On Line Dating …For Cats

Dearest fabulous followers and magnificent readers of the Cob Blog,  …  Mrs.P, who’s a wonderful mummy to a cat (and a rather handsome dog),  happened to come across the post I made some time back, about one of my furry craft room companions;  Alf Capone.  (aka Alfie-popsDON’T tell him I told you that though). (Link to the original post by me HERE. it will open in a new window/tab for you to read when you wish )

Mrs.P. must have not noticed at the time that her cat, who’s name is: Neurotic Cat, had been perusing the screen as Mrs. P. was reading.  Well.. while her mum was off doing other things, Neurotic Cat did the following…..

Life At The Cottage On The Green

Have you ever had the experience of perusing posts when BOOM an image of what could be the love of your life appears on screen ??? There was I peeping at Cobs blog when I saw him ..Mr Alf,

mr-a-in-the-grass Go on admit it …isn’t he just the Bees – knees

I was going to be all lady like and wait for his slave Mum to make an introduction on my behalf ..then I though ” I’m a modern Woman … I can handle this myself” so I’m taking things into my own hands, so here is my online dating profile :-

My name is Neurotic Cat, I’m a dainty 6 yr old  black ‘ghost tabby’ complete with a white bib & tummy, I have a meow on par with a car alarm …which is a good thing when you require the attention of the highest calibre, I also have  healthy…

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Author: The Art of Cobwebs - aka:- thecobweboriumemporium

Hello. I'm 'Cobwebs'. I live in a wee little cottage in the South of England, aptly called Cobweb Cottage. This little dwelling really is a cobweb factory. Not inside (well, occasionally) - but outside - flipping heck! This information should give you a clue as to why my blog is called The Art of Cobwebs aka: The Cobweborium Emporium. I've been arty and crafty from a very young age, and although my crafts have sometimes turned a corner and taken me in another direction, I've always crafted in some way, shape or form. One day, in the blink of an eye, life changed somewhat for me and the consequences were many. I had to find a new way of being 'artistic'. Card making; scrap-booking; producing ATC's and ACEO's; needle felting; Polymer clay; painting- but in a more relaxed style than I had before, and sewing, - are all things which I visit, as and when life allows. I've fairy recently become a Textile Artist and am enjoying this new creative outlet very much as it offers me so much scope for letting my imagination run through a grassy field and feel the wind in my hair - (mentally, of course). I love to create. To make things. I truthfully believe that the best gifts in the world are those in which you've given your time, rather than your cash. Thank you so much for visiting. Please visit my blog (link below) and have a look around. I'm sure you'll find something to enjoy, even if it's only a handful of jokes! (yes, seriously - there really are jokes!) Wishing you a truly blessed rest of your day! ~ Cobs. <3

16 thoughts on “On Line Dating …For Cats”

    1. Hello misshopeshi.
      Well … although it says ‘Online Dating for Cats’ … it’s actually all done in fun. If you read the posts you’ll understand it a little better. Read first the blog post about my own Cat: Alf Capone. (you can find the link in the intro to the post which I reblogged, by Mrs.P).

      Then once you’ve read my original post (from some time ago), then come back to the re-blog (above), and then click to continue to read the post made by Mrs.P’s cat, named ‘Neurotic Cat’, by clicking on the link at the ending of the reblog, which will take you to the post on her blog, and then all will become clear. And .. if you have ‘that’ sort of sense of humour, you may find it a bit of a giggle.

      Have a blessed rest of your day, and thanks for visiting! ~ Cobs.

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Ooooooo Cobs you have shown Mr Alf my post !!!!!
    Of course I’m being oh so cool about the introduction, but one thing is playing on my mind …you don’t think flashing my tummy was a little ‘forward’ do you ???
    Kindest Regard
    Neurotic Cat

    Liked by 1 person

        1. {purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} I like it, Princess.

          My secretary (the person I own) has been on something she’s calling ‘appointments’, all I know is that she’s MIA when I require her. She is aware of my feelings of rejection about this, but apparently I “have to wait” …. she obviously doesn’t understand Cats one bit. ‘WAIT‘ isn’t a word we accept. tsk. {spit}

          I’m hoping she gets around to typing up my reply to you, which is sitting on her desk underneath a pile of papers, card things, sticky stuff and falderals, and a ‘card’ which is in the middle of making, of which I shall chew the corners if she keeps me waiting too long.

          In the meantime, I send cheek rubs.
          Alf Capone

          Liked by 1 person

          1. My angelic Mr Alf ,
            Humans can be sooo blazay about us felines, only this morning after my second portion of meat Mrs P had the nerve to ask if I really required biscuits …is the woman deranged ??? why wouldn’t I NEED biscuits as well 🙂
            Of course I understand fully about the folly of your person undertaking commitments when in reality she should be at your beck & call …she does realise there will be a price to pay doesn’t she LOL

            Liked by 1 person

            1. If that *&£!@* cat of mine uses my ‘pooter again, I swear to dog that I’ll … I’ll … … … I’ll deny him chinny scratches for a week! tsk tsk. Naughty little rascal.

              Neuro Cat .. I’m so sorry that his reply to you hasn’t been forthcoming yet. I’m trying to juggle 5 things at once right at the moment, but I am getting to it. I promise I’m getting to it. Mr. Capone is making sure I do. [sigh]
              lve ~ Cobs 😉

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Dear Mr Alf’s person,
                I will myself be indisposed for the next few days, Gelfling Grandson has come to stay ~ which means I have to train another personage to answer my demands,
                Mrs P has taken to the knitting needles … again,
                K9 is having a fit of pique at the threat of being put on a diet,
                I swear I’m the only sane one in this household …
                Must dash it looks like a storm is brewing so I need to take refuge on the quilt 🙂
                Kindest regards

                Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Marc-André … well, my fabulous boy had no idea about dating the felines of this world. As far as he was concerned all cats are there to be played with, toyed with or quite simply chased off our property. However, Neurotic Cat has bought a bit of a flirt which he was hiding in his personality and now here he is, not only replying but epic replying plus tax!
      tsk tsk.

      Perhaps you’re right in keeping your purry furries away from the computer. The net is a strange place to be for humans, so for Cats … well, I dread to think!
      Thanks for stopping by!
      ~ Cobs. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Mr Midnight (one of my cats from our blog) loves Mr Alf. I think it`s because Mr Alf looks cute and because he´s a black cat. By the way, Sir WInston (the other protagonist from my blog) is also quite fond of Mr Alf. Best greetings from the three of us here in the Black Forest.


    1. A hearty ‘Hello’ to your good self, Mr. Midnight and Sir Winston.
      I’ve shown Alf Capone pictures of Sir Winston and Mr. Midnight and he, in his words, says “They’re good looking blokes, we should meet!” I’ve explained to him the unlikeliness of this happening and he’s taken this to mean that I apparently ‘don’t care enough and don’t want him to have new friends’. [sigh] There are days when you just can’t win the conversations with him; there are days when he won’t let you buy a vowel; and then there are days when he reminds me he’s always right. Take your pick on which day we might be on today. My belief is that he only want’s to visit for the Gateaux because his first comment was: “I presume there would be that famous cake on offer if I turned up at their door just to say hello?”. Tsk tsk. such a greedy guts!
      Chinny scratches to your two employers and Summer Salutations from me and the Emporium of Self-Propelled Fur Coats.
      🙂 ~ Cobs.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I don´t think you´ll find much Gateaux here because Mr Midnight is such a greedy guts he just loves the stuff. (One of the advantages of the Black Forest). They both blushed (how cats do)when they heard they were found to be “good looking blokes”. It´s also very true what you say that its sometimes. so difficult to please a cat but we wouldn´t want to be without our furry friends either would we? All the very best and thanks for the reply.

        Liked by 1 person

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