may I introduce Noel, ~ The ‘Merry Christmas’ Shaker Tree

Hello, and Happy Thursday!  I have another mainly white, with a dash of colour from the ribbon, and also from the sprinkles inside the shaker tree  –  card to share with you, direct from my craft desk.

Made on a 7″x7″ square white, scored card, and with a sheet of 7″x 7″ white card which the tree was cut from.

I love shaker cards – but the one thing I don’t love about them is how boring they can look when they’re stood up on the mantel shelf, and all the fabulous sprinkles fall to the bottom of the tree.  It leaves a card looking slightly sad and a bit miserable, because the receiver can only enjoy the card if they sit like a saddo, shaking the card.  (Which is fine if they’re a child, but a tad boring if in their 30’s and above).  So I devised a way of keeping some interest in the cut of part of a shaker card, and it’s really simple to do.  Just add a few ‘stops’ or streamers along the way, which the sprinkles get caught on, and will hold there, so that the shape you’ve cut out stays looking more interesting.

I’ve blown the tree part up in some photos – one with flash, one without, so that you can hopefully actually see the ‘streamers’ I built into this card.  This first photograph is with the flash on . . .

can you see how I’ve added some cut and shaped ‘streamers’ to the layer between the acetate and the back of the cut out – which I devised so that the sprinkles would get caught up in the shapes and wouldn’t all fall to the base of the tree, so keeping the shape (in this case a tree) more interesting to look at.

This next photo was taken with the flash off, so that it might show the ‘streamers’ better …

Can you see the ‘streamers’?

If you decide to have a go at this and do it yourself – don’t make your ‘streamers’ straight lines Give them some curves, so that you don’t end up with lines across your image – which could end up looking worse than nothing being there at all.  Oh … and don’t use glitter – because that can totally ruin a shaker card, as it’s a little divil and sticks to the acetate in such a way that it almost ‘fogs out’ anything else you may have in your shaker.


The greeting:  NOEL, was stamped using silver embossing ink,  teamed up with Tonic Embossing Crystals.  The stamp used was from a set of 6 greetings, made by Crafty Individuals.   I can recommend this company, both for their service and their products.  You can find this particular stamp set HERE  <— clickable link.  (I ordered these stamps and they were in my hands 3 days later.  I can’t say that you’ll get that ‘quickness’ right now, because we’re all living in the silly season right now, but I’ve found them, each time I’ve used them, to be very quick and efficient.)

To make the colours chosen for the sprinkles ‘pop’,  I added two lengths of Merry Christmas ribbon, in a lovely rich teal colour.  This ribbon was from the DoCrafts selection, and is a really fabulous weight of grosgrain.  Finally, I added a pearl star to the top of the tree, and voila …  Noel the Christmas Shaker Tree came to life.


I was aiming to get this card posted yesterday (Wednesday) …  but you know what they say about ‘plans’:-   If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.  He must be having a right old riot of a time up there in Heaven right now, as he reads down my list of ‘plans’.

Mr. Cobs and I went to see Little Cobs in his Christmas Concert with the other young members of his school year, at the Church near his home.  Ohhhhh…  I was wriggling in my seat and beside myself with joy.  I wanted to sprinkle rainbows from my eyes with happy and love.  Little Cobs was so over-joyed to see his Grammy and Grandad at the concert that he could be heard over and above any other noise, telling his teacher:  “That’s my Grammy!  It’s MY Grammy!  Look.  LOOK.  She’s there ”  <points finger>.  He’s such a darling, and it was such a privilege to be there.  (Not really well enough to go, but down right determined that I was going to be there, pain or no pain).

We came home,  and Mr. Cobs fed me lunch and then sent me straight to bed, where I spent the rest of the afternoon worn out from trying to escape the awful pain in my back.  He (my GP) has given me pain killers – and they do kind of work (they make the pain easier to live with) but they don’t last long enough, and even the smallest bit of doing ‘something’ causes whatever this is to flare up.  It’s become one step forward and two steps back.

OK.. moan and grizzle over with.  tsk tsk.

Well it’s Thursday ...  and I cannot believe how fast this week is flying past.  We have ten days until  YOU KNOW WHAT DAY!  But .. actually, I suppose I should say NINE days – because you can’t count the day itself – so  IT’S NINE DAYS TILL YOU KNOW WHAT DAY(and I still haven’t found a gift for Mr.C!  eek!)

Wishing you a truly lovely Thursday.  Make someone happy today.  Do something to make someones day a little brighter.  Buy them one of those big chocolate cookies?  Or maybe a magazine to read?  Perhaps a cupcake?  Something funny to put on their desk?  Some Christmas Socks? (men might find those a bit of a laugh).  Or just write down your most favourite joke, pop it into an envelope and deliver it to them with a wink.  That might get their heart racing, before they open it and fall about laughing.

Or maybe just tell someone how much you like them.  That’s bound to have a great affect upon someone.

Sending you love … oh … and do you know why I like YOU so much?  It’s because you have that special ‘spark’ about you which makes you fun to be around.  I really love seeing you here, and love knowing that you’re on the other side of my computer screen, having a bit of a smile with me.  So thank you for that.

Have a great day.  ~



Author: The Art of Cobwebs - aka:- thecobweboriumemporium

Hello. I'm 'Cobwebs'. I live in a wee little cottage in the South of England, aptly called Cobweb Cottage. This little dwelling really is a cobweb factory. Not inside (well, occasionally) - but outside - flipping heck! This information should give you a clue as to why my blog is called The Art of Cobwebs aka: The Cobweborium Emporium. I've been arty and crafty from a very young age, and although my crafts have sometimes turned a corner and taken me in another direction, I've always crafted in some way, shape or form. One day, in the blink of an eye, life changed somewhat for me and the consequences were many. I had to find a new way of being 'artistic'. Card making; scrap-booking; producing ATC's and ACEO's; needle felting; Polymer clay; painting- but in a more relaxed style than I had before, and sewing, - are all things which I visit, as and when life allows. I've fairy recently become a Textile Artist and am enjoying this new creative outlet very much as it offers me so much scope for letting my imagination run through a grassy field and feel the wind in my hair - (mentally, of course). I love to create. To make things. I truthfully believe that the best gifts in the world are those in which you've given your time, rather than your cash. Thank you so much for visiting. Please visit my blog (link below) and have a look around. I'm sure you'll find something to enjoy, even if it's only a handful of jokes! (yes, seriously - there really are jokes!) Wishing you a truly blessed rest of your day! ~ Cobs. <3

52 thoughts on “may I introduce Noel, ~ The ‘Merry Christmas’ Shaker Tree”

  1. Lovely shaker card, Cobs! You could also glue a few sequins (or whatever else you are using in your shaker) to the background to act like the streamers. They stay put when upright, and they also cause other doodads to catch on the way down.

    Glad you got to go see Little Cobs in his school program.

    Sorry to hear that you are still not feeling up to par.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Kathy, Happy Thursday!
      Yes, sequins glued to certain spots would add to the upright look, and could catch a sprinkle or two as they fell down when the card was upright, too.

      So lovely to see you Kathy. Thank you so much for coming, and for leaving me a chat too. It’s great to share a coffee and chat with you.
      Sending you squidges ~ Cobs. x

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely card, I do like shakers, never made one yet, but that could happen any minute now. 😉
    I am so sorry that you are hurting. I deal with chronic pain and it’s exhausting most days. I get very tired around dinner time and fight my eyes closing sometimes. I do hope you find relief and a fix soon for your back. Hope it doesn’t get to stopping your creative flow. That is also not good for you 🙂
    We are going through a cold snap for our neck of the woods. We have experienced -7 and -9 in some places and for Victoria, BC that is cold plus the wind makes it just bitter.
    Stay warm and be good to yourself.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Soozy.
      Sorry to hear that you’re coping with chronic pain, and know personally how it can exhaust and knock you off your feet.

      That cold snap which you’re dealing with perhaps won’t help your complaint, because, as we both know, when it’s cold it makes you tense up, which ends up making pain worse somehow. (or is that just me and my weird body? lol)
      Sending you caring hugs and warm wishes ~ Cobs. x


      1. Yes, tense, I can relate. We have weather here much like England, damp. So when it gets cold you are dealing with the damp too. Every day is a new adventure. LOL take care Cobs and hugs and warm cocoa wishes to you!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Of Course I love the Noel Card! It is so beautiful and you are so willing to share how to go about making it! You definitely devised a wonderful way to have the tree looking beautiful, so one doesn’t have to continuously shake it! …..I am thrilled the weather and your health permitted you to attend Little Cobs. performance. He was so proud to have you there. Those are the moments that take our breath away! I do wish the GP would find a reason for the pain! (still in my prayers) I can’t believe we only have 9 days til YOU KNOW WHAT DAY!!!! 🙂 Sending hugs and love! xxxx Ruthie~

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello wonderful Ruthie!
      Thrilled you like the card. Thank you for your lovely comment.

      The Carol Concert was an absolute joy and I was so happy to be there.
      Thank you for the comment Ruthie. Hearing from you is such a beautiful thing.
      Sending hugs your way ~ Cobs. x

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Great way to end the shaker problems. Very Christmasy tree
    Don’t we just fall out love it when our grands yell with pleasure at our coming. At Brooklyn’s birthday party when I arrived she came running..”My Bebe” Love that 2 yr. old heart. I’m working on tomorrows blog…maybe.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Beverly. Awww…. I swear that had the sun come out inside the Church yesterday, it would have showed up all the rainbows escaping from my eyes. (I was so glad that I remembered to pop a tissue into the pocket of my jacket before I got out of the car).

      Ohhh bless your Grandaughters beautiful heart …. 2 year olds (and little ones in general) tell it, and show it, like it really is for them.

      Maybe?? You’re working on tomorows blog … “maybe”??? There’s no maybe about it, young lady. You crack on and get that blog post sorted!

      Sending warm hugs ~ Cobs. x

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh my gosh!! First of all, I’m sorry to hear about your back! That stinks. Hope you have some relief.

    The concert sounds like a lot of fun. Special moments for sure. 💜

    I’m sorry I’m so far behind on reading. I meant to answer your reply on your other post that I commented on about the card you made. Your reply back was so nice!

    I am 100000% in love with this card with the tree. It’s adorable. So creative!! Bravo!! 💜😊❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello lovely Jessica!
      Don’t worry over being ‘behind’ on reading . . . or replying. I don’t want my blog to be anything but a pleasure, so no fretting or feeling guilty about anything!

      Thrlled you like the card. It was enjoyable to make.
      Sending squidges to your corner from mine ~ Cobs. x

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I am not a crafter, but I love reading about the beautiful cards you make. That’s great that you went to your grandson’s program. Our older grandson is due here late Thursday night to spend Christmas with us. He is in a different league from yours, though. He is 21. Have a merry Friday!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Anne, so lovely to see you.
      You’re not a crafter? Aw, we’re going to have to get you making something next year, so that you can earn your ‘Crafter’ merit award! (lol … I just made this award up – but I’m liking the sound of it!)

      How lovely that you have your Grandson coming for Christmas! And at 21 years old, he’s the right age to not have to be played with when your tummies are full from Christmas Dinner and all you want to do is splodge into a chair and have a bit of a snooze. lol.
      Have a wonderful day today, Anne.
      Sending squidges ~ Cobs. x


  7. Super card Cobs. Love the idea of the stops within the tree. That is such a great idea. The Festive Curly words CI set is one of my favs. The Noel looks fab embossed. It is great you were able to go to little Cobs concert. Hope you are feeling better soon.
    Hugs Flo xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Florence.
      The Festive Curly Words stamp set, I only found because of a card you made a few weeks ago. I LOVED the font, so went to the website you recommended and found that they had other stamp sets using the same font. Ohhh, I was spoiled for choice and practically delirious with happy bubbles! It’s so rare (for me at least) to find a stamp using just the right words, in a font which speaks for you (me). It’s so important, to me, for a stamp to ‘say it’ in the way I want it to ‘speak’.

      So a big THANK YOU Florence … for adding that bit to each of your posts, showing what you’ve used in the making of *that* item, and also putting in a clickable link to where *it* can be bought from. I’ve found that useful on more than one occasion.
      Thank you so much for going that extra mile and showing us each item, and sourcing the link for us all. I love you for it.

      Thrilled you like the card and my idea for the ‘stops’ to help keep some sprinkles in place when the card is upright.
      Thank you for the good wishes.
      Sending love and hugs ~ Cobs. x


  8. Living in ‘The Tangled Backwoods’ I’ve not come across a shaker card before …are you sure being the dark side of 30 I really, really would tire of shaking said card ..I can see it providing hours of entertainment lol.
    Little Cobs is obviously expecting all & sundry to be aware of your celebrity status 🙂
    Get well real soon

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I solemnly swear [that I am up to no good] that you really, really would get tired, very quickly, of shaking a shaker card.
      Even in The Tangled Backwoods where the Whomping Willow lives.

      Seriously? You’ve not seen a shaker card before?

      Aww Little Cobs … he was just so happy to see me and so over-joyed that I was there, watching him that it really did make me cry rainbows and I was so glad that I picked up a tissue from the car before I walked into Church.

      Thank you for your good wishes, and for coming and having a (looks at watch) Cocktail with me. Want another?
      Hugs and squidges ~ Cobs. x

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Nope never seen a shaker card before …what can I say I’ve lead a sheltered life LOL
        You used just the one tissue while watching little Cobs ?..I used more than that reading your post !!
        As for a cocktail I don’t mind if I do 🙂


        1. [glugging noise heard as bottles of unknown origin are tipped up and each glug counted in order to get the mixture just right]

          No … I made more than one tissues worth of rainbows … I only had one tissue. {sigh} I never think properly. I should have walked into church with the whole box!

          Would madam like the pink cocktail or the purple one? c(_) <— I've poured them into coffee mugs so that we don't run out as quickly … but I'll pop cherries and a paper umbrella in, just for fun.
          /// ~.~\\\
          Bottoms up!

          Liked by 1 person

  9. Oooh , I do love a good shaker card and this is fab 😀 I love the ‘Noel’ font too.

    So lovely that you got to see your Grandson in his Christmas show. My little boy spent the whole of his show jumping up and down to see his Nanny and me. He was so proud of his singing. Hxx


    1. Ohhhhhh, God BLESS HIS LITTLE HEART!!! Aww Hannah thank you for sharing that, I’m grinning from ear to ear here. BIGGEST smile of the day.

      Thilled you like the card! Thank you. Yes – the font on those stamps just spoke directly to me. I had no option but to buy them! (that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it!) lol.

      Sending big hugs ~ Cobs. x


  10. Lovely Christmassy card. I can really sympathise with the back situation, mine went for the first time a few months ago and took 6 weeks to get better but I never missed a day of work, and you are a trooper! You know what they say, can’t keep a good crafting woman down, you’re living proof! Take care and gentle hugs x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw bless you Kim.
      How funny you’ve come to visit right now. I was thinking of you about 15 minutes ago, and trying to work out the last time I’d read a post from you. I’m coming over to see if I’ve missed something because it seems like a long time. I’m wondering if the feed on my Reader is missing some of the blogs I follow. It’s done it before, so maybe it’s doing it again.

      Thanks for the visit Kim. Lovely to see you.
      Squidges ~ Cobs. x

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Mrs. Craft. and thank you for your good wishes.
      You’re right, I am a super proud Grammy. I love this little boy to the moon and back, and more.

      Thrilled you like the card – and I can see exactly what you mean about it being like a Pinball Game! How fun would that be – aw, I’m sat here trying to work out if I could make a Pinball card now!

      Thank you so much for coming for a visit, and for chatting too!
      Sending warm winter squidges ~ Cobs. x


    1. Aw, hello Jean, of Crafty Individuals.
      What a great pleasure, and honour, to ‘meet’ you here. I’m thrilled to meet you.

      You are most deserving of the positive comments about your store, and about the service I have received from you and the team at Crafty Individuals.

      Wishing you all a very happy Christmas, and a prosperous New Year.
      With love ~ Cobs x


  11. The ‘streamers’ are just plain brilliant! Such a problem solver because you are (of course) absolutely right, that when all the gubbins sinks to the bottom, a shaker card rather loses its point. Can I write a list of my crafting dilemmas and send them to you to solve?? Hmmmn? Can I?!
    Serious now – so sorry you are still in pain. These days it shouldn’t really be happening. Have you told your GP how bad it is, or that the meds are not dealing with it? Have you got any investigations coming? Have you maybe thought about going to a different GP in the practice? Or even a private consultation somewhere? I only ask these things because I work with doctors, I know how it goes, and I know they all do things differently. Also they have options to change meds if the more mainstream ones are not working, but it is based on cost, as we all know. Of course I am not expecting you to answer these questions – they are purely rhetorical!! Just checking you have all the bases covered. I’m sure you do, but just in case, and ‘cos I care! Xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m going back to GP. I quite like this one. I’ve not seen him before in this practise, and so far, he’s the one I think I like the most. (I tried one, and gave him chance of about two years, then swapped to another one, but found he lacked lustre. And came across this new chap quite by accident as it was an emergency that I saw someone because I was in SO much pain in my back and the skin is ultra sensitive and feels like it’s burning from being hot ironed – or something like that.
      I’m phoning to get another appointment because it’s concerning me that it doesn’t seem to be getting better.

      Love you for caring. Bless you. And … it helps to have someone re-assure me that I’m doing the right thing by going back, because I worry that I’m being a pain in the you know where. So thank you Puff.

      The ‘streamers’. I know! When I figured it out (a time ago now, can’t remember when but it was quite a while back), it was one of those moments where I said: “WHY DIDN’T I THINK OF THAT BEFORE???”

      It was such a simple solution, and I really couldn’t believe that I hadn’t thought about doing it years before I thought about it. DOH! (as Homer would say).

      As for solving the rest of your crafting dilemmas … I think I may have reached the end of my intelligence, but I’m always willing to give it a go. LOL.
      Sending squidges ❤ ~ Cobs. x

      Liked by 1 person

      1. OK, good. Remember you are not being a pain, the GPs are being paid to do this. If you are not getting better they do actually want you to come back and tell them!! Also they totally understand that it is a two-way relationship and that some relationships work better than others. Switching GPs is fine. It is also in their, and the general NHS interest, to keep you out of hospital if possible. More expensive meds, or specialist consultations are preferable to an inpatient stay. For everyone!
        And I will be trying the streamer thing. I have been wanting to make some shaker cards for ages and not gotten around to it. This is the boot up the *&!@ I needed.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Love you Puff, for a million different reasons. None of which involve money.
          Looking forward to seeing your shaker card. (But seriously … don’t put glitter in it. It will disappoint you because it sticks to the acetate like the strongest magnetic force EVER.
          Sequins, teeny gems, tiny pearls, little (no hole) sequins, mica flakes. etc. There are loads of things you can use – and you’ll likely already have some of them in your stash. xxx

          Liked by 1 person

                1. Noooooo!
                  Himself would sign me up for that.

                  I have to say though … I do rather like my craft room. It has (almost) everything I need in there. I could do with a basin (to wash brushes and tools, and hands) and I would love to have a kettle in there to make coffee. (And if I could somehow work it out, a loo would be rather grand.)
                  All I’d have to do then is get a jolly good sofa bed in there and I’m set for the rest of my days then! RESULT!
                  somehow, I don’t think Mr.C will swing for these changes … but a gal can dream. It’s good to have ambition, right?
                  ❤ ~ Cobs. x


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