#InkTober 4th 2017

Well I did say yesterday that I’d be hard pushed to not, at some point, break open a coloured ink during InkTober this year  … and I didn’t last even a quarter of the month.  How dreadful am I?

There are gazillions of the InkTober Artists around the globe all pushing their black ink pens loyally and here I am being the bad girl.  Oooooohhh  but it’s so delicious to be bad sometimes!  😉

And .. I’m not really bad.  Not really … for I still used ink.  I used Brown Ink instead of black, and I used it straight from the bottle.  A proper glass bottle too!

Aw anyhoo, enough of my bad … let’s crack on and talk about todays inky offering…

This drawing (with some painting) was inspired by a handmade card which I made for Beverly of More Ink Please,  – no the name of her blog isn’t made up for InkTober, that really is the name of her blog. Ha!  I sent her the card just over a week ago, and she emailed me to tell me that it had arrived. YAY!  I’ll blog the card probably tomorrow as I have to re-size the photo’s still, but for today I’m sharing my offering for the 4th day of InkTober2017, which was inspired, as I said, by the card I made for Beverly.

Autumn is a much-loved season by me, so it made sense that I would have to do some sort of nod to Autumn, and here is the inking I created…

#InkTober 4 ..1
#InkTober2017 day 4

I started with the acorns on branches, on the upper left corner, and pencilled in where I wanted them to be before using ink straight from the bottle and a fine paint brush to ink up both the branches and the cups and acorns themselves.  The ink used is called Chronicle Acrylic Dip Pen Ink, in Sepia.  (I’ve had this bottle of never ending ink for years, and I’m not even sure they still make it).  I also used a Kuretake Zig Memory System Ink Pen in black, (size 005) to give some dark shadows to places where they would normally fall.  Those two things were the only colours and items used to make the acorn branches.

#InkTober 4 ..2
#InkTober2017 day 4

The Autumn leaf wreath was first drawn out lightly in pencil, then lightly again using a Zig Memory System Pigment Ink Pen, in Chocolate.  I then used Kuretake Gansai Watercolour Paints to add Autumnal colours to the leaves.  I added the twisted vine to the ‘wreath’ using the same Chronicle Ink I’d used on the Acorn branches, and also added some twisted tumbling vines too.

Using the Zig Memory System Ink Pen in chocolate, I added the ‘Autumn’ word, and that’s all there was to it!

It was quite quick to make, the majority of the time seemed to be waiting for parts to dry before moving on.

I’ve told myself that I have to be a good girl for a few days now and not dip my brushes or pens into the blue ink.  So … fingers crossed…. I might be able to do it without falling off the wagon.  (to borrow a phrase from somewhere else.  lol)

coffee cup

Autumn has really arrived to the South of England.  It’s so heart stoppingly pretty here right now.  Green is beautiful .. but ohhh.. the yellows, reds and oranges,  those stunning sunburst shades that only nature can summon up from her paint-box … those colours just make me want to lie down in those leaves and do the snow angel thing.  So yummy!

Hot meals have come back onto the menu, and my soft pashmina type scarves have come out and are enjoying the odd outing now and again.

Did you know …. that today, in 1883, it was the first run of the  Orient Express.?  Well, you do now!  You can go and impress someone with your new-found knowledge and watch them as they try to work out why you’re so amazing!!  You’re welcome.  😀

Have a wonderful rest of your day!  And … when you get there … Sleep well, for tomorrow you will be gifted with another 24 hours (if you’re lucky enough) and you can join the rest of us as we do it all again … with some differences.

Sending squidges, from me in my corner to you in yours.



Author: The Art of Cobwebs - aka:- thecobweboriumemporium

Hello. I'm 'Cobwebs'. I live in a wee little cottage in the South of England, aptly called Cobweb Cottage. This little dwelling really is a cobweb factory. Not inside (well, occasionally) - but outside - flipping heck! This information should give you a clue as to why my blog is called The Art of Cobwebs aka: The Cobweborium Emporium. I've been arty and crafty from a very young age, and although my crafts have sometimes turned a corner and taken me in another direction, I've always crafted in some way, shape or form. One day, in the blink of an eye, life changed somewhat for me and the consequences were many. I had to find a new way of being 'artistic'. Card making; scrap-booking; producing ATC's and ACEO's; needle felting; Polymer clay; painting- but in a more relaxed style than I had before, and sewing, - are all things which I visit, as and when life allows. I've fairy recently become a Textile Artist and am enjoying this new creative outlet very much as it offers me so much scope for letting my imagination run through a grassy field and feel the wind in my hair - (mentally, of course). I love to create. To make things. I truthfully believe that the best gifts in the world are those in which you've given your time, rather than your cash. Thank you so much for visiting. Please visit my blog (link below) and have a look around. I'm sure you'll find something to enjoy, even if it's only a handful of jokes! (yes, seriously - there really are jokes!) Wishing you a truly blessed rest of your day! ~ Cobs. <3

40 thoughts on “#InkTober 4th 2017”

  1. So now you’ve introduced me to a new art form — inking — and what a lovely card you created with it. Absolutely beautiful. And as I’ve said before, you make it look so easy. Also, you’ve summed up my days well, with “do it all again…with some differences. Yup, that’s me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Actually laughing a gentle laugh here. Yes … do it all again with some differences …. seemed to fit the bill for me too Aunt Beulah. lol.

      I have to admit that I don’t do drawings with Ink very often as I find them difficult purely because I love colour so very much. I begin each project with the thought that I will ONLY use the inks … but then … something calls to my heart and I have to break out coloured pens, pencils or paints and give everything a heartbeat.

      Thank you so much for coming for a visit with me Aunt Beulah. I love seeing your name pop up here. It’s like opening the door and finding a friend paying a surprise visit. Beautiful.
      Sending love and squidges ~ Cobs. xxx


  2. Another masterpiece!. Your lettering on Autumn is perfect. One of those things I wish I could do and have taken lessons and have all of the books but just can’t do. My hand writing is just not geared that way.Love the colors of the season ,which we don’t have here in the sunny South. Most leaves just turn brown or ucky yellow and fall off
    Keep up the good Mrs. Cob.the month isn’t over yet…maybe I can still jump in…after this weekend. Oh…we may have a new storm headed this way…wouldn’t you know it. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ohhh not ANOTHER storm!!! Bloomin’ heck, you and your stuff have only just taken a breath since the last one!
      Ah well .. let’s look on the positive:
      A good old blowing wind will blow away all those dead leaves which are making things look untidy and messy.

      You’re too kind regarding the lettering Missy. I wish I could do it like I used to be able to. But the little shakes make it impossible to get it perfect. I really wanted to stamp the word, but A) I didn’t have a stamp which simply said Autumn, and B) I felt that it would be cheating to use a stamp so I was left with only one option … write it and get it over with. LOL.

      I love the colours of the Season too Bev. It gives me such a lift and an internal smile. I give thanks so many times over when I’m out and looking at how incredible things look. I’m forever saying that God has the most incredible paint box and he most certainly knows how to use his colours to best effect.

      Autumn is magical.

      Aw… listen to me carrying on. Thank you for your truly lovely comment Beverly. You are too kind, and I love you to pieces.
      BIG squidges ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  3. What beautiful leaves and cute little acorns! Loving the Autumn colours, here and in real life 🙂
    I’m always tempted by those proper glass bottles of ink, even though I wouldn’t have the faintest idea what to do with them!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Don’t be scared of a bottle of ink Quiet Water. You can use them exactly the same as you would a paint. Dip a thin brush into them and drag some of the ink off so that you don’t get a flood of it, then put paint brush to paper and … paint! Give yourself chance to get used to it – don’t expect a masterpiece straight off. But keep going with it. It’s quiet a nice feeling. Very smooth and flowing.

      Of course … you could always buy yourself a fountain pen and write with ink. Very swish and elegant!

      Thrilled you like the colours and leaves, and those little acorns .. oh heck.. . . when I drew them out in pencil they looked more like boiled eggs in egg cups. I had to practise them on a scrap of paper to try and make myself not draw eggs. LOL.

      Aw .. can you imagine … a couple of branches of breakfast – boiled eggs, maybe some toast hanging delicately off the vines? LOLOLOL
      Oh heck, this is tickling me in just the right spot now. lol.

      Thank you so much for coming Quiet Water and for your lovely comment.
      Have a blessed day ~ Cobs. x

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I have got a cartridge ink pen, it’s my favourite thing to write with 🙂 I shall probably splash out on a bottle of ink next time I go crafty shopping, and we’ll see what happens!
        Haha now I’m imagining breakfast bunting. I might have to make some, just for myself!!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. LOL … boiled eggs on the menu!!! lol

          Where are you located Quiet Water? UK or overseas?
          Check out on line where you can buy bottled ink from, for a reasonable price. Some places charge the earth for it, because it’s not something which is in great demand anymore – it used to be used by every school here in the UK. All children over a certain age where required to write with a proper ink pen a few years ago … but things change and now it would seem they can use just about any pen. Which is a shame because penmanship was such a lovely thing and we would be so proud of how nicely we wrote and would practise things like made just to improve our writing.

          Sadly, this is no longer the way.
          Anyhooo … I send crafty vibes for inky happiness at some point for you.
          Squidges ~ Cobs. x 🍂 🍁🍂 🍁

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I’m in Glasgow 🙂
            I remember the navy blue Parker pen I got in primary school to help my cursive. I treasured it for years. I’m surprised they even do handwriting any more, now everything is electronics and ipads and whatnot (yes, I am a 90-year-old trapped in a 29-year-old body!) I thought handwriting was dying out.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. OOoo…. well since you’re in the UK you could try going into The Works (that cheap book shop which also sells the most amazing crafty goodies now) – and seeing if they have any ink available. They do sell bottled ink, but I know that not every store has room enough to stock everything. But you may be lucky. Other than that, small stationery stores are more likely to have it, than the big places. (I asked in Staples last time I was there and the young chap on the desk looked at me as if I’d come out of a cave! lol.

              So small stationery stores might be the place for you.
              Squidges ~ Cobs x🍂 🍁🍂 🍁


    1. Aw thanks Flo.
      Those acorns … when I pencilled them out they looked more like boiled eggs in egg cups. They were almost my nemesis. Couldn’t stop drawing boiled eggs. I had to practise on a scrap of paper to get rid of the shape so that I could draw acorns. LOL.

      Thanks for coming Flo.
      Sending love and squidges ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Such a beautiful tribute to autumn colours. We have had rather a lot of rain here in Donegal but tomorrow looks to be dry so I shall be donning my wellingtons and going outside for as long as possible. X🌼

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It started out as rain here today too. But suddenly it stopped, almost as if someone had turned the tap off, and since then it’s been glorious autumnal sunshine. Cold – we had to have the heating on for a time – but truly beautiful. My two cats were lapping it up. Moving around the garden or the conservatory, finding the spots where the sun was making its way through the tall pine trees in the garden, and laying there, soaking up the sun and warmth.

      Glad you liked the colours I chose for the Autumn wreath.
      Thank you so much for coming and having a coffee time with me.
      Have a blessed rest of your day Daisies.
      Sending love, as always, ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

        1. OOOOOoooooo…. Looking forward to seeing this one!

          The only problems with the ‘special inks’ is that they look amazing to the eye … but photographs just don’t seem to capture the incredibleness of them. At least . . . my photos don’t.

          But … that might just be me being rubbish at photography. lol

          Sending crafty inkylicious vibes your way.
          ~ Cobs.xxx🍂 🍁🍂 🍁🍂 🍁

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Hopefully it’ll work out!
            But you’re not wrong about the special inks like that, they are very tricky to photograph. My gold ink is more of a gold glitter one. It doesn’t create a solid block of gold and you kinda have to catch it at the right angle to see it nicely.

            Liked by 1 person

  5. Hello Hello Hello, ❤ I absolutely love the wreath of fall leaves. Wreaths are very welcoming =) and that wreath is welcoming Autumn and all its beautiful colors right on in. What a beautiful piece my talented friend. I love it! =) xoxoxoxoxo ❤ Have a fabulous weekend ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello beautiful Tam
      Like you, I love wreaths too. I have a selection of them which I hang on my door according to the season. I have an Autumn leaves wreath which I’m swapping my end of summer wreath for later today. (LOVE this Autumn wreath and I’ve received a few compliments on it too – so it’s not just me who loves it),

      I’m over-joyed that you like this bit of inky art.
      Thank you so much for coming to visit Tam. It means so much to see you here.
      Bless you.
      Sending squidges ~ Cobs. xxx 🍂 🍁🍂 🍁🍂 🍁

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You make me blush!!! You are very kind and sweet… and I covered my grey sooooo I do feel slightly more beautiful!.. lol I have been swapping out things for touches of fall too!!! Its so much fun!!!! I enjoy visiting =) xoxoxox my friend… ❤

        Liked by 1 person

            1. I LOVE my craft room when I’ve cleaned and re-organised. It’s a heavenly place to be… then I mess it up again. It’s a never ending job. But then … so is housework. So … on the scales, it evens up I guess. But aw.. I do so love being in my craftroom.
              Sending barrow loads of hugs and squidges, topped off with love. ~ Cobs.xxx ❤️ 💛 💚 💙 💜


  6. Another lovely Inktober drawing. I don’t think it matters what you use as long as there is ink in it. Something very romantic about a bottle of ink and a dip pen – makes me want to go back to when ladies wore big dresses and learned the pianoforte (because life should be lifted straight out of a Jane Austin novel!) Hxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YOU TOO?
      Although… I don’t miss the blobs of ink which needed mastering. lol

      No I re-read the ‘rules’ and it doesn’t matter. I think I felt like I was letting the sidedown by using colour, as everyone seems to be using just black ink, and that is just too dismal for me [personally] to do. I think I’d end up with depression if I only did drawings in black for a whole month. They’d bring my mood down.

      The gold and silver inks are calling to me from my draw . . . like a ghostly Catherine, rapping on the window pane trying to get the attention of Heathcliff. (characters in Emily Brontë’s novel Wuthering Heights).
      Only here, it’s a ghostly Ink, rapping on the drawer, trying to get the attention of Cobs.

      Thanks for coming Hannah, and for the great comment.
      Squidges and love in shovel fulls ~ Cobs. xxx


    1. The drawing was mainly done in brown ink, straight from the bottle, using a paint brush. I also used an ink pen designed mainly for drawing and then added the colour to the leaves with paints – ’cause you can’t have ‘autumn’ without a little colour!
      Thanks for coming Nancee, and for the lovely comment.


  7. Wonderful artwork! You make Autumn sound so romantic…here I am wiping up muddy pawprints…dragging soggy leaves out the pond…falling over in the mud when I take Mother’s dogs out and shouting some very bad swears to the amusement of a gang of teenage lads on bikes..

    Liked by 1 person

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