Christmas Cards ~ a handmade assortment …

I began making some Christmas cards for my neighbours a few weeks ago, but then had to stop because I realised that there were some more pressing cards and handmade makes which needed to be made and posted over-seas, and also other things which needed to be started in their ‘making process’.

Christmas 2017 8

Christmas 2017 6


So I’m here today sharing a few photos of some cards I made for a few of my neighbours and all of these have been made from free die-cuts which I got with a magazine a couple of months ago.  I liked the die-cuts so much that I just had to use them.

Christmas 2017 2

Christmas 2017 3


There are more cards, but I forgot to take photo’s of them.  But I do have some other cards which are totally different from these, and I’ll share those in the next day or so – because they haven’t been posted through letter boxes yet, so I’m still in with a chance of taking photos of them!


Christmas 2017 10

I hope this last Tuesday before Christmas is finding you stress free and in a calm state of mind.  And …  not having that feeling of dread when you ‘feel’ like you’re forgetting something really important, but don’t know what it is.  (which is where I’m currently finding myself – and it’s making me panic! eeek!)

Sending warm winter wishes to you, along with squidges (as always)  ~


Author: The Art of Cobwebs - aka:- thecobweboriumemporium

Hello. I'm 'Cobwebs'. I live in a wee little cottage in the South of England, aptly called Cobweb Cottage. This little dwelling really is a cobweb factory. Not inside (well, occasionally) - but outside - flipping heck! This information should give you a clue as to why my blog is called The Art of Cobwebs aka: The Cobweborium Emporium. I've been arty and crafty from a very young age, and although my crafts have sometimes turned a corner and taken me in another direction, I've always crafted in some way, shape or form. One day, in the blink of an eye, life changed somewhat for me and the consequences were many. I had to find a new way of being 'artistic'. Card making; scrap-booking; producing ATC's and ACEO's; needle felting; Polymer clay; painting- but in a more relaxed style than I had before, and sewing, - are all things which I visit, as and when life allows. I've fairy recently become a Textile Artist and am enjoying this new creative outlet very much as it offers me so much scope for letting my imagination run through a grassy field and feel the wind in my hair - (mentally, of course). I love to create. To make things. I truthfully believe that the best gifts in the world are those in which you've given your time, rather than your cash. Thank you so much for visiting. Please visit my blog (link below) and have a look around. I'm sure you'll find something to enjoy, even if it's only a handful of jokes! (yes, seriously - there really are jokes!) Wishing you a truly blessed rest of your day! ~ Cobs. <3

25 thoughts on “Christmas Cards ~ a handmade assortment …”

  1. Must be a really good magazine. Beautiful cards and the bow…Wow! I don’t do bows very well which is why you probably will never see them on my cards. lol Not having any little girls I never had to do bows…they don’t “fit” little boys .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL… well I’m sorry to disappoint you but… I bought these bows – and I think they’re DoCraft… but not sure if your shops there stock DoCrafts. I can’t remember exactly how much they were, but they were a REALLY good price for the amount of bows in the pack.

      As for tying bows … I have a couple of different ‘gadgets’, but have to admit that I still prefer to tie my own because they look hand tied, and, somehow, they just have the right feel to them.

      I don’t ‘get it’ … but it’s just a feeling.

      The magazine was just one I picked up from the shelf when I went shopping. It had some interesting crafty features inside so bought it. I’m really glad I did because I was impressed major time with the free die cuts. They’re great quality.

      Thrilled you like the cards. 😀
      Sending squidges and buckets of love to you Beverly ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Ricci.
      Thank you so much for coming, and for your lovely comment.

      Hope you are well and that everything is tickey boo, there where you are.
      Sending you squidges, and prayers. ~ Cobs. xxx


  2. I like them all but especially the wee bunny one. It was snowing here a bit earlier now it’s pouring rain again. It’s not a nice day out and I am going to go out in it!! Call me crazy, but the countdown is going and I have one more gift to buy so I am kinda in a pinch if I don’t do it today. The rest of the week, I hope to bath the dogs and do some baking. Good intentions Cobs, we shall see if I can do it.
    Wish me luck.
    Again such beautiful cards.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Soozy 😀
      Aww it sounds like you’re caught between a rock and a hard place. Either do it today and get it over and done with. or stay warm and dry, and then cut down your time for the other ‘jobs’ you’ve already planned for the rest of the week.

      If I were doing the choosing … I think I’d plump for doing it today and get it over and done with. That way you’re making sure that you have time to actually find the right thing and at the right price.

      I wish you good luck with the bathing of the dogs. I dread the days of bathing our dog, for she really doesn’t want to get in any water, but once done she’s THAT happy she goes crazy mental round the house panting, running at speed and generally being the happiest dog in the whole world.

      I do sometimes wonder if she’s so happy because we haven’t drowned her LOL.

      Good luck with the dogs, the baking and with the buying of the last gift on the list. May everything fit perfectly together like a beautiful tetris game! (Does that date me I wonder? LOLOLOL)

      Sending Christmas squidges to you Soozy, and buckets of love ~ Cobs. xxx


  3. I love Tetris loved that game. I went to the mall, quick in and out, no problem and got exactly what I wanted!!! and even on sale. 🙂
    I tried to get it for my Gameboy back in the day but never could find it again. Don’t have the Gameboy any longer, don’t play games any more. I do have a small Nintendo DS machine tho’, sitting probably rotting in my drawer 😦 I got some good games for that too, I should sell it. Better to someone who will use it.
    Happy Holidays

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have a game … not sure what the machine is called, but bought for me some years ago by Daughter No.2, as a Christmas present. It plays Tetris and other things … but I used to adore Tetris …. and would play it in bed on a little hand held game that belonged to Mr.Cobs. He would be reading a book at bedtime, and I’d be sat crossed legged on the bed playing tetris. LOVED it!

      I haven’t played it in ages, but talking about it has brought out a longing in me, so I may just have to dig it out and charge it up!

      GREAT to hear that you got exactly what you were looking for and at Sale price too! WIN WIN!

      Well done Soozy. You now have the rest of the week free to bath the dogs and bake. Yay …. another WIN WIN!
      Squidges ~ Cobs. x


  4. so frightened about going to the store on Friday! that is pension check day here, it will be a total gong show! But IT HAS TO BE DONE!!! Need to bake some of these cracker candy for my brother. Have you ever made it using soda cracker, good ol crackers. Almost like eating Almond Roca. SO ADDICTIVE, and so simple. I can give you the recipe if you want it, too easy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello again 😀
      Very good luck on Friday. Be safe. Don’t fret. Look like you mean business. Look like you’re ready to deal with anyone who messes with you. Put your money in your wallet, and put your wallet away, while still at the desk. If it would make you feel safer, put your wallet inside your top/jumper, and tuck it inside your bra and your pension book too (book one side, little wallet on the other side) and don’t take your bag at all. You’ll just look like you went to buy a stamp or something then.

      No, never even heard of Cracker Candy.
      Never heard of Soda Crackers.
      Never heard of Almond Roca.

      I think these things must be sold in the USA only, so sadly no recipe would work here as we probably don’t have anything which would replace either some or all of the items.
      I guess it’s a good thing … it’s a way of making sure I don’t over-dose on sugar. LOL
      But thank you for the offer.
      Have a great rest of your week!
      Sending squidges ~ Cobs. xxc


      1. Saltines? crackers you have with soup with a bit of salt on the tops? You must have those over there. I will ask my English neighbour. I forget that the U.K. has different names for the same things. lol I am in Canada in the good ol’ capital of BC, Victoria, on Vancouver Island. We just call them crackers. No Almond Roca, it’s made with the same stuff peanut brittle is, you must have peanut brittle. Oh this is too funny. It is a simple recipe and so easy to make 1Cup of butter, 1 Cup of packed brown sugar, good easy for about 5 minutes. Put your crackers on a baking sheet with aluminum foil on it first. Pour caramel mixture over the crackers, spread evenly, put in oven at 350 for about 5 minutes, very careful not to burn the crackers! I did that, horrible waste of butter! lol Bring them out, turn oven off, sprinkle chocolate chips over the warm mixture, let them sit to get warm, spread them over the whole mixture. Now you can put nuts on the top if you wish or just leave them plain, put in freezer or fridge to harden up. Break into pieces and prepare to have your sweet tooth activated. lol
        giggle giggle.
        Oh and thanks for the tip on the grocery store adventure. lol

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Oh. My. Goodness!!! That recipe sounds like something that Daughter No.2 would knock people out of the way to taste! She has a very sweet tooth, and since she adores peanut butter, I think the taste of the various things in this would make this one of her favourites.

          Salt Crackers with soup …. Here in the UK, we (on the whole) tend to eat soup with a slice (or two) of freshly cut loaf. (My preference is wholemeal – yummy).

          We have some crackers called Krack-a-weet – and those have a little salt on the top. Not much though, as the Government here are hot to trot on unecessary sugar and salt being added to foods.

          Peanut Brittle – yes we have that. Normally cut into (roughly) 1.5inch wide sticks (about 5/6 inches long), and wrapped, and sold in the sweet (candy) aisles of supermarkets and sweet shops.

          I might give No.2 this recipe and see if she wants to make it. If I make it I fear I may indulge a little too much. Where-as … if its in her house then I can’t simply walk to the cupboard and help myself … several times a day! eeek! LOL.

          Sending squidges. Be safe out there Missy! Remember … you have people here in blogland who love you! ❤
          ~ Cobs. xxx


          1. Love you too Cobs, maybe one day we can exchange addresses for a snail mail treat. 🙂 I can send you some crackers! LOL Oh I think this is too funny. I will be talking to my English ladies and see what they are called over there. We can get these Saltines, Whole Wheat, No Salt and Salted tops.
            I do enjoy soup with fresh squishy bread or a sour dough bun, or crusty buns, oh so many.
            Gotta run

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Maybe we could do that next year! We’ll make it a plan. Of course … unless your number comes up in a Giveaway and then you’ll be giving me your address sooner! lol

              All this talk of soup is making me want some now… and it’s nearly bedtime! LOL.
              Sending squidges. Have a great rest of your week Soozy. ~ Cobs. xxx

              Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello QWC 😀
      Aww, the Rabbits are so sweet. I agree with you – I think they might be my favourite too. 🙂

      So happy that you like the cards, and thank you so much for coming Quiet Water Craft, and for the lovely comment. Bless your beautiful heart.
      Christmassy Squidges ~ Cobs. xxx


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