I’m a LITTLE Teapot! 3rd ATC/ACEO painted for World Watercolour Month


And she is!  LITTLE, I mean.  The Teapot is a LITTLE teapot.  Painted on 140lb watercolour paper cut to just  2.5″x 3.5″,  and using watercolour paints

This is an ATC/ACEO hand painted for World Watercolour Month – which runs for all of July.  (you can find out more about this, here:-  Doodlewash<— click – and it will open up in a new page for you).

Painting a watercolour for World Watercolour Month doesn’t mean you have to paint on such a small size as I’ve done here.  You can join in and paint in any size you feel like and on anything you’d like to.  So if you want to paint the empty cereal pack, then go ahead!  But do test your water colours on the medium you’d like to use, to ensure that the effect you get is the one you want.

I chose to paint ATC‘s (Artist Trading Card)/ACEO‘s (Art Card Originals and Editions) just for the extra challenge, and because I rather enjoy creating on a small-scale.

The only ‘rule’ for painting or creating an ATC or an ACEO is the size must be no bigger or smaller 2.5″x 3.5″ inches.

Because I know that when you’re sitting on your side of the screen it can be difficult to imagine the size of an ATC I thought I’d take a couple of photos which would give you a rough idea about how small an ATC actually is.  This first photograph shows the painted Teapot next to a regular sized pen….

I'm a LITTLE Teapot 2
Shown next to an ordinary, regular sized pen so that you can see the actual size of the little painting.

…and this next photo shows the card next to a regular sized ‘business card’…

I'm a LITTLE Teapot 3
shown along with a ‘business card’  for size.

This is my 3rd hand painted ATC/ACEO  for  World Watercolour Month –  if you’ve missed the first two you can find them here—> ATC’s & ACEO’s  – You can scroll down the page when it loads, to find even more!

If you fancy having a ‘go’ at painting a watercolour, or two, you can buy a box of watercolours, (here in the UK)  at ‘The Works’ –  who sell a box of Boldmere watercolours  – 12 tubes of different colours, in a box, for just £3.00.  They also sell brushes, watercolour paper, watercolour pencils,  and other various arty items. Outside the UK I’m afraid I’m of no help as I don’t have knowledge of your art supplies stores.

Well, today (Tuesday) has been a beautiful day – not too hot, but warm, with a gentle suggestion of breeze.  And, as the sun shone, we were at Little Cobs School Sports Day!  I had such a good time watching him running, and joining in with all the races – from the bean bag on top of your head race – and the ‘Up and Under’ race – throwing the javelin (a long foam tube with ‘flights’ at one end — no one could get injured by these javelins!) – to the final race of running from one end to the other of the little field.

Having Cerebral Palsy, we knew Little Cobs wasn’t going to be the fastest runner, but he was most certainly the most ‘tried and succeeded, in a joyful manner‘  winner!

We’d never been to school Sports day before.  It was a joy to see how many people (mummies and daddies) knew Little Cobs by name, and when they spoke his name it was always spoken with a warm affection.  And even when he came last in some races, all the mummies and daddies hung about at the finish line and cheered him on and clapped loudly for him when he finally finished.  So heartwarming, and I was so, so thankful to them.  Such beautiful people.

Today has been a total joy and a day of making memories with our fabulous Grandson.  When we had a picnic on the field (along with all the other parents and grandparents and their little ones),  he was so full of happy bubbles that he wuffed his picnic lunch down and joined some other children in his class, doing the running races all over again – only this time,  ‘free-style’.  I worried that there’d be a collision – but thankfully they managed to avoid each other really well!  LOL.

May your own day today be a good one.  May the sun shine warmly upon you, and may someone smile in such a way that you feel the warmth behind it.

Be a blessing in someone elses life.  Make them an unexpected cup of tea/coffee.  Give someone a card just to say ‘Hello’ and make them smile.  Write a little message on a post it note and stick it to their computer/desk/mug!   Thank someone properly.  Go the extra mile and make someone feel that they matter.  Just make someone feel like they count.

Your smile might be the only good thing they’ve had to smile about all day.  Be a blessing.

Thank you so much for coming.  I love to see you here.

Have a truly blessed day.  Squidges from me here in my corner, to you there in yours.


Author: The Art of Cobwebs - aka:- thecobweboriumemporium

Hello. I'm 'Cobwebs'. I live in a wee little cottage in the South of England, aptly called Cobweb Cottage. This little dwelling really is a cobweb factory. Not inside (well, occasionally) - but outside - flipping heck! This information should give you a clue as to why my blog is called The Art of Cobwebs aka: The Cobweborium Emporium. I've been arty and crafty from a very young age, and although my crafts have sometimes turned a corner and taken me in another direction, I've always crafted in some way, shape or form. One day, in the blink of an eye, life changed somewhat for me and the consequences were many. I had to find a new way of being 'artistic'. Card making; scrap-booking; producing ATC's and ACEO's; needle felting; Polymer clay; painting- but in a more relaxed style than I had before, and sewing, - are all things which I visit, as and when life allows. I've fairy recently become a Textile Artist and am enjoying this new creative outlet very much as it offers me so much scope for letting my imagination run through a grassy field and feel the wind in my hair - (mentally, of course). I love to create. To make things. I truthfully believe that the best gifts in the world are those in which you've given your time, rather than your cash. Thank you so much for visiting. Please visit my blog (link below) and have a look around. I'm sure you'll find something to enjoy, even if it's only a handful of jokes! (yes, seriously - there really are jokes!) Wishing you a truly blessed rest of your day! ~ Cobs. <3

28 thoughts on “I’m a LITTLE Teapot! 3rd ATC/ACEO painted for World Watercolour Month”

  1. Your story about Little Cobs brought a tear to my eye. I’m so thrilled all the mums and dads cheered him on to the last. Bless such lovely people. Your little tea pot is just stunning, and I am so inspired I may have to have a try at a tiny watercolour myself. I do rather like teapots of all kinds. So glad you have had a wonderful rewarding and fulfilling day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Barbara 😀
      What a joy it is to see you here.
      I’m just beside myself with glee that you like the little teapot, AND that you feel you’d like to try a tiny watercolour. Ohh that would be fabulous. I’d love, love, LOVE it if you did. But remember to blog about it, because I so want to enjoy it too.

      Little Cobs and his sports day … I too was choked when all the mums and dads stayed at the finish line and cheered him on, then clapped and called wonderful ‘well done’ and ‘great racing!’ words to him. He absolutely beamed with delight – so much so that I think in that moment he was a challenge to the sun as to who was shining the brightest.
      I don’t think I’ve ever given thanks like I did yesterday, for all those mums and dads and their reactions. God bless every one of them. Fabulous people.

      Thank you so much for visiting Barbara, and for the beautiful comment.
      I wish you a joyful, blessed day.
      Sending love ~ Cobs. x


  2. Beautiful mini art Cobs. I can’t believe how small you managed to paint this. So pleased to hear you both had a wonderful day with young Cobs at the sports day. Sounds like a lot of fun was had by all. Everyone’s a winner!
    Hugs Flo xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Flo! 😀
      Aw it’s fabulous to see you. You bring the sunshine with you every time you come.

      Sports day was magical. I loved every moment of it – so much so that I want to do it all over again, just so I can feel that all encompassing love which was present on that little field yesterday. Such a wonderful day of memories. Photos were taken and videos made. Time for me to make a scrapbook I think!

      Thrilled to pieces that you like the little watercolour. Painting the tiny detail was a challenge (I almost gave up at one point.)

      I reckon you’d be great at ATC’s Flo. You have vision and you like details.
      I think you’d really enjoy it – and it’s so relaxing too.

      Thank you so much for coming, and for the really lovely comment.
      Sending squidges ~ Cobs. x

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Cobs, A very rarely do ATCs but love them. Maybe when your monthly water colour adventure is over we ought to do a monthly ATC together. Are you up for a challenge? Hey by the way. I see you ate all of the biscuits over at Ms. PPs?? 🙂 🙂
        Hugs Flo xx

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yeah… let’s do a monthly challenge. That will give us something different to play around with! GREAT IDEA Mrs. Flo! 😀

          Yes … I ate them all. You didn’t look in the cupboard to the left of the window, did you? If you had, you’d have found another pack of biscuits. I just found them. YIPPEEEE!
          Puff buys the nicest biscuits.
          BIG squidges ~ Cobs. x

          Liked by 1 person

  3. God is so good! What a blessing . Little Cobs will remember these days forever and so will you. My heart is busting with joy.
    Your tea pot is just the best and you don’t take to tea. LOL Sneak peek coming!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. OOOOooo… promises! Ok… well now you have my full attention and I’m going to be stalking your blog like a mad thing.
      What is it that she promises a peek at I wonder?

      I shall absolutely remember these days Beverly. I remember the day he was born as if it were only last week, and it still brings a lump to my throat. I could just cry with happiness.

      How clever of you to remember that I don’t drink tea! LOL. Nothing wrong with your memory! (Unlike my own … erm …. who am I again? Matron? MATROOOON??? lol.
      ❤ ~ Cobs. x

      Liked by 1 person

        1. No worries Beverly … I’m busy doing nothing…. apart from melting again because someone turned the sun back on to full strength, and so the heat went up again, and just like the witch in The Wizard of Oz …. I’m melting …. I’m MELTING! 😱

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Oh goodness…us too. It is 95 right now but a little cloud came over and I’m sure it was hotter earlier. I was just too hot to check. I haven’t turned the air on during the day, just the ceiling fan and save the air for night time.I just sleep so much better under cover. But …may have to change up a bit…this is awefull.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Nods. Please just make yourself comfortable and safe Beverly. If you’re finding it difficult to breathe properly then turn the air conditioning on.
              As for sleeping better of a night time … I hear you, and can relate.
              I hate those humid, hot summer nights. So uncomfortable and sticky.

              I bought a childrens plastic drinks container a few months ago, because I could see how this could be helpful during the summer. And …. IT IS! I put a couple of inches of water in it sometime during the morning, and then put the container (minus the lid) into the freezer – stood upright.

              Come bedtime … I take it out of the freezer and fill it up (not quite to the top – leave a bit of space) and then screw the top on. For a couple of hours after I get into bed, I have an icy cold drink next to the bed and it’s so very welcome some nights.

              I put the flask into a mug, then place the mug into a plastic sandwich bag, so that any condensation stays safely contained. I put the whole lot in my bedside draw and leave the drawer open so that I can read for the ‘flask’ of ice water, without any fear of knocking it over!

              See … not so green as I am cabbage coloured! (as my mum used to say! LOL).
              It’s made from decent plastic and safe – because it’s meant to be for children. It’s like bendy tupperware plastic – it has a bit of ‘give’ to it, so that I knew it wouldn’t crack under freezer conditions.

              Be safe my beautiful friend.
              Love ~ Cobs. x


  4. I remember the sports days well, including the mum’s and dad’s races! Good memories for all of you. The teapot is increibly detailed and for some strange reason it reminds me of Picasso art work, What a wonderful talent you have! Hugs x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can hear Picasso turning in his grave! LOL.

      Would you believe I went to visit my local charity shop this afternoon to drop some things in to them … and, apart from the blue decoration … they had a teapot in this shape, in the window! I kind of wish I’d have taken a photo of it to share it here, because it tickled me to think that I’d painted one in the same shape.

      I remember the mums and dad races too. *cringe*. lol

      Thankfully, they are a thing of the past …. well they are as far as Little Cobs school is concerned. The race which has replaced it is one that I had rainbows bursting out of my heart and eyes about …..

      It was for all the little brothers and sisters of the children who were racing that day. Mums and dads lined up with toddlers, and toddlers just had to run about 5 yards (with mummies and daddies help obviously)… and everyone got a sticker at the end.

      Watching these teeny tiny tots had me hugging myself with joy.
      Thank you so much for coming Kim, and for your lovely comment.
      Bless you. ~ C. x

      Liked by 1 person

      1. What a lovely image of those tiny tots. They say the best things in life are free, and it’s true, as scenes like that are priceless, thank you for sharing that image. I will go to sleep smiling 🤗 x

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Bless little Cobs! And well done to him 🏃🏆🏃🏆🏃🏆🏃🏆🏃🏆
    Love the little teapot too…reminds me of a Spode miniature 😺💕xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh what a great story about your grandson! I’m so happy for you that he has such great classmates and friends! I’m sure he is such a joy for both you and Mr. Cobs! Love the “little” teapot! I keep saying I’m going to try this…perhaps after all the July and August birthdays! Lovely to see you today! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Sounds like a perfect day. I love how accepting small children can be of each others differences. It’s such a shame that some people loose this as they get older. Sounds like little cobs thoroughly enjoyed his sports day. Hxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. He did. He really really did. It was such a joy to watch and I continually wanted to cry with gratitude for being given this incredible child.

      Than you for the lovely comment Hannah, and for visiting. I know you’re on your phone doing this right now, and that’s got to be a labour of dedication. So I’m just thrilled to pieces to see you here.
      Sending HUGE buckets of love and squidges ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  8. This is nice; the post, the teapot, and the Mummies and Daddies cheering Little Cobs on. I was hopeless at the school sports days… so bad they even stopped entering me in the end. I’m exhausted thinking about it now! Hope you’re having a good Wednesday, Cobs… I’m only a week and a day behind now! 😆

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Tom,
      I was fine with sports day when I was little and just thought it was great fun. However when I reached Senior School (as it was called before they changed it), I thought Sports Day should have been retired as we were all beautiful girls and had no need to dress in sports gear in front of all those strangers That’s when I began to hate it. We were young ladies (it was an all girls school), and flying up and over with the use of a pole, or opening your legs as wide as possible in order to jump and clear the hurdles. Any of the ‘events’ weren’t appreciated by us girls. We were too old to be involved in that sort of thing.

      Congratulations on catching up a little. It’s a difficult job and not one I envy. ~ Cobs. x


  9. What a coincidence that I found your post right when I am in a process of making a series of ACEO “Teapots”! 🙂 I really like your little blue teapot. Hmm… what kind of tea would you like? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. um…. I’ll have the one which looks like coffee, tastes like coffee and actually, I’ll have coffee.

      I haven’t drunk tea since I was 13years old, when I realised that I didn’t like the smell of it. So coffee is my poison of choice. 🙂

      I’m now desperate to see your ACEO’s of Teapots! Are you going to blog about them?
      Thank you for coming! 😀 ~ Cobs. x


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