Just the two of us ~ ‘appley ever after!

These ATC’s  which I’m about to share, weren’t actually what I was going to post about today,  but the painting I was going to share has gone missing.  I remember putting it somewhere safe, so that I could take photo’s of it once I’d finished making the card I was working on. Do you think I can remember where the safe place was?  Not on your nelly!

So … filling in for the missing bit of art, are two ATC’s/ACEO’s which I painted a little while ago.  I have photos, but didn’t realise until I looked at them to pop the photos on this post, how grainy and fuzzy they are.  I asked Mr.C if he thought that the photo’s were good enough to post on the blog here, and he said  yes, ‘course they are!… so we’ll blame him.

(Please note…  I didn’t say it was his fault.   I said we’ll blame him.  BIG difference.)   😀

These were ‘two of a kind’  ATC’s – both hand painted by me and meant to be together as a pair.  You see …  this first one is called: Just the Two of Us ~ what a pear!’

conical topiary tree 1
ATC/ACEO – mounted and framed.  The painting is called ‘Just the Two of Us ~ what a pear!’
Sorry the grainy images.  I’m not sure what happened – maybe I shook the camera or possibly had it on the wrong setting … I have no idea.
conical topiary tree 2
ATC/ACEO hand painted by Cobwebs.  The painting is called:  ‘Just the Two of Us ~ what a pear!’

The slightly wonky left hand side of the pot was intentional.  The painting represents how the life of two people (the pears in this case), grow together, but they don’t crowd each other  … and they make their home in a slightly wonky pot which tells the story of how life isn’t as perfect as we’d perhaps like it to be, but we make the best of what we have and what is just a ‘wonky’ pot to some,  is a really pretty home of fabulousness to others.

Life isn’t perfect,  and neither is the wonky pot.  But it’s still fabulous – just like life in general when you think about it.

The second of these ATC/ACEO’s,which is the other half of the pair of paintings,  –  is called:  ‘Appley Ever After!’

1 ball topiary tree 1
ATC/ACEO – mounted and framed.  The painting is called ‘Appley Ever After

This painting is of a round Topiary Tree, complete with 6 Apples .  A family of Apples living  ‘Appley Ever After‘.

2 ball topiary tree 2
ATC/ACEO hand painted by Cobwebs.  The painting is called:  ‘Appley Ever After’!

It speaks for itself in the title …   the ‘family’ of apples could be a couple and their four children, or just a couple with their parents and in-laws  …  there are more ways than one to make a family.  But they all lived  Appley Ever After’!

I mounted and framed these two paintings and put them for sale …  and was thrilled, from the top of my head down to my wriggly toes that they both sold within a couple of days!  I wondered if the lady buyer was going to give them as a gift (maybe a wedding present, as they’d ‘fit the bill’ – so to speak) or if she was keeping them, and she told me she wanted to keep them and hang them in her own home.  I felt so honoured.

At the top of this post I’ve made a white ‘card’ which gives you the measurement of an ATC/ACEO. This size doesn’t differ.  You aren’t allowed to go above this size.  Now I actually measured this out and made it exactly as you see in the photo …  but I know that WordPress  will re-size images sometimes, so if you get a rule or measuring tape, you’ll be able to judge if it’s showing up at the right size.  If it isn’t … just look on your rule/measuring tap to actually be able to visualise how small an ATC really is.

I would love you to have a go at one.  You don’t have to paint …  you can do practically anything on a bit of card, paper, Watercolour paper, board, wood, …. anything!

coffee cup

Ok…. I’ve yacked long enough,  so I’ll shut up and let you finish your coffee in peace.

Thank you so much for coming and having a coffee moment with me.  🙂

Sending squidges and love to you in your corner, from me in mine.  ❤ 


Author: The Art of Cobwebs - aka:- thecobweboriumemporium

Hello. I'm 'Cobwebs'. I live in a wee little cottage in the South of England, aptly called Cobweb Cottage. This little dwelling really is a cobweb factory. Not inside (well, occasionally) - but outside - flipping heck! This information should give you a clue as to why my blog is called The Art of Cobwebs aka: The Cobweborium Emporium. I've been arty and crafty from a very young age, and although my crafts have sometimes turned a corner and taken me in another direction, I've always crafted in some way, shape or form. One day, in the blink of an eye, life changed somewhat for me and the consequences were many. I had to find a new way of being 'artistic'. Card making; scrap-booking; producing ATC's and ACEO's; needle felting; Polymer clay; painting- but in a more relaxed style than I had before, and sewing, - are all things which I visit, as and when life allows. I've fairy recently become a Textile Artist and am enjoying this new creative outlet very much as it offers me so much scope for letting my imagination run through a grassy field and feel the wind in my hair - (mentally, of course). I love to create. To make things. I truthfully believe that the best gifts in the world are those in which you've given your time, rather than your cash. Thank you so much for visiting. Please visit my blog (link below) and have a look around. I'm sure you'll find something to enjoy, even if it's only a handful of jokes! (yes, seriously - there really are jokes!) Wishing you a truly blessed rest of your day! ~ Cobs. <3

48 thoughts on “Just the two of us ~ ‘appley ever after!”

  1. Lovely ATC cards. I always enjoy seeing your painting skills on display (fuzzy or not). I hope you find your other painting and share it. Hope you enjoy your day or should I say enjoyed it…time differences always get me. I will go back to sipping my morning coffee before another day of extremely hot weather get to far along and coffee is unbearable.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Morning Scrapper.
      Aw I’m thrilled that you like the paintings.
      Thank you so much for your lovely comment.

      It’s 4.25pm here, and the sun is shining high in the sky and it’s roasting us! It’s SO hot here. We don’t normally suffere with the heat from the sun because we are surrounded by tall Pine trees, which make a canopy over us – so it will get warm in the summer, but this is the first time it’s got stinking hot!

      I give my thanks to whoever it was, long ago, who did the clever planting of these trees. They give me so much joy.

      Have a wonderful day Morning S.
      Sending love ~ Cobs. x

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh how nice to have the shade. I have some trees in my yard but just don’t seem to do enough in these 100 degree days.
        It’s 8:30 am just trying to get started but enjoyed reading your post with the morning coffee. I have to say, I do enjoy that you are 8 hours ahead, when you post it always seems to work with my schedule so I can truly enjoy them.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Aw … thank you Morning Scrapper.
          It’s so lovely to hear that someone really is there and is sitting long enough to have a coffee and a read.
          Love you to pieces for letting me know. Bless you.
          Have a truly blessed day. love ~ Cobs. x

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Those are sooo cute, and the titles of them are just “peachy”. I have never made any ATCs and I want to as I have lots of scraps to do so. I do doodle but also haven’t tried too much in the painting department yet either. So these are things that I want to add to my “to do” list. There are so many things on that list, I don’t think I will live long enough to try them all.
    Well done Cobs and you should be proud! Love those little works of art and I’m glad the lady that bought them is going to treasure them in her own home as I would. 🙂
    Have a “cool” day.
    We are supposed to be up in the 20’s this week. Not looking forward to it at all.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello lovely Soozy!
      Aw you simply HAVE to have a go at making your first ATC Soozy. It’s ridiculously easy. All you start with is a measured out bit of paper/card/wood/cereal box/ …. you name it. So long as it’s the correct size you’re good to go.

      You could put a pressed flower on it, maybe a bit of colour in the background …. a tree in the distance. Then maybe a few of those teeny tiny beads glued to the card to represent flowers… or fairies!

      Your imagination is your only limit. Go for it.

      It’s very hot here again today. I have two fans going here in my crafty room, and I’ve had to put my hair up in a bad, and even wearing a thin tortoiseshell (not real – eeek!) hairband to keep my fring (bangs for the USA folks) from flopping over my face and irritating me!

      I’m not sure if it was you … but I feel as if I was chatting with you about this ….

      A damp face cloth, put into the freezer until it’s frozen? Was that you Soozy?

      Well … I tried it this morning. Mr. Cobs did it because he can wring out better than I can … (I have no muscle strength. Useless!) He ran a pink fluffy face cloth under the cold tap and made sure it was wet right through, then we popped it in to the freezer.

      Little while later, when it began to get roasting hot, he got it out …. and I put it on the back of my neck.

      OH. MY. GOODNESS!!! There has never been such a wonderful thing as this! I kept it on my neck for about 40 seconds. Then I kind of moulded it to the top of my head…. ohhhhhhh. Then I held it over my face. siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. Bliss isn’t anywhere near what it felt like.

      So… I HIGHLY recommend this method of getting cooler quickly. It’s amazing.

      If it was you Soozy … BIG Thank YOu. If not … try it. You will LOVE it.

      Sending love. Stay as cool as a cucumber Soozy. Get out of the sun … but if you have to be there… make sure you use a good suncream to protect your skin.
      Stay Safe. ~ Cobs. xxx


  3. I have heard of the facecloth in the freezer, there were even people making these gel types of things for you (and your dogs) to wear around your neck after you wet them and put them in the freezer. I was the one of the water spritzer and fan. Feels like a lovely mist. Thank goodness for water, showers, cool baths. We are so very lucky to have these things at our finger tips Cobs. I am thankful I can just go turn on a tap and get relief. 🙂
    I am off to the grocery store to pick up a few things. I have plenty of salads in the fridge, pasta, couscous and even turkey (home made) for sandwiches tonight. I just need to have some more fruit other than banana’s.
    I will try an ATC, I truly will, maybe this is something that my gal pal and I can do on Friday when we get together.
    Thank you Cobs for a lovely morning chat.
    Keep those face clothes frozen. This too shall pass.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Spritzer!! Oh, of course!
      I’m going on Friday to see if I can find a wee spray bottle.

      I have spray bottles in my craft room, but they hold inks and stains – and although the one is almost empty, I really don’t want to risk washing and filling that one up to use on my face because knowing me and my stupid skin, there will be something in that bottle that my skin will take objection to and I’ll come out in spots or a rash. tsk tsk. lol

      So the spritzer will be in use by the end of Friday. Yay!

      Have a lovely shopping experience.
      Sending love ~ Cobs. x

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh you’d definitely be able to do it. When you get that bit of card/paper/wood in front of you, you’d be surprised by whay you can do in that tiny space. You don’t have to paint … you can stick things on the space, beads, dried flowers, strings, ribbons … you can draw and colour with pens or pencils, or chalk! If you Google ATC, then look at the images – you’ll find a whole bundle of inspirational ATC’s or ATCO’s.

      Try it. I think you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to do things small.
      Sending love to you both ~ Cobs. x


  4. Really nice, Cobs – and good for you for selling them.
    I may have a go at creating a few of these myself – and now that you’ve thrown out that little challenge as well, it’s looking more promising. It’s also World Watercolour Month next month, which I participate in, so this will be something a ‘little’ (hehehe) different to contribute! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ohhh Tom how brilliant! Yes please have a go at these. I know you’ll make a success of them. You have such a creative heart and mind, and I can almost feel your fingers desperately begging you to take up something creative other than on the pooter.

      Please have a go Tom. I know you’ll love it once you get going.
      Squidges ~ Cobs. x

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m in love! I love anything and everything having to do with pears! I have a large collection of them on a tray in our sitting room. From glass to wood to ceramic to bronze to wicker and on, all sizes, they make me happy! Your pear creation and the whimsical but oh so true message it sends is absolutely DELIGHTFUL! Oh my, you are a creator after my heart, what a happy moment you have brought to me today! Thank you from me and my pears!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awww, bless your beautiful heart, LaundryBaby.

      I’ve never known anyone before who had a thing for pears. 🍐 How fantastic! Your collection sounds lovely and I’d love to see it. Have you blogged about it, by any chance?

      If not … maybe you could! Take photos of them and share them with us!

      I have a glass, Pear paperweight 🍐somewhere, but it was packed away when my Grandson began to walk, for he’s was a little monkey for touching things, and he’s still like that now! He has to investigate everything and see how it works.

      Naturally … ‘good’ ornaments are hidden away for now. LOL.

      Thank you so much for coming, and for the fabulous chat!
      Wishing you a blessed rest of your day! ~ Cobs. x 🍐 🍐 🍐


  6. At a friend’s strenuous encouragement, I thought about blogging for a time. Sadly, I am not computer savvy in the least and after reading and researching, I decided that my defiencies were insurmountable. Subsequently, I have found many blogs (such as yours) I enjoy following and commenting on when I am particularly delighted. Thank you for asking. Here’s to more of your pleasurable posts!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. These are really lovely Cobs. Wonky pots and all. I should like a home called ‘Wonky Pots’. I do ATC’s from time to time, but’s it’s been a while now. I am off on a painting retreat this weekend but working on a 900cm x 900cm canvas so hardly ATC. Perhaps I will make a miniature of my finished work. The sentiment of your tiny works of art is perfect.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “Wonky Pots” as a house name .. at first I thought how charming that would be, and I envisioned a house with a house sign reading this very thing and thought how perfect it would be.

      Then … I began to laugh as I realised that some people might think that it was referring to the people who lived in the house, and the sign was telling everyone that the people who lived there were indeed ‘Wonky’ and ‘Pots’ or potty. LOL
      But .. y’know, me and my wonky sense of humour would actually go with it. I’d be more than happy to have a fabulous old cottage called Wonky Pots. 🙂

      What a great idea Barbara, an ATC of your 900cm x 900cm canvas painting! It will be a challenge, but one I’m certain will be a walk in the park for you, my talented blogging friend.

      Have a wonderful time on your retreat weekend.
      Thank you so much for coming for a chat.
      Sending squidges ~ Cobs. x


  8. Lovely…all of it! 😍 I think the ‘Pears’ should have been mine 😁 Oh, well, I’m sure the lovely lady buyer loves them as much as I do. I love the wonky pot! It is a perfect way to show that life isn’t. 🤗
    I hope you find the other painting soon! I always say, if I ever locate my ‘safe place’ it’s gonna be like Christmas! 🤣
    Thanks for a great & entertaining post! Hugs 🤗 from ~Tina 💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Tina. FAbulous to see you! 😀

      I’m thrilled to bits that you like the two little paintings.
      I loved them both too, and it was a very big ‘thing’ for me to put them for sale. (I love things and want to keep them all when I’ve made them!) lol.

      The Pears (pair) were, I thought, perfect for a wedding gift, but I was thrilled that the same lady bought both of the paintings and was keeping them. They were meant to be together for that’s how, in my head, I envisioned them being.

      Actually laughing at your ‘Safe Place’. Like you, my safe place must be over-flowing by now, so why can’t I find it???
      I hope I find that painting… I loved it after I’d finished it. It was a bit different for me, not my usual style of painting, so to love it when it was completed was a real surprise. I was just painting for the sake of ‘playing’ with some paint and enjoying a quiet moment in the day.

      If and when I find it, I’ll photograph it and share it on the old blog here!
      Thanks so much for coming and chatting Tina. It’s fabulous to see you.
      Sending squidges ~ Cobs. x ❤


  9. These are gorgeous. Love them both. Want to have a go as soon as I have some time.
    I have just noticed your last post. Sorry Cobs, I didn’t get notification of that. Rrrrrgh! frazzle razzle razzle.
    Hugs Flo xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Flo. 😀
      Aw I’m so happy to hear that you like the little ATC’s/ACEO’s.
      I don’t fret about anyone not commenting on something, for I know how busy everyone is and time is …. well ‘time’ is that thing which seems to run out pretty quickly the older we get!

      But you, being only 22 wouldn’t know about that. 😀

      Hope you’re well and feeling as fit as can be.
      Sending squidges ~ Cobs. x

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Sweetie. We know each other well enough now. I just get so frustrated when these readers and notifications don’t work properly. Mind you I am having to change the way I comment. I can’t blog every day now. As you know we have a poor broad band connection in our village. The children (not mine I might add) should be on holiday from school for 12 weeks soon so it may get better! lol!
        What do you mean 22! You are adding a year on to my age!! 🙂 Seriously, I am definitely feeling my Levi age at the moment. What I want to know is where have the last 10 years gone!!!! I blinked and missed them 🙂
        Always lovely to chat to you.
        Hugs Flo xx

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I know … the reader gets a liddle bit on my nerves too.
          As do some of the changes. I can’t find things anymore, and sometimes there are things which go missing. For example, I can be writing a post and everything is fine and groovy. But … if I save it, then come back to it later or the next day in order to finish it off and schedule it … I can find that the ‘underline’ is missing altogether. It doesn’t give me that option at all.
          It’s the daft things like that which waste time as you start looking for them. grrrr.

          But … on the whole, when it works it works brilliantly. When it works. :/

          You are nowhere near a Levi age.
          Anyway … I have a rule:
          A lady is never older than her bra size, and her inner child age is the size shoe she wears.
          You can be younger than your bra size, but NEVER older than it. (that’s in inches by the way, not centimetres!)
          Love and squidges ~ Cobs. x


  10. All-right Lady Cob……We need to know where and how you sell. You know I am in the dark about these things. The ATC are wonderful as well as their name. Perfect . You know those of us who are a little wonkey make the best friends. Love you ( pc has been on the blink again….again )

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww thank you Beverly. I’m just chuffed to pieces that you like them. Names and all! lol

      I most certainly do know about wonky friends for I is one!

      That computer of yours obviously needs some sort of technical viagra, for it seems to need some help in order to get it working! (giggling to myself here) lol.
      Love you to Beverly. Ooodles and ooooodles.!
      ~ Cobs. x


    1. But Chicken …. what else would you paint/colour/draw/make … but …. a Chicken of course! 😀

      Aw, chuffed to bits that you like them.
      Thank you, Chicken.
      Do have a go. They’re way easier than you let yourself think they are.
      Sending oodles of love ~ Cobs. x

      Liked by 1 person

  11. You’re so clever cobs, love these little painted images, they are adorable. I can fully understand why they were bought to go on a wall that would otherwise be left empty and missing your wonderful images. Beautiful x

    Liked by 1 person

        1. How about a few days in a spa …. being massaged, having facials, and generally relaxing and letting someone else do the work?
          You should treat yourself Kim. Either go with a good friend, or a daughter(in-law) or sister(in-law).
          Go on Kim…. you’ve earned it and you deserve it.

          Liked by 1 person

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