Just the two of us ~ ‘appley ever after!

These ATC’s  which I’m about to share, weren’t actually what I was going to post about today,  but the painting I was going to share has gone missing.  I remember putting it somewhere safe, so that I could take photo’s of it once I’d finished making the card I was working on. Do you think I can remember where the safe place was?  Not on your nelly!

So … filling in for the missing bit of art, are two ATC’s/ACEO’s which I painted a little while ago.  I have photos, but didn’t realise until I looked at them to pop the photos on this post, how grainy and fuzzy they are.  I asked Mr.C if he thought that the photo’s were good enough to post on the blog here, and he said  yes, ‘course they are!… so we’ll blame him.

(Please note…  I didn’t say it was his fault.   I said we’ll blame him.  BIG difference.)   😀

These were ‘two of a kind’  ATC’s – both hand painted by me and meant to be together as a pair.  You see …  this first one is called: Just the Two of Us ~ what a pear!’

conical topiary tree 1
ATC/ACEO – mounted and framed.  The painting is called ‘Just the Two of Us ~ what a pear!’
Sorry the grainy images.  I’m not sure what happened – maybe I shook the camera or possibly had it on the wrong setting … I have no idea.
conical topiary tree 2
ATC/ACEO hand painted by Cobwebs.  The painting is called:  ‘Just the Two of Us ~ what a pear!’

The slightly wonky left hand side of the pot was intentional.  The painting represents how the life of two people (the pears in this case), grow together, but they don’t crowd each other  … and they make their home in a slightly wonky pot which tells the story of how life isn’t as perfect as we’d perhaps like it to be, but we make the best of what we have and what is just a ‘wonky’ pot to some,  is a really pretty home of fabulousness to others.

Life isn’t perfect,  and neither is the wonky pot.  But it’s still fabulous – just like life in general when you think about it.

The second of these ATC/ACEO’s,which is the other half of the pair of paintings,  –  is called:  ‘Appley Ever After!’

1 ball topiary tree 1
ATC/ACEO – mounted and framed.  The painting is called ‘Appley Ever After

This painting is of a round Topiary Tree, complete with 6 Apples .  A family of Apples living  ‘Appley Ever After‘.

2 ball topiary tree 2
ATC/ACEO hand painted by Cobwebs.  The painting is called:  ‘Appley Ever After’!

It speaks for itself in the title …   the ‘family’ of apples could be a couple and their four children, or just a couple with their parents and in-laws  …  there are more ways than one to make a family.  But they all lived  Appley Ever After’!

I mounted and framed these two paintings and put them for sale …  and was thrilled, from the top of my head down to my wriggly toes that they both sold within a couple of days!  I wondered if the lady buyer was going to give them as a gift (maybe a wedding present, as they’d ‘fit the bill’ – so to speak) or if she was keeping them, and she told me she wanted to keep them and hang them in her own home.  I felt so honoured.

At the top of this post I’ve made a white ‘card’ which gives you the measurement of an ATC/ACEO. This size doesn’t differ.  You aren’t allowed to go above this size.  Now I actually measured this out and made it exactly as you see in the photo …  but I know that WordPress  will re-size images sometimes, so if you get a rule or measuring tape, you’ll be able to judge if it’s showing up at the right size.  If it isn’t … just look on your rule/measuring tap to actually be able to visualise how small an ATC really is.

I would love you to have a go at one.  You don’t have to paint …  you can do practically anything on a bit of card, paper, Watercolour paper, board, wood, …. anything!

coffee cup

Ok…. I’ve yacked long enough,  so I’ll shut up and let you finish your coffee in peace.

Thank you so much for coming and having a coffee moment with me.  🙂

Sending squidges and love to you in your corner, from me in mine.  ❤ 
