I’ve found. 😀

          Love you P. heaps and squeaps. ~ Cobs. xxx

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Yep 10 bob it was that went in that there meter …. mind you that has to last till the clocks change again next April LOL
            To save on coal I’m recycling NC’s & D4’s fur to knit into blankets/jumpers … one will just have to remember not to go out in the rain while wearing said jumper smelling of wet cat/dog is just not going to do my street cred any good what so ever
            Thanks for the offer of stew ~ if things get bad I’ll give you a shout
            I find if I cook food Beloved & I are not particularly partial to it lasts sooooo much longer 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

            1. GASP!!! I’ve realised that too, P! So the thing to do is buy food we don’t like, and it will last all week! Great dietary aid too. win/win.

              I think that you could be onto a winner with your idea of dog/cat clothes for yourself. You should make and sell on Ebay – you could make enough money to buy the odd luxury, such as toilet paper. 😀
              ~ C. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              Liked by 1 person

                1. Yup … newspaper torn into squares, hung from a right big nail. Ahh the good ol’ days eh? LOL.

                  I have to admit that the worst loo roll I remember was that horrible shiny on one side stuff … Isal, I think it was called. They had it in my first school and I HATED it. My mum taught me how to make it softer (cause ladies don’t drip dry like those other humans do) – and that was a tad of an improvement, but it was horrible stuff.

                  I wonder if they still make that stuff? (and if so, what horrible place do they sell it to?)

                  Liked by 1 person

                  1. Hahahaha I remember good ole Izal we had at my 1st school (our school even had outside loo’s – Kids today are spoiled) I remember when we ran out of tracing paper in class we fetched the loo roll in and used that 🙂 how on earth did you make it softer? … not that I’m ever to to use it again as you CAN still buy it ~ just curious

                    Liked by 1 person

                    1. Ahhh…. my mom taught me to sort of rub it against itself, as if trying to rub a stain out of a tea towel or something like that. It breaks the fibres in that horrid torturous stuff called Izal [loo roll] and makes it JUST A TINY BIT softer – or at least, less ‘slippy’.

                      I can remember complaining to my mom about not being able to use that school loo roll after having a tiddle, and that’s when she taught me to rub it in order to make it dip it’s toe in the ‘softer’ scale.

                      I was forever grateful when I went up into the big school and they had [cheap] soft paper.

                      Like you … we used that loo roll in art class as tracing paper too.

                      YOU CAN STILL BUY IT???????? :O …. who the he(( is punishing little children with that stuff? And why? Dear Dog! I can’t believe they still make the damn stuff, it’s bally awful!!!
                      Poor kids.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    2. I think whom ever is buying it must be blessed with children with a less than virtuous nature … a bit like mine were when only 1 portion of cake was left & they had to share … Dog forbid LOL

                      Liked by 1 person

                    3. I would also have gone down road of eating it myself … alas I was trying to be a responsible adult by sharing ~ lets just say it wont be happening again … the cake is mine ALL MINE I TELL YOU 🙂

                      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Rabbit! 🙂
      So glad that you got to see this Fairy Produce. All are fun, smiles and laughs. 🙂

      Your daughter loving me 😀 ~ you must have left out some of the finer details about me, like:
      – What a total numbskull I am
      – That I’m scatterbrained
      – That I made walking into the furniture a pastime.
      – That I race against snails . . . and lose.
      – I’m susceptible to gravity (I fall down a lot without the aid of alcohol!)
      – I talk to Fairies, and they talk back to me.
      – I self medicate with craft materials.
      – I have few fingerprints – I burned those suckers off with the aid of a hot glue gun!

      All this, and more, are the things you left out when telling your daughter about me. (Or are you saving these up as evidence should the police ever want evidence?) lol.

      Love you Rabbit. ❤ ~ Cobs. xxx

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      1. you are so funny-and never fail to cheer me! The cottage sold . . .oh well-guess it wasn’t mine. Off I go to the right one. You made me think so much about what I need-a tremendous clarity for me-That means so much that you took the time to share what you understood about me and you ARE RIGHT on all counts! God bless you my dearest Cobs. love your rabbit!

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        1. I’m so sorry to hear that the cottage you had so admired, sold before you even had chance to view it. It’s an awful feeling when a new home is snatched from right under your nose, and you’d already set your heart on it.

          But … it was not to be. That cottage wasn’t in the plan for you. There is something else. You haven’t found it yet, but it’s there, and you WILL find it. Sometimes you just have to look a little harder.

          May your weekend be blessed with all that is good for you, and perhaps just a smidgen of something which might not be that good, but it makes you smile anyway. We all need a little bit of something to make us smile, now and again.

          Sending much love to you Rabbit.
          Your forever friend ~ Cobs. xxx

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          1. Cobs-it was so odd. A repairman stopped by Jenny’s house on Thursday morning ad randomly told us that he was so excited as he had just bought a cottage near her. it did need a little work, but he was handy and his kids would love it. I KNEW it the cottage somehow and it was!! I was disappointed but thankful too-I couldnt have done the repairs he described. I am better now, but that was a divine message! Oh well-keep praying please! love your devoted rabbit!

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            1. I’m stunned that you got the evidence you needed [about the little cottage] to make your heart feel lighter again. God works in mysterious ways – and He made sure that you were in the right place, at the right time, with the right people in attendance, in order to hear the reasons why the cottage wasn’t destined for you.

              Something is waiting for you Rabbit. Something . . . and you will be in the right place, right time, and you WILL be led to it.

              You have Angels all around you Rabbit . . . helping to keep you positive and gently guiding you to your next step along the pathway.

              Praying all the time for you. Never stop. Never will.
              Sending much love ~ Cobs. xxx

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  7. Oh these are adorable, as usual! How you come up with these, I’ll never know, but please don’t stop! They do put a smile on my face and clear my mind, if only for a little while. Thank you. 🙂

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    1. Hello Nancee.
      I’m giggling to myself here . . . I think the answer to ‘how’ is … one brain cell which amuses itself most days. LOL.
      I’m so happy to hear that you enjoy these Fairy whimsies. I get so much enjoyment from bringing them and sharing them here. Lots of fun.

      Have a blessed day my lovely friend ~ Cobs. xxx

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  8. Your imagination, dear Cobs, is a rainbow cornucopia of beauty and delight that is magically transferred into every little artwork that you make. 😺💕xxx

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  9. Cobs, I’m trying to catch up with my fellow bloggers as I’ve been a bit busy this past month. So, while perusing your mushroom posts, I came across the Goblin Snot post and can’t stop laughing. I need to buy some as a gift for some unsuspecting soul at Christmas. Because that’s how the naughty part of my brain works.

    Hope you are well and life is grand. Love and squidges and blogger snot! xoxoxoxo Mary

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    1. Hello Mary 🙂
      I know all about trying to catch up. It seems like my constant setting over the past couple of months. Grrr.

      The Goblin Snot … It’s one of those ticklish things which really weedles its way into your chuckle muscle and wriggles until you laugh. Like you, I LOVE it!

      Now … that particular jar of Goblin Snot has already been claimed and is now living with it’s owner and tickling the whole family every time they look at it. But … I’d be happy to make you your own personal jar of Goblin Snot, if you seriously want to buy some for an unsuspecting soul this Christmas.

      Now, before you say yay or nay about this …. I live in GB, and although I know you don’t live on this Island I call home, I don’t actually know where you live – so I would have to factor in the cost of postage to you – and it’s this bit I’m concerned about, as postage costs now are thoroughly ridiculous.

      But, obviously, you’re under no obligation to purchase anything. I’m just tickled pink, blue and green that you like it! 😀
      heaps of love and squidges ~ Cobs. xxx

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      1. Thanks for the offer of mailing goblin snot to me. However, I am going to decline as I do not want you to pay postage to the state of Wisconsin in the U.S.A.

        I live about 35 minutes south of Green Bay (home of world championship Packers football), which caused me to stop for a second or two when you said you live in GB…

        No dumdum, Cobs lives in Great Britain. Geesh.

        If I can get around to it, I will fashion some snot myself, put it in a jar and hand it out either at Halloween or Christmas.

        I hope you are having a fabulous Wednesday! I am wrangling children in the mornings this week at my church. We have an annual Arts Camp that grows bigger each year. 425 children this week. I volunteered to help with games, which is both fun and tiring at the same time. I may head to my boudoir soon for an afternoon nap!

        Hugs and love and squidges!
        PS: I was unable to send you an email at the address you provided.


        1. Hello again Mary!
          Half an hour laying on the bed sounds like a good plan! Phew!

          I checked the email address, and it was the right one (no spelling mistakes or anything). But I’ve removed it now – didn’t want to be spammed with junk! lol.

          Hope the rest of your day was less ‘busy’ and that everything became as if shot in soft focus and soft sound. Ahhhh… bliss! 😀

          Liked by 1 person

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