InktTober the 2nd ~ 2017

The second day of InkTober and I decided to go with another floral inky draw, but there was good reason for this.

I decided a couple of months ago that I should make an Art Journal.  I had no idea about what I should do to make one, but having had a look around the interweb I realised that there didn’t seem to be really any rules about it, so decided I’d make my art journal my own way.  And the reason why I decided to go with another floral inky drawing today – was so that the two facing pages of the art journal would have something in common.

Something that they could talk to each other about when the book was closed and on the shelf.  They would whisper to each other about things they knew about and they had a common language in order to do this.  … but ssshhhh…. don’t tell – because this is a secret!

So anyhoo –  …. this is what I did for day two of InkTober  .…  Firstly, I roughly pencilled my idea, then I inked the drawing so that it looked like this  …

#Inktober2017 1

. . .  thereby fulfilling the required rules for InkTober  … but … as you know, I can’t leave things like that.  I have to add a little colour to make things smile. . .  and since the first page of my new Art Journal was going to be the Inktober Daisy (from yesterday) . . .

#iNKTOBER2017 2

. . .  then some happy colours were called for on this second page . . .


I had wondered whether to paint directly into my new journal (which wasn’t really new at all.  It was a book I’d had for a gazillion years but never used,  because . . . I didn’t want to spoil it.  yeah .. I can hear you laughing from here), or draw and paint onto watercolour paper and stick that into the journal.  I decided I’d try drawing and painting directly into the book, to see if it would work ok…  and it seemed to.  So once I’d snapped the photo above, I then felt free to ‘decorate’ ….


Gesso (white) was applied around the sprig of flowers, and once dry I sprayed some mica sprays, in 3 different colours from Lindy’s Stamp Gang, unfortunately the photographs don’t seem to pick up the mica which is held suspended in the liquid so I tried tipping and turning the book to try a capture the glimmer … this next photograph is probably my best shot.  It shows the mica the best on that lower blue flower . . .

#Inktober 5

. . .   Can you see the magical twinkle on the petals there?  Teeny tiny littl droplets of gold?   Looks like Fairy Dust!

While that was drying I got to work on the Daisy from the first day (yesterday) of the Inktober challenge.

#Inktober 6

I tore around the edges of the daisy and then fixed it in place.  Then carefully applied Gesso all around the page….  and once dry I treated the page to the same mix of Lindy’s Stamp Gang sprays and left them to dry.

Looking at the pages I knew I wasn’t finished with them  …  there is something calling to me, and I think I know what it is …. but for now, I’ll concentrate on Inktober and the pen and ink drawings …  when I’m not making a card or something, naturally!

The items used in the creation of the little sprig of flowers are:

As always, please be assured that I am not employed by either of these companies, nor do I receive any payments in money or products in order to promote any products for the companies concerned, I’m simply sharing what works for me.  (Of course, if Kuretake or Lindy’s Stamp Gang want to offer me some products to try, I’d be more than happy to try them and report on my findings.  Who am I kidding?  They don’t read my blog for goodness sake! lol).

Thank you so much for coming, and before I go . . .  may I just take this opportunity of welcoming some new followers to the Cobweborium Emporium blog.  I won’t name names but rest assured that I will recognise you if you comment at all, and can promise that you’ll always receive a reply.

Thanks to these new followers WordPress sent me a congratulations a few days ago telling me that I now have over 500 followers. Now considering that I don’t ‘do’ the Facebook thing and I have no family followers (no seriously.. I really don’t.  Only three members of my family know I even keep a blog!), I think that 500 people is quite an achievement .  So I mentally gave myself both a high-five and ate a cake! ( …. well, it was my unbirthday!)

So a big HELLO to the lovely new people reading.  Thank you for clicking to follow and joining us all here.

I wish you all a blessed rest of your Monday.  May Tuesday bring you smiles, warmth and a few laughs along the way. 



Author: The Art of Cobwebs - aka:- thecobweboriumemporium

Hello. I'm 'Cobwebs'. I live in a wee little cottage in the South of England, aptly called Cobweb Cottage. This little dwelling really is a cobweb factory. Not inside (well, occasionally) - but outside - flipping heck! This information should give you a clue as to why my blog is called The Art of Cobwebs aka: The Cobweborium Emporium. I've been arty and crafty from a very young age, and although my crafts have sometimes turned a corner and taken me in another direction, I've always crafted in some way, shape or form. One day, in the blink of an eye, life changed somewhat for me and the consequences were many. I had to find a new way of being 'artistic'. Card making; scrap-booking; producing ATC's and ACEO's; needle felting; Polymer clay; painting- but in a more relaxed style than I had before, and sewing, - are all things which I visit, as and when life allows. I've fairy recently become a Textile Artist and am enjoying this new creative outlet very much as it offers me so much scope for letting my imagination run through a grassy field and feel the wind in my hair - (mentally, of course). I love to create. To make things. I truthfully believe that the best gifts in the world are those in which you've given your time, rather than your cash. Thank you so much for visiting. Please visit my blog (link below) and have a look around. I'm sure you'll find something to enjoy, even if it's only a handful of jokes! (yes, seriously - there really are jokes!) Wishing you a truly blessed rest of your day! ~ Cobs. <3

44 thoughts on “InktTober the 2nd ~ 2017”

  1. My presentation for InkTober is not yet ready for the world or even ready for ANYONE to see! And your second flower creation is excellent! By the way…I now have the necessary supplies and quite a few little extras. Soon Cobs…I will have it somewhat ready!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I have a few art journal books that have blank pages in them also. Not wanting to ruin the paper. Silly? yes, I bought them to use them, so why haven’t I? Fear! Yes, fear! Fear of messing up! What? You can never really make a total mess in art when it comes to this type of stuff only “OOPS” Outstanding Opportunity Presenting Suddenly” by Carolyn Dube! I love her and her enthusiasm when it comes to art, the is not wrong way, only learning. Yes you can make mud with colour, of course, but as far as getting started, I must just put the colour down on the page and begin. It is the “beginning” that is the hard part because of the fear. I am learning Cobs not to be afraid. I love dibble dabbing in art using paints, crayons, pencil crayon, water colour and more but that is it, dabbling, when I want to create a page in my journal.
    It will come I know this because of who I am, I will get there, the fear will be gone and then there will be no stopping me. 🙂
    I am hooked on those Oxide Inks too. LOVE them. I have been dabbling (again with the dabbling) in making some tags with them and loving it. Haven’t made much but then life gets in the way and has prevented me from doing so. That too shall pass.
    Much love to you Cobs and hope you have a lovely week. Good work on the daisy and the other flowers, looking great.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Soozy!
      I’d been wondering how you were, and where you were too! It’s so good to see you my friend.

      It’s a happy occurrence that you can relate to my own fear of spoiling the book. I’m glad I’m not alone in that. Doesn’t feel quite so daft now. lol

      Great to hear that you’re feeling the crafting vibe. Aww .. I cannot tell you how great that is. I feel it would relax you and just make the world go away for a while if you could slot a little time in regularly to craft. The world can be a difficult place sometimes. So time away from it – even for short spells, can make your soul rest and your body breathe.

      Sending love to you and big squidges … Stay safe and happy Soozy.
      love ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you Cobs. The main thing on my plate is still Stan. We are working on him so that I can get out for a couple hours and not think about him so much. I really want to try that CBD oil they make from the cannabis plant. Great things have come from that and the reviews are astounding. Since August 1st (surgery to remove remaining eye) he has had a total of 4 very teeny tiny seizures and the oil helps with that as well, pain can be managed, arthritis, anxiety and so on. Very interesting read. I am hoping I can find a natural remedy as the medical tablets don’t do anything. I don’t want to make him so that he wets himself, just to remain calmer. He paces around a lot, but when I “make” him lay down, he snoozes, just not for as long as I need to put some ink down on a tag.
        We will get there with him too. I have faith. 🙂 I love my dog and would do anything to help him be more comfortable.
        I have also had a flare up with the rheumatoid and other issues in the shoulder joints and my neck. My specialist died back in June so I have had to wait till mid October to see a new fella from the UK. He is supposed to be very good, young and handsome as well. I hope he can help me out. I haven’t had rheumatoid pain for years! Has been under control and my doc and I were decreasing the amount of a drug called Methotrexate, and it was working. Now the dose must have gotten to low and it reared its ugly head after years of being dormant. So I am waiting to see what this fellow suggests, going back up with the Methotrexate or …
        Aw life sometimes, but we keep going, we must or we seize up.
        No worries Cobs, I am fine. I see others in far worse shape than myself and I am thankful and grateful that I am not as bad off as I thought. Always someone worse off that yourself isn’t there.
        Wow, now that I have talked your ear off, I will go now and walk the ol’ guy in the crisp morning sunshine. Blue sky as far as the eye can see. Lovely day.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I’ve been waiting all day to reply to you Soozy. Little Stan has been on my mind and in my heart, and I was waiting for you to mention him as I feared the worst, yet hoped for the best.

          I know how poorly he’s been … and how much he is loved by you, and it has made me so desperately sad to hear that he’s still having such struggles. Poor little darling.

          What does the vet say, Soozy? Does the vet believe that he has a good quality of life with all the problems he’s trying to cope with?
          I hate to think how tired Stan must be of feeling so awful all the time.

          I see my fur baby, Belle, getting older and she has arthritis in her back legs too. The one leg she can put out sometimes and can’t walk on it. Only Mr.Cobs can massage it in the right way to get her walking on it again. I’ve tried and I obviously don’t have the right touch … so I’m filled with gratitude and give thanks that Cobs Snr. can do it.

          She’s getting old … and her little head and muzzle are going very grey now. I can’t bear the thought of losing her – because I haven’t loved her even near enough yet. My heart is over-flowing with love for her that I still haven’t managed to pour out over her, so I want to have her for many years to come … but I don’t think there will ever be enough time to love her enough.

          She’s such a total darling. You’d love her too if you saw her.

          Know that I include Stan in my prayers. Be guided by your vet Soozy. He/she will be able to tell if Stan is in too much pain for him to bear.

          Hello God … it’s me again. Please could you send a healing Angel down to tend to Stan the dog … for he needs extra care right now and could do with a little healing light and love surrounding him.
          Thank you.

          Praying for you too Soozy. Take very good care of yourself young lady.
          Sending you my love … and would you give Stan a kiss on the top of his head for me, and tell him it’s from his Aunt Cobs.
          God Bless. ~Cobs. xxx ❤


      1. Don’t be discouraged. I am surprised they don’t “mix” well, by mix I am assuming blending? Each and every one are amazing, spritz the water on and watch the magic 🙂 You can put some ink down, put a stencil on top and spritz again. It is fun to see what the stencil does. Try again. I’m sure you will find the love.

        Liked by 2 people

          1. I started with Fossilized Amber, Broken China and Vintage Photo. WOW, you wait, you will love them and what they can do. Since they have come out, I have all but 4 colours! I do wish you a grrreat adventure in using them, they blend so much easier than the regular distress inks but I do love those too. Take care bcparkinson. Talk soon.

            Liked by 1 person

  3. Congrats on the 500. Way to go Mrs. Cob.
    I have thought about a journal…short thought….I don’t know where my time goes but finding time to blog is really hard. I think I am just slow as winter honey. The photos are taken …they just set there in the pc. Some day, some day.
    Both flowers are lovely and their conversations I would love to be in on. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know!!! Who’d a thought!
      I was just blown away when I saw the thing from WordPress. I actually said out loud: “Nooo, that can’t be right surely!” lol.
      I feel both incredibly blessed and very humbled, Anne. I give thanks for such a beautiful gift of kindness and validation that my blog is worth visiting by so many.
      Sending big squidges, wrapped up in love,
      ~ Cobs. xxx 🍂 🍁🍂 🍁

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Congratulations on the followers milestone 🙂
    I never thought of putting all my drawings in a journal, but what an excellent idea! That’ll solve the problem I currently have or wee scraps of paper lying around all over the place!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. [nodding] I can relate. I boxes with bits of drawings and paintings in them, and the journal idea was one which I could see creeping up on me over the past few months as I saw more and more folks talking about their journal.

      So I let the idea get comfortable, and finally jumped in with both feet yesterday. YAY!

      I already had a selection of note books etc, and the one I chose was the largest of them, and …. it had no ‘writing lines’ or rulings across the page -and it just felt right.

      But hey …I had no previous experience – so I’m making it up as I go along. LOL

      If you have a book .. just jump straight in and give it a go. It will clean up your craft space if nothing else, and give you a go to project for days when you don’t know what to do on any day that you want to craft, but don’t know what.
      Squidges coming your way QuietWater ~ Cobs. xxx 🍂 🍁🍂 🍁


  5. Beautiful! So pretty and dainty – lol, I’m glad you do that too..I like to put things that are similar together to keep each other company..!!

    Love your blog, and congratulations on over 500 followers, well deserved! 😺💕xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw thank you Samantha.
      Yup … everything has to have a ‘friend’. There has to be a conversation going on – (even with ornaments in Cobweb Towers!).

      I don’t know why it is, or what it is … but I have this internal requirment for ‘balance’. I’m glad I’m not alone, ’cause I was wondering if I was weird. LOL (I know I’m weird so nothing new there!).

      Thanks for the lovely comment.
      Heaps of squidges ~ Cobs. x 💕

      Liked by 1 person

    1. EXACTLY!
      That’s just how it was.
      What if I spoiled it? What if I made a mistake and made it look dreadful?
      What if… what if … what if.

      In the end I told myself that if I made a mistake …. what was wrong with that?
      The answer came back … it didn’t really matter because I could just tippex it out, or paint over it or even remove the page.
      So I jumped straight in with both feet, and am so glad I did.

      Now I have place for everything … and everything in it’s place.
      No bits of pretty pictures on paper being tucked into a book. Popped into a box. Put into an envelope with a few bits of other things. All of these different things in different places in my craft room.
      But no more.

      Go on Chicken. Make yourself use one of those books! Write your recipes … who knows, you could then take it to be published and we could all buy it! 😀
      Squidges ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are in inspiration Cobs! No wonder I love you and your blog. You make us all feel like we can do anything if we just get up and give it a go….and I think we can!!!
        And I just have to tell you……My new grandbaby is here!!! I am beyond excited. I will get introduced, officially, to him tomorrow.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Ohhh, MANY CONGRATULATIONS Chicken!!

          Awww, there is nothing like a new Grandbaby to make you feel that you’ve found the ultimate joy of getting older.
          Grandchildren are such a huge, mind-blowing gift from God, and they’re something which keeps on giving. Joy just gets greater, deeper, wider.

          Congratulations Chicken. I’m very envious. I remember the ‘HIGH’ of having Little Cobs and how I could actually feel my heart growing to a size which I feared my body couldn’t hold.

          I was so incredibly blessed to be there, in the room, when he was born, and I stayed with my daughter and son-in-law for a week after he was born to give support and care to them all, and bonded with that little boy like nothing I’d ever bonded with before. Totally different from bonding with our two girls. It was different. A whole new level.

          A magical time.

          I’m just thrilled for you Chicken. Over the moon, and over-joyed.
          Many congratulations my fabulous friend.
          Heaps of Love ~ Cobs. xx


    1. 500 .. I know! I seriously can’t believe it. I actually feel as though there has to be a mistake somewhere or other.

      While I’ve got you … (hanging on to you now …).. Did you watch Dr. Foster last night? 😱


    1. 500 followers 🤓 I have no idea how that happened! When I began my blog I can remember how excited I got when I found I had 10 followers. TEN! That was an incredible moment to me and I felt like someone had given me the world as a gift.

      But 500!?! Oh My Goodness!

      I don’t know how it’s happened, but it feels so lovely.
      Although mind … I keep waiting for another email saying they’ve made a mistake and it’s 5.00 …. and that the full stop was in the wrong place. lol

      Thank you so much Flo for your beautiful and encouraging words, and yes … I’m so glad that I’ve actually stopped being scared of making a mess of a pretty book and have turned it into an Art Journal for my bits of scribbles, doodles and things which I could loosely describe as Art. 😉

      Sending Wednesday squidges ~ Cobs. xxx


  6. Congrats on reaching 500 followers – it’s because you are fab you know.

    Lovely drawing and a nice idea that the two flower drawings can keep each other company. I love having an art journal (ok I have several and I pick which ever feels ‘right’ at a particular time). I don’t make many cards any more so use my journal for drawing, painting, sticking bits in, stamping etc and then I just play and enjoy it without worrying about the end result too much. Hxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ohh, no cards? But you were so great at it!

      But then … you’re great at the jewellery making (I adore my brooch) and the drawing and illustrations. AMAZING drawing skills. So … giving up the cards is totally understandable.

      The Journal … I don’t properly understand why I was so afraid to begin one … I’m guessing that perhaps it was in case I spoilt the book … but I told myself that that really didn’t matter. So I jumped in, and am really glad that I finally did.

      Thanks for coming for a coffee with me Hannah. I adore seeing you.
      Sending heaps of love and squishy stuff ~ Cobs. xxx


  7. Oh congrats on reaching 500 followers! What an accomplishment! I am not the least bit surprised! You have such a great blog with a little something for everyone! I love your little drawings! So cute! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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