Meet: Monsieur et Madame Champignon (or, to you and me, that’s Mr. and Mrs. Mushroom)

Bonjour mes amis!  (translation: ‘Hello my friends’).  Ok, that’s about ‘it’ for my schoolgirl french that I’m going to try to impress you with.

Meet: Monsieur et Madame Champignon  also known as: Mr. and Mrs. Mushroom . . . .

Monsieur et madame Champignon 1

I’ve been playing with clay again  (in case you hadn’t guessed).  I actually started out with the intention of making some little-whittle mushrooms for another project I have in mind, but by the time I’d got my clay on my desk, modelling tools all lined up (well, ok, thrown in a jumble onto my desk), my water spray bottle,  and the various other bits and bobs which come into play when modelling/sculpting with clay,  the mushrooms had grown in size and character, and fired by a random memory which popped into my head of some grumpy faced mushrooms I’d seen quite a while ago, (link Caroline McFarlane-Watts <—clickable safe link).  Then the idea grew because of a song which was playing on the radio, I began to think I would make some ‘Mushroom Folks’ (as I’ve Christened them), but doing them my style.  Happy and joyous.  And, from that initial thought, Monsieur et Madame Champignon were born.

Please allow me to walk you all around the home, and friends, of the handsome French Chap and his beautiful Parisian wife . . .

Madame Champignon

Madame Champignon is a well dressed lady, as you would expect, with a swanky french hat complete with snail. And, as you may have noticed, she has the longest of long, silky eyelashes, ruby-red lips and a little rouge to her cheeks.  So Chic!

Monsieur et madame Champignon 2

They sit atop a small mound of grass surrounded by moss – which allows other creatures from Fairy Wood to hide, and they keep the romantic couple company.  There are mice (who love to eat the left over bits of Camembert and Roquefort which picnic makers drop). There are also two slugs, (complete with tentacles) who leave the most delightful shiny trails behind them, and will sometimes have a game of ‘Guess what I’m drawing with my Slime!’ with the Champignons. And of course – there are the two snails, which the the French couple allow to clamber over their hats – although as they climb up to the hats, they do have the tendency to tickle the Monsieur et Madame, and Madame giggles quite audibly. 

Slug on Monsieur et madame Champignon
Mr. Slug – he’s the bigger, and stronger of the two slugs.
Monsieur et madame Champignon 3
The rear view of Monsieur et Madame Champignon.  If you look carefully you can see a tiny mouse to the left and Mrs. Slug, leaving her slug trail behind her on the right.  (that’s a teeny tiny pine cone behind the Monsieur).


Monsieur et madame Champignon 4
Both of the snails which adorn the  Mushroom Caps  Champignons Hats have pink bodies and pearly yellow shells.  Sadly the camera didn’t seem able to pick the colours up.  But it did a half good job in this photo.

The curled and ‘frilly’ bits on both of the mushrooms aren’t mistakes.  They’re the bits you sometimes find on your mushrooms which you buy from the greengrocers or supermarket.

There are other little dints and dents on them both …which are there simply because I looked at some mushrooms in the fridge closely and saw that each one had its own character lines … so the Monsieur et Madame have their own dints and dents to add character too. (They also have ‘dirt’ marks –  as you would expect!)  😀

Monsieur et madame Champignon 5

The Monsieur has a lip …. and a half!  As I was creating him I began to think of fabulous French men who I knew from movies … and the one which reigned supreme was Maurice Chevalier, who my mother was all dreamy and doe eyed about.  Inside my head I could see how he used to extend his lower lip, and from there …. Monsieur’s own lip developed.

Monsieur et madame Champignon 6

I’ve been told that Monsieur Champignon calls his wife  “My sweet, my darling, my one true love!”.  ❤  Somehow, I feel that this is probably true, for he looks like he would,  don’t you agree?

Monsieur et madame Champignon 1

The whole scene is set upon a small piece of slate

I had SO much fun making this happy couple of romantics and all the way through the creating process, I kept on singing ‘I Remember it Well’ – sung by Maurice Chevalier and Hermione Gingold in the fabulous film:  Gigi . . .  eventually I went to YouTube and found it, and played it while I was sat at my desk, so that I could be reminded of the words.  I share it with you here:

Thank you so much for coming and sharing a coffee moment with me, and to meet Mr. & Mrs. Mushroom.  I hope you liked them, and that you got a smile from them.

I love to know that you’ve visited, so please do let yourself be known and leave a comment and / or a like if you’re a little shy.  (But don’t be shy … we’re all really lovely people here on this blog).

Wishing you a truly magical Monday.  May the weather be calm and beautiful where you are.  May life be treating you kindly … and may you find contentment hidden in the folds of the hours as they pass by.

Much love to you, from me in my corner, to you in yours  . . .  have a blessed rest of your day my friends!

Coffee Sig

Author: The Art of Cobwebs - aka:- thecobweboriumemporium

Hello. I'm 'Cobwebs'. I live in a wee little cottage in the South of England, aptly called Cobweb Cottage. This little dwelling really is a cobweb factory. Not inside (well, occasionally) - but outside - flipping heck! This information should give you a clue as to why my blog is called The Art of Cobwebs aka: The Cobweborium Emporium. I've been arty and crafty from a very young age, and although my crafts have sometimes turned a corner and taken me in another direction, I've always crafted in some way, shape or form. One day, in the blink of an eye, life changed somewhat for me and the consequences were many. I had to find a new way of being 'artistic'. Card making; scrap-booking; producing ATC's and ACEO's; needle felting; Polymer clay; painting- but in a more relaxed style than I had before, and sewing, - are all things which I visit, as and when life allows. I've fairy recently become a Textile Artist and am enjoying this new creative outlet very much as it offers me so much scope for letting my imagination run through a grassy field and feel the wind in my hair - (mentally, of course). I love to create. To make things. I truthfully believe that the best gifts in the world are those in which you've given your time, rather than your cash. Thank you so much for visiting. Please visit my blog (link below) and have a look around. I'm sure you'll find something to enjoy, even if it's only a handful of jokes! (yes, seriously - there really are jokes!) Wishing you a truly blessed rest of your day! ~ Cobs. <3

71 thoughts on “Meet: Monsieur et Madame Champignon (or, to you and me, that’s Mr. and Mrs. Mushroom)”

  1. This will be a magical day thanks to the newest creation from the towers. Amazing and wonderful and magical and just so much fun.
    Cob, you have the most creative imagination and the things that dance through your head must get tangled up there are so many.
    You know…they don’t make movies like they used to…so sad.
    Now….don’t tell anyone…shhh…I am slowly working on a small tin. It remains to be seen if it all comes out like it should. We will see..
    But first we had to have a gettyup birthday for the three oldest. I’ll try blogging later about the grand Lovern Arena birthday party for three.
    You know I love you and your art…xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YOU’RE TRYING A TIN???!!!! Oh. My. Goodness! This is magical, musical fabulousness to my ears (eyes, since I’m reading). Ohhh Bev I’m just tickled pink that you’re having a go at a tin. It really is such fun.

      Thrilled that you like the Mushrooms. Or … Magic(al) Mushrooms as I keep calling them at home here. lol. Even though I made them, I actually love them.
      I normally like stuff I make…. enough to share. But don’t normally LOVE them. However these … I LOVE! They really are such a bundle of fun.

      My creative imagination … yes, you hit the nail on the head. Things do get tangled up sometimes, so I try to write things down, or do a little drawing to remind myself about things. I’m trying to get better at writing things down … but I still have moments where I forget and that drives me NUTS, because I know I wanted to do something …. but my memory won’t bally remember what the divil it was!! GRRrrrrrrr!

      Oooo…. the blog post about the Birthday party should be fun. I shall patiently wait to read it.

      Sending BIG buckets of love ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh my what a lovely romantic couple ~ soooooo obviously in lurv 🙂 and French to boot
    Madame has eyelashes to die for!!
    Everything sets the scene for an afternoon picnic along the river Seine, I swear I can hear passer-by’s ooh & ahh -ing as they swish by in the latest Parisian fashions ~ Looking at Monsieur & Madame adornments to their head wear it seems the pair are at the cutting edge of the most fashionable society.
    Love is air for your couple *sigh*

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello ‘P’ 😀
      I can only imagine how much Madame paid a Spider to spin those eyelashes for her. 😉

      I’m glad that you and I live in the same mentally ‘unchallenging’ twilight place, for it makes it so easy to be friends. We understand each other. lol.

      I can ‘hear’ you and I, strolling along the boulevards, window shopping and looking for speshull ‘ats for our speshull ‘eads.

      Then, after the shopping, we could have our pickernic on the grass by the Seine, and before we eventually come home in our private jet, we’ll stop off at a place where we can taste test all the finest wines and champagnes.

      Yers … that sounds like just the thing.
      Let’s book it. Trevago? lol.

      Aw just thrilled to bits that you like it P.
      Thanks for coming. I know you have your hands full at the moment, so to see you here is such a little wonderment to me. Thank you my lovely friend.
      Sending love ~ Cobs. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ll do a google search at Trevago ~ I’m in dire need of a speshull ‘at one with a fedder in it … a gret big fedder … then we serious must be seen at the Ladies Enclosure at Royal Ascot ~ Channel 4 News could do a speshull interview on the pair of us ~ not quite the ‘Jet set’ more your ‘Life In The Bus Lane’ duo
        Oooooo I could go all Barbra Cartland, I’m getting all giddy thinking about it
        PS I’m thinking I’m may be getting ‘overraught’ all this happiness of new babe & puppy has gone to my head ~ I’ll go lie down with a damp flannel on my forehead LOL

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I have a better thing instead of a damp flannel which I highly recommend to you.
          This is something I found quite by accident, but boy oh boy does it work!

          Buy yourself some Huggies Sensitive baby wipes (those wet wipes that mummies use on babies bottoms etc). Remove one wet wipe from the pack and seal the pack up afterwards (they dry out if you don’t).

          Open up the baby wipe, and then refold along the longest length – in half.

          This will now fit across your forehead perfectly. Put it on carefully … pressing down gently. It will then stick to your forehead and won’t move.

          You don’t have to keep your head at an un-natural angle. You don’t have to lie down on the bed or sofa. (I can’t lay down when I have a bad head, it makes things worse!).

          That baby wipe will stay cold all the time it’s wet. I don’t know why this is, but it’s bloomin’ magical!

          By the time that you realise that it’s no longer cold, you’ll touch it and it will be as dry as a bone. It will just fall away from your head at that point. BUT … the most times I’ve had to replace the first baby wipe is twice. Two times and the head ache was gone.

          Another good thing is … it leaves your skin SO soft.

          I’ve taken to using them to remove all cosmetics. (I use them even when I have no cosmetics on my fizzog. They leave me feeling so soft and pretty! lol).

          Right … down to business.
          If you’re going Barbra Cartland … I’ll do Doris Day. [sings:]… “please, please don’t eat the daisies, don’t eat the daisies please, please,…..” …. 😀

          Suits me, dontcha think? LOL.

          I can feel your happiness from here. It’s brilliant.
          I’m so, so happy to hear that he’s going to be coming home. Just thrilled to little bits and pieces.

          Love you P. ~ Cobs. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Many thanks for the baby wipe info, if they can transform me into a so soft pretty version of a lady of a certain age I’m in LOL
            Top tip baby wipe #2 did you know they clean a stainless steel cooker to a shiny grease free hunk of kitchen appliance goodness??
            By the way you do a purrfect Doris …… Doris & Barbara on tour ~ we will be a force to be reckoned with 🙂 🙂 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

            1. We’ll be a force of something. 😉
              No, I didn’t know about the baby wipes on the stainless steel cooker. I shall be trying this out on the hob, and shall report back once tried.

              In the meantime … May the force be with you Barb. love ~ Doris. xxx

              Liked by 1 person

                1. * [Dials number …
                  * Waits for dialling tone and dials number again.
                  * Remembers that she doesn’t have the number, so opens window and shouts:]. . .

                  DORIS! Hellooo Doris, are you there? Can you hear me dear?

                  Tried the baby wipe on the hob and …
                  What a clever thing you are! – It works!!
                  But even better than that . . .
                  it wasn’t me who tried it. It was Cobs Snr!
                  I’d read your idea out to him yesterday and he’d obviously inwardly digested it (the man will eat anything. ANY THING!) and he gave it a go at the crack of stupid this morning, before I’d even got out of bed!

                  Thank you for the tip.

                  I’m planning to rent Snr. out, since he seems so eager. How much do you think I should charge. I haven’t put this idea to him yet, nor have I suggested that I might make a few extra pennies if he does the Oven / Hob cleaning service in just a pinny (apron) and nothing else. But I’m sure I’ll be able to talk him round. 😀

                  Love and squidges to you Barb.
                  Signing off – Doris.

                  …. [* closes window…
                  * . . . pulls head in and closes window]. 😀

                  Liked by 1 person

                  1. Te he te he te he
                    Message received loud n’ clear Doris 🙂
                    Mmmmmmm now here’s my idea on charging ~ you could try odd job swaps, I’m pretty sure a hob clean = a detailed window clean
                    Oven clean = 1 months craft supplies of your choice
                    Now for the crucial ~ service in a pinny, if it was my Beloved I’d have to pay them on account he has a slight 12 pack going on … you know the same a 6 pack but it was on offer buy one get one free. Now Cobs Snr. may be whole different kettle of fish, he could charge …. now let me thing a small sweet sherry at the local saloon with a bag of pork scratchings or salted peanuts thrown in whichever takes your fancy LOL
                    Let me know how you go on talking him into starting his own cleaning round
                    Cheers for now
                    Love Barb xxxxxx

                    Liked by 1 person

                    1. Mr Cobs…. He has a couple of Party Sevens. He does nothing by halves, bless ‘im.

                      (If you’re not old enough to remember Party Seven – google will be your friend.) They were a BIG tin of seven pints of beer, all in one can. I understand that they ceased making them when plastic bottles of stuff became available. However, in the current climate and hatred of anything plastic (understandable in my opinion) I’m feeling that the Party Seven will come back again.

                      I don’t think I’d make enough money hiring himself out, so …. -[sings] . . . “I think I’d better think it out again!”
                      Speak to you soon Barb. ~ love Doris. xxx

                      Liked by 1 person

                    2. Party Seven ~ seven pints in 1 can is more a riot in my book LOL
                      Surely we can come up with some cunning plan between us on the hiring out of our significant others??? I have a yarn/fabric/book/button/odds n’ sods habit to feed


                    3. Putting thinking cap on. I’ve had Little Cobs all day…. don’t expect a positive result. Thinking is a dream too far after a day with the Super-Duper-Charged, filled with E-numbers (when none have been eaten), Grandson. I swear he’s on a mission to finish me off so that he can get into my craft room and go wild! xxx

                      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Valery Anne.
      Aww, thank you. What a lovely comment!
      I agree about the slugs. When I had the idea to pop a couple onto the slate my sensible mind told me I was being daft. But once I’d created them, coloured them and then eventually fixed them in place and made their trail…. I absolutely loved them to pieces. (And my Grandson thinks they’re the best bit!)
      Thank you so much for coming Mrs.A., and for the lovely comment.
      Have a blessed rest of your day! ~ Cobs. xxx


    1. Hello lovely Anne. 🙂
      Aw … we are all creative in different ways. You take incredible photographs, and I’m useless with photo’s. I just take a million snaps of the same shot and pick the best handful to share.

      You, on the other hand can get an incredible shot first time, almost every time. I’m in awe of some of your photos.
      You have a talent which I love.

      Thank you so much for coming Anne, and for the lovely comment. I’m tickled that you enjoyed the read.
      Have a blessed rest of your day Anne. ~ Cobs. xxx


      1. But Cobs, you create things from formless matter. Thank you for praising my photos, but I feel your talent is on a much higher plane. Perhaps we should agree to disagree. I could never understand how your brain can dream up something, and your hands can make it three-dimensional. Meanwhile, I’m going to enjoy watching the progress of your magic.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. We shall agree to disagree dearest Anne, because I know that you have many talents as well as the photography.

          I think it all comes down to us not actually noticing our talents. I know, for me, I don’t feel I have a talent, as I don’t feel that I’m actually good at any particular thing. I see other peoples ‘makes’ and think they’re incredible. Maybe that’s where the problem lies …. we don’t feel we’re good enough at a particular thing, so we don’t rate our ‘talent’.

          Aww … this is all too complicated for my one brain cell to fathom. LOLOLOL.
          Just know that I love you, and I personally think you are very talented. You bake. Cook, Photograph. Entertain. Can put together a party in the blink of an eye. And … you write great blog posts. I’m fully convinced that there are other things which you do that I have no knowledge of – but those who do know about these things will also feel that you’re very talented.

          We’ll just be talented together. 😀
          Thank you for your beautiful comments, my friend. You have given me my first smile of the day.
          Sending bunches of love, a bucket of squidges … and a handful of kisses. ~ Cobs. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (cause you can never have too many kisses!)


          1. Agreed, Cobs! John keeps telling me that we take our own talents for granted, thinking whatever we can do would be easy for everyone. I love to watch how your things take shape through your words and pictures. Buckets of love to you, along with tons of squidges!

            Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Daisies! 😀
      Awww, I’m so happy to see you here and overjoyed that you like the happy couple and their friends.
      Thank you so much for coming, and for taking the time to leave such a lovely message behind.
      Happy Monday to you too, Daisies.
      Sending much love and many squidges ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  3. They are adorable and the detail is amazing. I am curious about working with clay. Does it dry after it is molded? Do you have to heat it to get it to dry? Then I assume you paint it. What kind of paint to you use?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Ruthsoaper 🙂
      There are no mould/molds used to make these – they’re created by manipulating the clay and ‘building’ them.

      Because of some neurological and neuropathic problems I had to give up sculpting and working with [what we’ll call here] ‘proper’ clay as it’s much too heavy and too cold for me to work with.
      So the clay of choice I use now is a lighter weight clay which doesn’t need firing.

      However – you might like to work with Polymer Clay (this requires ‘baking’ in an oven) – which is fabulous for small items and lends itself to all sorts of makes – from jewellery to trees and even those life like babies that sell for hundreds of pounds! It’s really nice clay and I can recommend it.

      Air dry clay is exactly as it says on the ‘tin’, (there are plenty on the market to choose from) – resist the urge to try and dry it out quicker than the instructions on your particular clay say.

      Trying to dry them fast will simply dry them quickly on the outside but they won’t dry inside.

      Painting … again, check the recommendations on your clay. It will lead you down the right road.

      Buy some clay and have a ‘go’. Perhaps just buy a small block of Fimo polymer clay. It’s affordable and you won’t feel that you’re wasting money if you just buy one small block – just to try it out. Make something simple … a shape of a cat from behind. That’s quite an easy shape to get, and you just add a tail and ears. You could then turn your very first make into a brooch/pin to wear! Seriously … give it a go!

      Glad you like the Mushrooms and their little pals. Thank you for coming. Hope to see you again very soon.
      Have a great day ~ Cobs. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow, you are on point with those mushrooms. The two snails and slugs, ewww, but necessary for effect! Love them to bitz. Aw yes, I remember it well. Reminds me of my own memory! Aw Cobs you have done an amazing job on these two folk who love each other deeply. I can tell.
    hugs from across the pond.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Soozy 😀 aw, it’s lovely to see you.
      I’m tickled pink that you like this romantic couple of ‘shrooms, for I love them too. They make me smile when I look at them.

      Ah yes …. I remember it well…. my mum used to watch this film any and every time it came on the TV (no gazillion channels when I was younger, so no fighting over the tv)… and I would watch it with her. It takes me back to when I was a child, sitting on the sofa and drinking in all the fabulousness of the film. I wanted to be Gigi. She was such fun, and when she ‘matured’ and behaved the way her aunt wanted her to behave … ohhhh .. I knew that I was going to be just like her.

      Sadly, it didn’t happen. I turned more into Maria from the Sound of Music, when she was still a nun. My mum even used to sing “What are we going to do about our _______” (insert christened name) and she’d sing it all the way through …. and I recognised myself in the songs words – so I knew I was a no hoper for the part of Gigi. LOLOL.

      I’m SO glad you like them Soozy. It’s made me all fizzy and happy to know it. Bless your beautiful heart.

      Thank you so much for coming, and for the lovely comment.
      Sending love and squidges ~ Cobs. xxx


  5. Oh there’s those little cuties again! And this time such great little “people”. Cute, cute, cute! My eyes are crossed just watching you working on these! LOL! Love it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. UNCROSS .. UNCROSS!!! My mum used to say: “If the wind changes you’ll stick like that!” … and I believed her! So – uncross!!!

      Aw thank you Nancee. I’m tickled pink that you like them.
      Thanks for coming and for the lovely comment.
      Have a blessed day my friend. ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL…. well … she is a Parisian, and we all know that Paris ladies are all so perfectly turned out and all wear red lipstick! She won’t tell me the secret to her shiny lips … but I think I’ve worked it out. I reckon she asks the slugs to slime her lips. TA DAAAAAH! Instant shine!

      Hmm…. maybe that’s the secret to the stuff us gals use. It’s slug slime! EEEEEEK! 😮

      Thrilled you like them Chicken. I think there maybe some more friends of theirs making an appearance at some point as I feel they should have someone to party with, at night time, when the lights go out and everyone is in bed. 😀

      Thanks for coming Chicken, it’s so lovely to see you here and it means the world to me.
      Love you oodles and oodles ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  6. OOOh, your mushroom couple is so adorable I love the eyelashes on her. I can almost see a resemblance to Maurice and Ms. Gringold! Beautiful work! Always fun to see what you are up to in your “corner” of the world!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Morning Scrapper! 🙂
      Thank you so much for coming… I’m thrilled you can see the resemblance to Maurice Chevalier and Hermione Gingold – as they were my inspiration for the ‘look’ I wanted in the ‘shrooms.

      Her eyelashes … well they did give me a tiny bit of a challenge, but I had a very stern talk with them and told them that they were going to look more beautiful than they ever imagined they could – so they’d just better stop misbehaving and do as I wanted them to do. It worked. (doesn’t normally!) lol.

      Thank you so much for coming, and for taking the time to leave such a fabulous comment. Love seeing you.
      Have a blessed rest of your day! ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh Cobs you are such a clever Crafter and your ideas always always make me smile so hard. I am very taken with the gorgeous Monsieur and Madame Champignon. I too have started a tin but when or if ever it will be a finished project is quite another thing. My crafting mojo has abandoned me for some time now and although I keep myself immersed in craft supplies nothing is really making my fingers itch at the moment. Hopefully soon. xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello lovely Barbara.
      I’m just so filled with happy bubbles that you like Monsieur et Madame Chamignon. (or as I’m now calling them …. The ‘shrooms. lol)

      YOU’VE STARTED A TIN??? Ohhhh this has made me so so happy! Practically delirious here!
      Don’t give up on it. Make notes, as ideas come to you, so that you don’t forget that tiny detail which you wanted to add.

      As for the crafting mojo having taken a looong holiday … I have this advice:
      RE-CREATE until you can CREATE.

      If you see something that you like – then make it yourself. Now you perhaps won’t have the exact same papers, or the same way of doing something … but you can use papers that you have, or turn out something which looks similar but different.

      If someone uses Graphic 45 but you don’t have that – then go through your papers to find something in the same colours, or, find some other colours which tone together.
      Recreate until you can create.
      It WILL eventually wake your mojo up. I promise. (Oh … and have faith …that works wonders too)

      I’d love to see your tin when you’ve finished. Or even half finished!
      Thank you so much for coming Barbara. I love to see you, and it means the world to me that you like to come for a visit.
      Sending much love and wishing you a blessed rest of your day ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Cobs thank you so much for your much appreciated advice I shall definitely show you my tin when it is finally conceived. At the moment gesso is as far as I have got but an idea has popped into my head after reading your note to me. I have a full day to myself today with hubs away in Bendigo working. A perfect day to contemplate, create and craft. Xoxoxoxo

        Liked by 1 person

  8. You have a fabulous hand with clay, Cobs. I always admire those who are artistic with different mediums, so I admire you and your work. Love the snails on top of the hats, it’s so whimsical!
    What else do you have in the fridge? Any plans for celery people? :-p Hugs and squidges!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, thank you Mary. I’m all wriggly here now. lol.
      Well … as to what else I might be planning … I can’t tell. You see I have a principle which I’ve had for years. From the moment I began to learn how to sculpt with ‘proper’ clay (the stuff which has to be fired in a kiln), I took up the fail safe option of:

      If at first you don’t succeed, destroy all evidence that you ever tried.

      … and I found out in week one, all those years ago (and I really do mean years ago), and I’ve stuck by it ever since.
      So I can’t divulge what’s coming up next … but I’m getting quite excited about it. 🙂

      But [pulls zip over mouth] … as soon as I have anything to show, I’ll bring it to school for the ‘show and tell’ session. 😀

      Thank you so much for coming Mary. I love to see you here, for you bring an ever so slightly, much loved rascally side which comes from (I believe) your inner child. LOVE IT! You make me smile without fail.

      Sending much love and a BIG bundle of squidges ~ Cobs. xxx 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. “If at first you don’t succeed, destroy all evidence that you ever tried.”

        Hahahahahaha!!! It’s a fine way to hide what doesn’t turn out quite right.

        You have me thinking of leftovers in the fridge. How about Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head? A PEAce garden? Or something created from the shriveled up apple that has been in the back of the middle shelf for months? Lots of stuff to keep you busy, Cobs, so get going!

        :-p :-p :-p

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Oh my goodness, Cobs, you’ve exceeded yourself here – how absolutely delightful Monsieur and Madame are! I love everything about them and their companions, but I think my favourite (this is going to sound weird) has to be the slug slime! You’ve inspired me to try my hand at making a little polymer clay sculpture. I’ve made pendants before but never tried sculpting. This has me excited! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ohhh GillyF… I’m tickled pink that you’re going to have a go at sculpting. It’s such a rewarding thing to do. To watch things grow. Time just drifts away and hours pass by, and yet, you feel like you’ve only been there for minutes. It’s such a relaxing hobby.

      I’m thrilled to pieces that you like it and that it’s inspired you.

      Make sure you blog your make … because I can’t wait to see it. It will be lovely… I just know it will.
      Heaps of love and squidges ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Ruthie
      I’ve only just found your message. For some strange reason it went straight to the spam folder!

      I’ve missed you too, Ruthie. I did pop along to your blog a few days ago, wondering if I’d missed a couple of blog posts or something had gone wrong with my reader. But …. here you are. Back in the saddle again! HURRAH!

      Thank you so much for your beautiful comment. I’m tickled to my toes that you like the Mushrooms, and their little friends.
      Bless your heart for coming.
      Sending you much love and squidges ~ Cobs. xxx


  10. What a fabulous and magical scene. The little details make it extra special. Is the next one going to be baby mushrooms after all that romance?
    Seriously though, it’s such a sweet and fab little scene. Take care and have a lovely weekend x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, thank you, Mrs. Craft. 😀
      Aww, I’m all wriggly now. Bless your heart.

      I cannot tell what is coming next … but I feel it will make you smile. I think you’ll like it. he he he.
      Heaps of love and wishing you a wonderful weekend ~ Cobs. xxx


  11. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! These are completely fabulous, so fun and whimsy!!! .. Made me smile!!! I absolutely love them. …. I always love your creativeness and the fun beautiful way you describe your pieces. Tbey come alive. I am back from vacation and happy to have a lovely coffee moment with you! … thank you my friend.. Have a lovely day!!!!! xoxoxoxox ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Fabulous Tam … Welcome Back!
      Cooo, I’ve missed you. I’ve been over to your blog a couple of times, looking for you. I’m so glad that you home again.
      Hope you had a good and restful time.

      Aw, I’m tickled pink that you like the Champignons. I had a feeling that this lovely pair would appeal to you.

      So lovely to have a coffee moment with you again. I hope you don’t have any more breaks away planned for a time, because blogland is all the sadder for you not being in it, Tam.

      Sending much love and a bundle of squidges ~ Cobs. xxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I am glad to be back too!!!! It was a fun vacation and I was happy to be able to see all my sisters.. and all my nieces and nephews. We had a fabulous visit. I will have some things to share in blogland very soon =) I missed you too!!!! xoxoxoxoxox … See you soon!!!! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  12. Ah bonsoir ma chere -les champignons! Tres jolie! i love them and think you have captured the spirit of Nature, her beauty and her mischievousness perfectly! 🙂 xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, thank you Samantha. I’m tickled that you like them.
      LOVE the French …. I can hear you saying it inside my head. Cooo, you don’t half do the accent well! 😀
      Thank you for coming, my fabulous friend.
      Sending love and squidges your way ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

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