Things I’ve Learned This Week.

Hello and HAPPY FRIDAY!  Doesn’t seem like a week since you were here, does it?  Or maybe that’s just me.

This week, weather wise, has been a fabulous week.  The sun has shone every day – although we did have a couple of days which were a little cooler,  but on the whole it’s been really lovely.

Mr.Cobs and I took a trip to the Garden Centre to buy some plants for our back garden this week.  I wanted some ferns but they only had Tree Ferns, which wasn’t the thing I’d set my heart on, –  but we did manage to find some other plants which were on the list, so our journey was a productive one.   🙂

I have a handful of newly learned ‘lessons of life’ to share with you, fresh out of the box, and I hope that at least one of these things will perhaps make you smile.  Shall we get going?

I’ve learned this week that I honestly think that the major craft channel here in the UK  (Create and Craft) really should do away with charging people postage charges on their items.  They have just celebrated their Birthday (I forget which one) and as a gift to customers, they went postage and packing FREE (my very most favourite price) on anything and everything they sold.

Because of this I ordered waaay more than I normally would have, simply to take advantage of this great ‘bonus’.

Create and Craft, I’m thinking, should look at how much of an increase in sales they got for the short time they offered free p&p, and either drop the charges altogether, or reduce them by at least half of the current cost,  in order to encourage more sales.  C’mon Create and Craft… you know it makes sense!

This week I learned more about Electricity than I knew previously  … and some of it blew my socks off!  (well it would have had I been wearing any)…

Did you know that …

10% of Electricity in the US is made from dismantled Soviet atomic bombs. [nods…]…  surprised me too!

La Paz, Bolivia, was the first South American city to get an electricity supply.  It was powered by . . .   llama dung.  😀

I learned …  A typical microwave oven uses more electricity keeping its digital clock on standby than it does heating food.  Ha!  I never knew that, but it’s something to think about ….  because the microwave isn’t the only thing in Cobweb Towers which is left on standby …  which made me wonder if I could perhaps find a way of working out exactly how much money I was wasting by doing this … so that it would shock Cobs the Bogeyman into actually turning off and unplugging those things.  (Him, to save money.  Me, to stop me worrying about the fire concerns from leaving things switched on and ‘waiting … waiting …. waiting’  in the standby mode like that.)

I also learned…  That  ALL  the batteries on Earth store just ten minutes of the world’s electricity needs.  Let’s all hope that we don’t ever run out of electricity because Christmas Dinners just won’t feel the same when they’re just honey with a spoon.

I also learned this week some rather interesting stuff about BRAINS!

Crossing your arms can reduce pain by confusing your brain.  (my brain is already confused so not sure if that would work for me)

And …  People generally read from paper 25% faster than from a computer monitor.

Also …  Once we reach the age of 35, we will start losing approximately 7,000 brain cells each day—cells that will never be replaced.  (I’m already down to 75 brain cells left, so I have no idea how this is going to go for me!  eeeek!).

Ohhh… and get this one:  Your brain is about 2% of your total body weight but uses 20% of your all your body’s oxygen and calories.  So those biscuits you ate with your coffee … don’t worry about them.  You’re brain will have eaten those so you don’t have to count them in your diet.  🙂

And apparently:  The average human dream lasts only two to three seconds and the average person has at least seven dreams a night.  People with a higher IQ have more dreams.  That CANNOT be right.  I dream lots ….  but am like Winnie the Pooh  …  …  I’m a bear of very little brain …. so something in that ‘higher IQ’  doesn’t add up.  Perhaps I’m  the exception which proves the rule?

“When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.”   A.A. Milne,   Winnie-the-Pooh

Moving on from the brain …  but on another medical slant …   After seeing photographs of Kim Kardashians bottom in the newspapers this week,  I kind of got to wondering what Botox actually was.  Now I’m not saying that Miss Kim has had Botox – in her bottom or any other place – but, well … it’s plumped up size did look rather strange to me and it just sent my ‘wonderings’  down a pathway which made me ask about what Botox was made of….  so I investigated.

I learned . . .   Botox was discovered in the fat of spoiled pork and was called botulism by the doctor who figured out a medicinal use for it.  In the 1960’s it was used to correct cross-eyed syndrome.

As someone who has issues with pork (it makes me violently sick) I can 100% confirm that I will NEVER, EVER, EVER have any Botox injected, pushed, pumped syphoned or any other way put into my body.

Finally …  I learned this week that it will soon be World Naked Gardening Day.  Next week in fact.  Saturday the 6th of May to be precise.

So don’t be alarmed if you see your neighbour mowing the lawn in the buff a week on Saturday,  they’re probably just celebrating World Naked Gardening Day.  🙂

It’s true … I’m not making it up.  When I heard about it I thought it HAD to be a joke, so went in search of some proof, and found it!

It’s apparently been celebrated around the world since 2005.  The group behind the ‘festivities’ were inspired by the World Naked Bike Ride event.
 More information can be found here:
Well,  it’s nearly the end of the ‘Things I Learned’ post,  but there’s just one more thing I have to do ….
Wife: “How would you describe me?”
Husband:  …   “ABCDEFGHIJK.”
Wife:   “What does that mean?”
Husband: …  “Adorable, beautiful, cute, delightful, elegant, fashionable, gorgeous, and hot.”
Wife:“Aw, thank you, but what about IJK?”
Husband: . . . “I’m just kidding!”
Q: What starts with E, ends with E, and has only 1 letter in it?
A: . .  Envelope.
Q:   Why does Humpty Dumpty love autumn?
A:   Because Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
Q:  What do you call a pig that does karate?
A:   A pork chop
Don’t break anybody’s heart; they only have 1.
Break their bones; they have 206!
Q:  If you have 13 apples in one hand and 10 oranges in the other, what do you have?
A:  Big hands
and finally ….
Q: What happens once in a minute and twice in a moment but never in a decade?
A:  . . . The letter “m.”
Well, that’s me done and dusted for another ‘Coffee with Cobs on a Friday’ post.  Thank you so much for coming and spending some time with me.  I love seeing you and enjoy spending time with you.  I hope that your weekend will be bright, warm and filled to the rafters with happiness.  May trouble stay away, and may love find a way to your door and heart.  And, until we get together again, may your God go with you.

Have a truly blessed rest of your day   ~ 


