Meadow Flowers 2 – The Reality

Some of you may remember that a few days ago (during The World Watercolour Challenge Month of July) I did a little ATC watercolour painting of some Meadow Flowers(<—click) and told you how I’d been inspired to paint that particular little painting.  (click the link and it will open in a new window to actually read that post if you missed it).

Meadow Flowers 5
The original ‘Meadow Flowers’ ATC (sized 2.5″x 3.5″inches)

I said in that post that if I got the opportunity I’d take a snap of the flowers next time I passed them.  Well I drove past them yesterday (1st August) and before I turned the bend I had a very heavy heart, telling myself that they’d have all been drowned by the awful rains (and the winds) we’ve experienced here in the last few days, ….  however, as I drove around the bend my heart began to flutter like a butterflies wings.  Yes, the rain had given them a bit of a knock and nudge but there they stood, nodding and swaying in the wind.  I pulled over and very quickly snapped a couple of pictures on my cell phone.  One through the open passenger side car window – so it was nice and crisp and clean … and another through the windscreen – which gave the photo a bit of a white haze … but you can kind of see them.

The REAL Meadow Flowers 1
taken through the open car window.
The REAL Meadow Flowers
This photo was taken through the windscreen of my car.  Hence the white haze

What you’re looking at in the last photo (above) isn’t the full length of the Meadow Flowers planted – there’s roughly about half as much again which I couldn’t fit into a photo.  So you can imagine what a total blast of colour and joy it is to see each day.

I saved these photo’s as quite large ones,  (so that everyone would be able to see the meadow flowers properly)  and I know I used to be able to open up photo’s by simply clicking on them here in WordPress, and they would open up in the larger size.  But … I don’t seem to be able to do that now … so if someone knows how to get them to open up in their larger (saved) size then please could you let me know so that I can let everyone else know.  Many thanks!

I’ve blurred out the background properties which face onto the green, as … well, they aren’t my properties and I don’t have permission to put them on the web.  So just being polite.

I missed the final days of the Watercolour Challenge as we had Little Cobs come to stay, and quite frankly, he’s enough to keep a whole host of Angels busy!  By the time I’d managed to get him into bed of a night-time and read him a story (or two), I was so plumb tuckered out that I felt like I needed putting to bed myself!

But today I had to take him home again.  My loan of the Grandchild time had come to an end.  So we made the best of the last few hours we had together by starting with a thoroughly unhealthy breakfast … of Toast (not me, just Little Cobs) followed an hour later by … McDonald’s breakfasts!   Then we played Lego (which I am totally useless at but I try my best);   then we made a packed lunch and took it to the sea to watch the boats, the waves and look for Pirates.  However …. on the way there, we just HAD to take a slight detour and visit Toys R Us,  with pocket-money supplied by Grandad, to buy as much as we could possibly buy and pile into the car.

Then it was off to see the sea. 😊

We couldn’t go and sit out as the rains had made everything so wet we would have got soggy bottoms – and it was still a bit windy, which Little Cobs hates  …. so we ate a picnic in the car with the windows down a little so that we could get that fabulous air and actually smell the sea (which I love)  …. and gazed out onto the water, as we played with some new toys.

This was the sea and the sky of blue with its cotton wool clouds….

Visiting the Sea 1st August 2017
picture taken 1st August 2017

…  that isn’t an x inside a circle, printed on one of the clouds … it’s the reflection of the corner of my parking permit.  lol.

Normal service will now resume, once I’ve got my body back,  because some bu**er has stolen my youthful, joy filled, light as a feather feeling body, and replaced it with some old duffers body,  – and they have to be at least 120 years old, by the feel of the body which mine has been swapped with.  This one is creaky, old, positively broken in rather a lot of places and totally damaged through over-use (see definition for ‘knackered’ – which OBVIOUSLY isn’t a word I use,  being as it’s such an unladylike word and all that).

All I’ve done is taken responsibility for a 6-year-old boy …  so it’s obviously while I was distracted that someone broke into my home and swapped my own body for this load of carp which they’ve left me with.  I don’t know who I complain to.  I mean …. would the Police take this seriously?  I doubt it.  In fact … I feel like I can hear them laughing from here!

Suggestions for getting my  “OOooooNLY 27 YEARS OLD”   body back would be much appreciated.  For I have a birthday … as you know … and I shall be  “OOOooonly 27”  again, so I need my  “OOoonly 27”  year old body back… because that really was some body, and this one I’ve got now is ….  broken in 50 Shades of Busted!

Till next time …  …  I send you squidges,  mentally.   … I just can’t seem to get up from my seat at the moment to squidge you properly  …  actually, I think my arm has just dropped off   … ut ohhhh . . . .   I think a leg might be about to follow it!   Oh gawd,   …  what next?!!   I DEMAND THE RETURN OF MY BODY!   (or at the very least … a new one).



Author: The Art of Cobwebs - aka:- thecobweboriumemporium

Hello. I'm 'Cobwebs'. I live in a wee little cottage in the South of England, aptly called Cobweb Cottage. This little dwelling really is a cobweb factory. Not inside (well, occasionally) - but outside - flipping heck! This information should give you a clue as to why my blog is called The Art of Cobwebs aka: The Cobweborium Emporium. I've been arty and crafty from a very young age, and although my crafts have sometimes turned a corner and taken me in another direction, I've always crafted in some way, shape or form. One day, in the blink of an eye, life changed somewhat for me and the consequences were many. I had to find a new way of being 'artistic'. Card making; scrap-booking; producing ATC's and ACEO's; needle felting; Polymer clay; painting- but in a more relaxed style than I had before, and sewing, - are all things which I visit, as and when life allows. I've fairy recently become a Textile Artist and am enjoying this new creative outlet very much as it offers me so much scope for letting my imagination run through a grassy field and feel the wind in my hair - (mentally, of course). I love to create. To make things. I truthfully believe that the best gifts in the world are those in which you've given your time, rather than your cash. Thank you so much for visiting. Please visit my blog (link below) and have a look around. I'm sure you'll find something to enjoy, even if it's only a handful of jokes! (yes, seriously - there really are jokes!) Wishing you a truly blessed rest of your day! ~ Cobs. <3

40 thoughts on “Meadow Flowers 2 – The Reality”

  1. Fabulous photos, and now I know what really goes on at grandparents houses! (And why my 2 love visiting them so much!) Hope you’re back to being 27 soon, take care x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Mrs. Craft and Happy Wednesday!
      actually lol at your comment.

      Y’know … I could never understand why Grandparents would say “ahh, we have more time to enjoy Grandchildren” … because they have the same time as we all have with out children.

      My mum tried to explain it once to me, and I still never ‘got it’. However now…. now I’m a Grammy … I absolutely, totally ‘get it’.

      I think it’s that we, as young mums, try to keep the house clean, do the washing, ironing, prepping meals in advance of the meal time and do chores both in and outside the house. But as Grandparents we seem to understand that those things can wait because our Grandchildrens lives are going past so fast and we need to remember the memories and actually be ‘present’ in the lives of our fabulous Grandchildren. It’s almost like saying … “ah we don’t care about all that … we’re playing!”
      And that’s probably why children in general love going to grandparents houses. They don’t care about the housework and neither do we. (at least … not while they’re around – we’ll do it when the available moment crops up).

      Thank you for your really lovely comment Mrs. Craft, and for coming and sharing a coffee with me.
      Wishing you a totally fabulous day, filled with joy and smiles, and lots of love.
      Squidges ~ Cobs. xxx


  2. Oh I am in dismay myself about this tired old body. Just had to get to the flower garden
    ( not many flowers just weeds) and start making some since it and all I did was make it terribly hard to even walk for a few days. Now I’ve worked it out by cleaning ( goodness knows….when did I last do this ?) so we can have a family dinner before #3 goes back out. Except for a birthday here or there, mostly there, we haven’t been together much. I told my DnL I need to do this before I forget how to cook. It is also one of those mile-stones coming up but we will talk about that next week.
    So glad you and Little Cob had a good time. It is the kind of time you just can’t get enough of. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello beautiful friend.
      You and I … fear that if they put all our parts together on a work bench …. they wouldn’t manage to get a whole working person at the end.

      The Big Family Dinner … nothing like one of those to get a family all coming together as one, eating the same food and just loving the experience,

      You can actually feel the love in the room when everyone is together.

      The milestone … I think I might know what this is.
      But … remind yourself that each and every one of us will have a milestone in our life, so we can all relate and know the feelings which you have.

      How long will it be before No.3 comes home again, do you know?


        1. Long enough but … not too long. There is an end in sight when you say 4 weeks.
          But … missing from the table, or from your life for four weeks is still missing. I know that.
          Lots of love Beverly … in pots, buckets, and spare saucepans ~ Cobs. x


  3. It sounds like you had a wonderful time with little cobs. 🙂 I loved spending time with my grandparents when I was a kid, I am sure he feels the same. 🙂

    Those flowers – Cobs, I would not be able to leave that beautiful field. THAT is what I want my side yard to look like, but sadly, it doesn’t.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It will, Salpal. It will.
      You just have to have a little work, a little planning. Some sowing, thinning and gentle watering … and leave the rest to Nature. For Nature will do what Nature does so well.

      You nuture and Nature will take over.
      Oh … one more ingredient … sprinkle liberally with patience 😉
      ~ Cobs .x

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you for the photos of the dancing flowers. They are lovely. It’s wonderful that you had a good visit with Little Cobbs. I remember days like that when you are all tuckered out after hours of playing. Our grandsons are with us for the summer, and boy! have things changed! One sometimes gets up as early as I do, and the other often tucks me in bed. Well, not really. Last night, though, he asked if he could listen to music on my computer. I went right to sleep and didn’t hear him leave the room.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ohhh bless his beautiful little heart.
      We are so blessed with our Grandchildren Anne, aren’t we.

      I know that, for me, my World is a far more beautiful, fabulous, fantastical, magical place to be in, simply because Little Cobs is in it, and I give thanks for him daily, hourly, minute by minute. And I’m sure you’re the same.

      Sending love and squidges ~ Cobs. xxx


  5. Oh what lovely flowers! I love those pictures. It sounds like you have a lovely time with Little Cobs! Oh how I wish my grandson lived closer! I have a great nephew who lives close and comes over on most Sundays, so I get to spend some pool time with a little one. When we go to Florida, I get to spend some time with two great nieces and another great nephew. I so enjoy spending time with the little ones! I know what you mean about the body “fairies”. They seem to have visited my home too! At least I know that I haven’t missed your birthday, yet! LOL! Happy 27th! Sending hugs! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Nancee 🙂
      I did, I had such a fantabulous time with him. He’s such a bright star in my world and brightens every day.

      I was there, in the hospital delivery room, with my daughter and son-in-law, when he was born (daughter said she needed and wanted me there). And after delivery, when he’d been loved by mummy and daddy, then wrapped and put into one of those hospital baby fish tanks (see through little cots) I was left with him while mummy went to have a shower with the help of daddy(mummy didn’t think she’d be able to stand up long enough – bless her),and during the few minutes I had with him, gazing at him and drinking him in, I fell deeply in Grandma love with him and he captured my heart and has held me captive ever since.

      It must be miserable that you don’t get to see your Grandson more than you do. Distance is such a difficult thing to get around.
      But thrilled to hear that you get some pool time with your great nephew and also some fabulous time with your two great nieces and another great nephew when you go to Florida.

      There’s nothing like playing with little ones for getting in touch with your own inner child, than being in the company of little children. We become child-like again and shut out the world and all it’s problems and woes, and actually become present in that moment. Perfect.

      Thank you for your fabulous Birthday Wishes.. I’m saving them up and will wallow in them! LOL. 27 again is such a wonderful place to stop at.

      The body fairies…. y’know … someone has stolen my body and I still haven’t got it back two days later! If I find out who stole my body I’m going to put them in the stocks and throw rotten veg and fruit at ’em! tsk tsk.
      Sending heaps of love and squidges ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Michele
      Ohhhh thank you Michele. Bless your beautiful heart.
      I’m so glad that you enjoy the reads you get here. As for me … I just chatter on as if you’re actually sat at the kitchen table with me, having a coffee and a bit of a giggle, and in this instance, I’m sharing the fun I had with my incredible little Grandson.

      Sending much love to you and wishing you a blessed rest of your day.
      love ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Those flowers are beautiful! I am so jealous of your being by the sea…I love the water and I am land bound in the Midwest USA.
    I wish I could help with your picture problem. Mine seems to work when I download them one by one and then put them into my post from the media library in wordpress….but I have no idea why it works. (I think it is the little genie inside my laptop that does that for me and as long as he is awake I am good to go).
    I hope Little Cobs realizes what a gem of a grandma he has! One that will take him to the sea, Toys R Us and also play Legos!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Chicken.
      The flowers are so breath-taking when you drive around the bend of the road and come upon them. I remember the very first time I saw them… my whole body got goosebumps. Everything about them … the amount, the spread, the colours and not least of all the way they all move as the breeze blows them. It’s magnificent. Nature knows her job!

      The photo problems in WordPress… I remember when I could click on photo’s and they would open up to the size that they were originally saved as. But that clickable thing no longer seems to work. Such a shame because those flowers are a total delight, and you can’t see them properly in those tiddly pictures.

      Aw … I’m not a gem Chicken. I’m just like you. I’m a Grandma (well … Grammy – lol) and us Grandparents do the stuff we do simply because we love to see the joy on those little faces.

      Lego … he knows I’m useless at it, and I can see the laughter in his face when he toddles in with the big Lego box…. and announces that we’re going to build (eg) “Zombie Cars”.

      I’m sort of ok at building the chassis … but even that can go dreadfully wrong .. I apparently don’t know the size of the tyres that a zombie vehicle requires. LOL.

      It’s the fiddly bits …. the lights, the bits that stick out and make it incredible – or special at the very least … I leave those to the expert. Bless him.

      Thank you so much for coming for a chat. I just love seeing you.
      Heaps of squidges coming your way ~ Cobs.x

      Liked by 1 person

      1. My grandson loves the Star Wars legos. So we have been purchasing those. He takes after his dad who is 33 and still puts Star War legos on his Christmas list! I guess we had better get used to years of lego building!

        Liked by 1 person

  7. I was never very good with Lego with my two…I taught them to read quite early so I could say to them “Ooh, look at the instructions and then use your own imagination from there…” LOL! And have you encountered Transformers yet, the actual models of cars that turn into robots or something completely different like a three piece suite…? Bane of my existence they were when my younger son was little!
    However, a lovely post- you are a wonderful grandma 💕💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. [sings to self: “Transformers, Robots in disguise” ….] … hmm… you’re probably not old enough to remember the original TV adverts for those darn things.

      I have to admit that I never ‘got’ them. Why buy a toy if you want it to be something else? If I wanted a Robot I’d buy a robot. If I wanted a car, I’d buy a car. But why buy a robot/car – surely it had to have more things go wrong with it or bits fall off it?
      (or was that bit of reckoning just me being a mom with two girls who could break the unbreakable when I wasn’t looking?! lol)

      I remember visiting one of daughter No2’s school friends houses for a play date. A little boy … who had some of these transformers. His mom had hidden one of them because he kept asking her to “put it back” – to what it was originally as he couldn’t do it. She couldn’t do it either. Now I was good at puzzle type things so I asked if I could have a go and did it within seconds. Problem was that I had no idea how I did it, so couldn’t show mummy so that she would know too.

      So she hid the now transformed thing until Daddy came home, so that he could have the problem. LOL.

      Thanks for coming Samantha. I love seeing you.
      Heaps of squidges ~ Cobs. x

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh yes! I do remember them – lol, my nephew was just the right age for that advert and the ensuing craze…I thought I might escape with my own two! As I said…they learned to read instructions quite early! 😸

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Kids! They learn too much before we have chance to get used to the last thing they learned! LOLOLOL

          My daughter (#2) talks in words that half the time I don’t understand, and I’m nodding away trying to work out what the heck she’s just spoke about. [sigh] … I feel ancient when this happens. At least 101. [double sigh] lol
          ~C xxx


          1. Lol! You know you’re only 27… I seem to have stuck at 39… even so I still find myself understanding perhaps one word in five when technical or computer stuff is involved! Have a great evening, lots of love to you 😸💕xx

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Hello Sam ~ long time, no see.
              I’ve been on an extended blogging break and have been, for the last few weeks, visiting my beloved bloggers and leaving little messages all over the place, and likes. However, I found out from another blogger, that all my comments were going to everyone’s spam folder.
              Now I know that I left comments on your site – for definite the last blog post you did – with the cat sat in the garden, but I’ve just been and visited the post and found that my comment isn’t there. So … I’m writing you a ‘reply’/note here because I know that this WILL get to you and you’ll receive a notification that I’ve ‘replied’ to a comment you put on my blog.

              This is the only way that I’m managing to ‘speak’ to my blogging friends. Bit of a faff, but so far it’s working.

              If you go to your spam folder and find a comment from me …. click it and it tells the Spam thing that I’m not spam, and it will go into your inbox. If you then go there, you can put the comment on your blog post and push up your comments count.

              But … it could be that the spam folder has already emptied your spam, and it might not be there. If that’s the case, just let me know here and I’ll try and make a comment again and see if it works. Akismet, I think, has sorted the problem out – so a new comment *might* or might not work.

              In the meantime …. I’m sending much love and a whole bundle of squidges ~ Cobs. xxx

              Liked by 1 person

              1. I hope you got my reply to this… I am having my own issues with the new system at them moment…for some reason it won’t let me add tags or categories…sometimes it will, sometimes it won’t, so if you find any of my posts pottering along in the ether, please give them a gentle push in the right direction home with a friendly to you from me xxx

                Liked by 1 person

                1. Aw Sam, this new system is rubbish, isn’t it. It works – it doesn’t work. It works, – it doesn’t work.
                  Why they had to mess with what was a great system which worked really well, is a total mystery to me.

                  If I spot any strange comments or posts of yours, I will try my best to direct them to their correct destinations.
                  For now … sending oodles of love and squidges ~ Cobs. xxx


                  1. Ooh just checked in and got your comment! My days just seem to have held hands and run off into the sunset leaving me wondering where they went…

                    My reader is now bright shining white and the format has changed again…what’s going on???

                    I hope you’re well and staying well and safe too – sending cat hair covered hugs to you with an additional slug that I just found in the hallway…🤔😂 xxx

                    Liked by 1 person

                    1. Ooh got this where it should be thank goodness, so I will be along at some point to catch up…((hugs))

                      Liked by 1 person

  8. Hello, I hope you are back to your 27 year old self. My Mum picks my kids up looking bright and refreshed and inevitably looks exhausted when they are returned (saying that, my 2 can be very ‘full on’ so to speak – they exhaust me!) It sounds as if Little Cobs had a thoroughly lovely time.

    Those wild flowers are gorgeous. Certainly brightens up this dull and rainy summer.

    Have I missed your birthday? I hope not. Happy Birthday 🎂 Hxxx

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Nice photos, Cobs. I couldn’t make out an X printed on the clouds, though I could make out a rather picturesque mountain range. As for your 27 year old self… it’s right there. You just need to shout Oi!
    My 24 year old has got me running again now… of all things!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No, because the photo is so small on W.Press, you can’t see it. But when the photo is full size, you can. Sadly the option to click on a photo and it open, full size, in another window, has, it appears, gone and no longer available. It’s a shame because the photos are far better in their large size.

      Running? Wow. Good for you young man. My 27 year old self is cheering you on!
      ~ C. x


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