A bit of Vintage, hand made – For You!

A Vintage made just For You 1

There was a supplement with my Sunday Newspaper this week which had a nicely written article about the war years, and accompanying it were some fabulous pictures of posters from the same time.  They absolutely fascinated me.  I was sat there, with my magnifying glass out, reading each poster with gusto.  (They were all printed small size – hence the magnifying glass!)

Well they obviously had an effect on me because I sat in my craft room with just one thought…  make a card which had a vintage feel about it.  Something which had that wonderful romantic feel about it, but a card which could be sent even to a friend for a birthday or any other reason.

I started with my stash of card stock,  looking for ditsy prints.  I chose a Tilda, duck egg blue with a little flower pattern down the side, and another Tilda print from the same range, this time with teeny tiny ditsy flowers on it.  They needed ‘ageing’ – so I firstly took my scalpel to them both and roughed up the edges.  Then I chose two colours of dye pads and blended around the edges.

A Vintage made just For You 2

I used Memento Dye Ink Pads in Rich Cocoa and Rhubarb Stalk.

I wrapped the duck egg blue card stock with two short lengths of narrow lace, then attached it to a craft card which I’d already scored ready to make the card.  (The finished card will measure 5½” square).

With the ditsy flower card stock, I curled the edges and corners by gently pulling and curling them between my index finger and thumb.  I then wrapped a wider, short length of lace around the ditsy flower card stock,  and fixed it to the duck egg blue, using Collall glue.  (I love Collall all-purpose glue.  It’s not an instant fix, it gives you just enough wiggle time – but it’s an instant fix within a minute.  So if you use it – get your wiggle done asap!)

The little postcard was cut from another piece of Tilda cardstock, and I just inked around the edges (again using Rhubarb Stalk) and blended, then curled the edges and stamped  ‘for you’ using a sentiment from a gorgeous little selection of stamps from the Lillibet range.  Originally the sentiment read:  ‘Just for you” – but I snipped the ‘Just’ off (I kept it and still use it when I need to) so that I had more options with the stamp.  I then fixed it in place.

Then came the flowers…

I sorted out a little selection of paper flowers which I’ve had for … ohhh, for ever!  but realised that I had no leaves of the right size so I called on an old trick I’ve used for donkeys years.  I got out my tins of silk flowers and looked through them for flowers which I could cut up to make leaves.  I didn’t need tons, just a handful of small and slightly bigger than small ….  I then ‘dyed’ them using my ink pads:

A Vintage made just For You 4

There’s one green leaf in the photo above – which is one of a few that I dyed before I thought of taking a photograph to explain what I was doing …..  So the flower heads you see – the white and purple – are going to become leaves, using the two ink pads you see in the photo.  Memento New Sprout and Bamboo Leaves.

Now – before I show you the next photoif you try this yourself,   you’ve got to  HAVE FAITH.

If you try this yourself . . .   You’ll think at first that you’ve completely messed up and made the worst leaves in the whole world – but give them a few minutes and they become much nicer.

Here’s what happens when you first do them . . .

A Vintage made just For You 5

Don’t they look awful?  They’re too strong.  Too … aw, just ‘too’!  But …  have faith.  Put them to one side and get on with something else.  Don’t keep looking at them.  Just leave them alone and do something else.

While they were doing their ‘thing’, I got on with the card. 

I wanted to add a little glamourbut not too much.  So I decided that I’d add a very gentle twinkle to the card by using a Graph’It Glitter Ink pen, in Silver.  I touched really lightly all around the distressed edges of the cardstock – VERY lightly.  It left behind it the faintest twinkle, but it was enough to make it feel ‘perfect’.

A Vintage made just For You 3


I’m not sure if you can see it in the photo above, but if you click on the photo, it will open up much larger and you’ll then be able to see the faint twinkle to the distressed edges. (Don’t forget to click back again so that you come back here).   You’ll also be able to see that I lightly dragged the same pen over the embroidery on the lace you see in the photo.  It just gave it that teeny bit of twinkly glamour which I wanted to add to the card.

Now then  . . . .   Do you remember those awful, horrible looking leaves?    Well this is what happened to them after a few minutes . . .

A Vintage made just For You 6

A Vintage made just For You 7

See what I mean about having faith?   Those leaves are all made from petals of flowers.  The larger ones in the first photo are the very petals you saw before they’d been attacked with the ink pads.  I just inked them.  Snipped them, and then left them alone while I did something else.  Voila.  Instant leaves.

The green twiggy things are Blossom Twigs from Anna Marie Designs.

The two hat pins:  The one is a heart-shaped regular, but fancy, dressmaking pin, but the other,  the beaded hat pin was in a little set I bought from Hobbycraft about 10 months ago, for just £2 for a set of six.  (They were my bargain of the day, in the sale!)

The pink Dragonfly is one of a small selection which I’ve had in my stash for ever and ever and I can’t even remember where I got them from.

The Pink; Rose; Cream; Lilac; Blue; Red pearls which I’ve used as the centre of the flowers, and on all four corners of the card, are from a wheel of pearls made by Anita’s (I bought them from The Range – although you might be able to buy them from other places).  There are literally hundreds of these little pearls, in an amazing array of colours (all colours in one wheel – and more colours than I’ve used here) for £3  (English pounds).  You even get the storage wheel – imagine a grapefruit cut through the centre so that you can see all the segments – well that’s what this wheel is like, and each segment contains a different colour of pearls.  It’s a totally fabulous design idea and I love the pearls.  Oh .. here y’ go … I  found a link:  http://www.therange.co.uk/anitas-assorted-coloured-pearl-gemstone-wheel//the-range/fcp-product/67347

And that, as they say, is ‘it’!  One Vintage, made For You, hand-made card.

A Vintage made just For You 8

I really like this little card.  I wasn’t sure I was going to, about half way through, but I kept on with it and I’m now thrilled that I did because it’s darling.  My mum would have loved this card.  So .. Mum … this one’s for you!

Thank you so much for coming and staying for a while.  Hope you like the card.

Much love ~

Cobs siggy sml

Author: The Art of Cobwebs - aka:- thecobweboriumemporium

Hello. I'm 'Cobwebs'. I live in a wee little cottage in the South of England, aptly called Cobweb Cottage. This little dwelling really is a cobweb factory. Not inside (well, occasionally) - but outside - flipping heck! This information should give you a clue as to why my blog is called The Art of Cobwebs aka: The Cobweborium Emporium. I've been arty and crafty from a very young age, and although my crafts have sometimes turned a corner and taken me in another direction, I've always crafted in some way, shape or form. One day, in the blink of an eye, life changed somewhat for me and the consequences were many. I had to find a new way of being 'artistic'. Card making; scrap-booking; producing ATC's and ACEO's; needle felting; Polymer clay; painting- but in a more relaxed style than I had before, and sewing, - are all things which I visit, as and when life allows. I've fairy recently become a Textile Artist and am enjoying this new creative outlet very much as it offers me so much scope for letting my imagination run through a grassy field and feel the wind in my hair - (mentally, of course). I love to create. To make things. I truthfully believe that the best gifts in the world are those in which you've given your time, rather than your cash. Thank you so much for visiting. Please visit my blog (link below) and have a look around. I'm sure you'll find something to enjoy, even if it's only a handful of jokes! (yes, seriously - there really are jokes!) Wishing you a truly blessed rest of your day! ~ Cobs. <3

12 thoughts on “A bit of Vintage, hand made – For You!”

  1. The difference between you and me: I’d have taken the glitter marker and there would be in your face GLITTER. I love yours. The glitter twinkling is a very nice effect. I’m just not subtle, although funnily enough, I do appreciate subtle.

    It amazes me how an artist works. You have faith and you just start and move on through it. It’s fun to watch. Thanks for the insight into your world.


    1. Hello LemonD! I’m actually laughing out loud about the “in your face GLITTER”. I can actually see you sat there, with puffs – no, clouds of billowing glitter being released into the air and sticking to your face, your hands, your hair … and I bet you’re still twinkling four/five days later! Aw, inside my head right now, you’re dressed in a fairy costume – tutu and all – and waving your silver starred magic wand! Bless your heart.

      Regarding the ‘having faith’: As an artist, I learnt my trade well. I also have a motto which began twenty years ago: “If at first you don’t succeed, destroy all evidence that you ever tried.” Worked for me 20 years ago, and it works perfectly now, too. LOL.

      Thanks for the comment LemonD. Love chatting with you. ❤ ~ Cobs. x


  2. Love this card!!! It is so beautiful!! I love the vintage look and the glitter is just enough. I had to keep going back to the picture because you would start talking about something that I hadn’t originally seen. So glad you broke it down because I would have missed so many little details that make this card what it is. AWESOME!!!

    And thank you for popping over and giving me some pointers. I printed out your comment and have been on the look out for items.


    1. Hello Stacey, … So glad you like the card and that me talking about the different parts of the card helped you see it in all it’s ‘parts’ instead of just the whole thing. (It helps to see it in the individual parts because you can then build something similar yourself if you know what you’re looking at).

      I’m thrilled that the Steampunk ideas helped a little bit. Very good luck with your crafty ideas for your tag. I know that passion for Tag Art. I have it too. (hence the little ‘Tag Art Tutorial’ on the blog here! …. actually, I must make another tag for that!)
      Sending crafty hugs your way ~ love, Cobs. x 🙂


  3. Coming and staying ‘a while’? I want to stay FOREVER!

    Your blog is not a blog at all. It’s a wonderful memo of artistry that should be shared with the World. How lovely to be taken on the journey step by step, with explanations about the product, how long you’ve had it, where you got it, the inspiration behind the project, your emotions at each stage and captivating us with your humour at the same time! We are a generation of ‘lookers’ that’s why Pinterest is so popular and you provide lookers with the best – and on top of that, the ‘readers’ are entertained too.

    If you ever shut down your site, I’d cry, unashamedly, like a baby, with lip quivering and snail trails and I know I won’t be the only one.

    Thank you Cobs for yet another beautiful creation. It is perfect and im sure many crafters are either running to the shops or scouring their ice-cream tubs full of frayed ribbon and buttons, to see if there are any pots of distressed ink hidden underneath.

    A delightful article and I’m only going to shut up now in order to leave room for someone else’s happy comments. 😊 x


    1. Hello Sharon! 🙂 Seeing your name here always, instantly, makes me smile and a warm burst of ‘something’ lovely happen inside me – like a flower opening up, but being shown on super-fast time lapse so that you watch it burst open in seconds.

      Thank you SO MUCH for your wonderful words about my blog. I always hoped to give visitors good ‘read’ along with some information and hints/tips. So to hear that are enjoying reading is fantastic. Thank you my beautiful blogging friend.

      Your fabulous description of my fellow crafters scouring their “ice-cream tubs full of frayed ribbons …{…}…” had me laughing out loud. You’re so eloquent Sharon, and I could picture the scene, and recognised my own self in there somewhere! LOL.

      Thank you so much for leaving a comment. Seeing your name here always makes me wriggle with anticipation, and this comment today has got my Wednesday off to a wonderful, bright, cheerful start – for which I thank you big time, because I don’t like Wednesdays too much. They always seem neither one thing or another. (I think it’s a left over from school days – I never liked the lessons on a Wednesday!)
      … [who said that they’re surprised I can remember that far back? Come on. Own up – or the whole class will be kept back after school!]

      Sending love to you, and wishing you lots of sunshiny smiles today 🙂 ~ Cobs. x


  4. Hi Cobs, Fabulous blog! Gorgeous card. You really have captured a vintage look. Love the style.
    Flo x


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