Challenging myself to be Gorjuss!

Gorjuss Collection

If you’re anything like me, you will look at the freebies which come with crafty magazines, admire them and tell yourself that you’ll make a card with them, or scrap-booking page or do something wonderfully crafty with them … and you pop them to one side.  From there they make it to a drawer.  Then to the bottom of said drawer.  Then you find them when you’re looking for something else and remember you were going to make something with them, so you put them on one side ….  and the whole thing goes round and round like a merry-go-round.

Well I told myself that I was to actually make something with my freebies from now on, so I began with these Gorjuss images.  Now I’m not a Gorjuss sort of girl.  I like the images and think those little girls are just so pretty and so well drawn.  But they’re not things I would normally craft with as I don’t kind of have a real ‘feel’ for them.  I think they’re kind of ‘too sweet’ for me.  (My daughter is the total opposite.  She LOVES Gorjuss cards etc.).

I sat and looked at the images , telling myself that I HAD to make four cards or I was NEVER  leaving that craft room (not even for a visit to the little girls room).  So I did.  I made four cards.

All the cards are made on a 6×6″ card base, dècoupaged,  matted and layered. 

Gorjuss 1

This first card is dècoupaged (although you actually can’t see that it is in this photo) has the addition of Black Lace Washi tape, and some black Stickles at the corners.  The envelope is decorated up with a bumble-bee on the flap.  I wanted to put a foxes head on the flap of the envelope (as a nod to the fox in the Gorjuss picture) but couldn’t find the darn stamp.

Gorjuss 2

This second card (above) is again dècoupaged, and I simply drew the wriggly lines around the lovely pale mustard layer, to sort of frame the whole thing.  The envelope is decorated in the same way, with patchwork hearts to echo the little heart she has in her hair.

Gorjuss 3

Card three (above), dècoupaged, matted, layered and decorated using a very fine nib pen, and I added some buttons using lilac Stickles to bring out the lilac in the Gorjuss girly picture;   a teeny mushroom picture which I glossed and added a ribbon too.  The envelope is decorated with a dragonfly.  (I couldn’t get the light right for this card.  The pink spotted background is actually more delicate and pale than it looks in the photo).

Gorjuss 4

Finally … card four.   Dècoupage, matted, layered, with the addition of a little ribbon and some Stickles. The envelope has a rabbit’s head on it, to acknowledge that the Gorjuss girl obviously likes rabbits because she’s holding one!

They’re not my usual type of card and I was absolutely outside my comfort zone, but I’ve done my personal challenge and made something with some of my freebies instead of adding continually to my stash.  But I’m glad I challenged myself to do them.  However – the challenge is ongoing.  I still have more freebies stashed away, and I’m determined to use them! (You have been warned.) 

All that remains is to wish you a very Happy Monday, and I sincerely hope that you have a lovely start to this new week.  Make a memory today.  Find one good thing which happened during the day and think about it when you go to bed tonight.  Go on … make yourself smile

Have a truly blessed day, my fellow blogging friends and readers.

Sig coffee copy

Author: The Art of Cobwebs - aka:- thecobweboriumemporium

Hello. I'm 'Cobwebs'. I live in a wee little cottage in the South of England, aptly called Cobweb Cottage. This little dwelling really is a cobweb factory. Not inside (well, occasionally) - but outside - flipping heck! This information should give you a clue as to why my blog is called The Art of Cobwebs aka: The Cobweborium Emporium. I've been arty and crafty from a very young age, and although my crafts have sometimes turned a corner and taken me in another direction, I've always crafted in some way, shape or form. One day, in the blink of an eye, life changed somewhat for me and the consequences were many. I had to find a new way of being 'artistic'. Card making; scrap-booking; producing ATC's and ACEO's; needle felting; Polymer clay; painting- but in a more relaxed style than I had before, and sewing, - are all things which I visit, as and when life allows. I've fairy recently become a Textile Artist and am enjoying this new creative outlet very much as it offers me so much scope for letting my imagination run through a grassy field and feel the wind in my hair - (mentally, of course). I love to create. To make things. I truthfully believe that the best gifts in the world are those in which you've given your time, rather than your cash. Thank you so much for visiting. Please visit my blog (link below) and have a look around. I'm sure you'll find something to enjoy, even if it's only a handful of jokes! (yes, seriously - there really are jokes!) Wishing you a truly blessed rest of your day! ~ Cobs. <3

14 thoughts on “Challenging myself to be Gorjuss!”

  1. Well Done Cobs! I’m a great fan of challenges for myself…it forces us to step outside of our comfort zone many times. You say you decoupaged the cards…anything special you use? If I use mod podge, it would buckle. Have a great Monday too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Eva 🙂 it’s so lovely to see you!
      Between the layers of cut-outs for any decoupage, I use either little foam pads which aren’t too thick, so that the can’t be seen; or foam double sided tape – either in black or white depending on the colours of the layers of decoupage; or I’ll use Pinflair glue Gel – which I love apart from A) when I get it on my hands (it gives me a real creepy feeling and I don’t seem able to wash the glue off easily, and B) You have to have patience and wait for it to dry properly. Patience when crafting isn’t my strong point. I’m always eager to move on. But I really do like the Pinflair Glue Gel the best.

      Thanks for visiting Eva, and for taking the time to chat!
      Sending love ❤ ~ Cobs. x


  2. Lovely. The only thing I don’t like about those stamps is the missing mouth – too Helly Kittyish for me. I find it kinda creepy. But you’ve done well with them and I love that hand-drawn wire effect on the envelopes too. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Sharon.
      Ahhhh… now you’ve said it I can actually see the similarities! And .. like you, I’m not keen on Hello Kitty things either. Little ones & some teens seemed to adore them (many moons ago). They were all over the shops in every shape and form you can imagine. I think, personally, it was the over-load of merchandise which probably turned the design into a sort of repulsion for me.

      The hand drawn effect on some of the cards and envelopes (above) isn’t meant to be a wire but a wriggly line, kept in place by three little stitches here and there. Sometimes I’ll draw little X’s (‘kisses’), or circles or dots or … whatever feels right.

      Lovely to see you Sharon. I popped over to your blog just yesterday to catch up on anything I’d missed and I think I’m up to date there now.
      Thanks for the visit Sharon. Always a joy to see you.
      Have a truly blessed day my blogging friend. ~ Cobs.x

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I think you’ve done a grand job for the Gorjuss girls! I quite like some of them, but have never actually had any to play with. Keep telling my self I must use what I have, so I totally empathise with the magazine bit, do it every month when my copy of making cards appears! Love the frame work, edgings and the decorated envelopes, clever you! Hugs Kim x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww I’m glad I’m not alone with this *thing* of not using the free gifts on magazines.

      I’ve had a look through some of the things still in the draw tonight, and I know that there are bits of things that I really don’t feel I’ll ever use simply because they’re just not my type of thing. Too brightly coloured or too ‘something’ else. I wish I had a crafty papercrafting friend who I could pass these things on to, but I don’t.

      I shall send what I know I can’t use round to the charity shop.

      I know exactly what you mean about telling yourself you must use what you have. I tell myself that about decorated papers – but I still buy more. Can’t help it.

      While chatting with you Kim … if you have an ‘The Works’ shop near you, they currently have some fantastic offers on, in their crafty range. Some beautiful paper pads, lovely flowers and really fabulous adornments, all at really good prices. It might be worth a visit.
      Thank you for visiting Kim, I love it when you do, and a big thank you for leaving a comment. Bless you.
      Sending oodles of love and crafty vibes ~ Cobs x. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I often shop the works too. I have a few paper pads and bits & pieces. Our local one seemed to have downsized the craft section, but my favourite haunt is The Range, the silver & gold card stock is second to none and reasonable too! Thanks for the tips and have a lovely evening Kim x

        Liked by 1 person

  4. My one good thing today was finding your post. Your cards are sweet, not my thing either but…is sure is for someone. Til later…probable a lot later as I am making several trips to the local hospital with my parents. Some one please tell me it is a blessing to have older people to care for as it doesn’t seem so at the moment. lol Love to you Cob.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Beverely.
      A delight, as always, to see you.
      I’ll be that person you shout for to tell you it’s a blessing to have older people to care for.
      I lost my mother some years ago and I have wished many times (and still do) to have her back to care for again. Just to spend a couple of hours with her would be so wonderful.

      We don’t realise what we have, when we have it. We always get so bogged down with life in general and all the pressures and requirements put upon us. But, if we just take a minute to work out an ‘order of importance’, and also to see what we can ‘let go of’ or re-schedule (eg putting off vacuuming the carpets until tomorrow), in order to make time for those people in your life who need your time.

      Parents give so much of their time to their children as they’re growing up, and continue to drop everything at a moments notice in order to help out grown up children. However, children don’t always really see how much their parents have sacrificed, given up, forsaken or gone short of, in order to help their children, or give their children a happy Birthday or happy life. Maybe there are things that parents have hidden from their children (eg: job losses, moneytary troubles etc) in order to not let troubled times rest upon their little ones shoulders.

      The blessing in what you’re doing Bev isn’t just one but many … and not just for you. YOU yourself are a blessing in the lives of your mum and dad. Keeping them ‘ticking over’ properly by attending the medical appointments is a blessing to the whole of your family, and also to the friends of your parents. I could go on with a list of people but you can work it out. You is clever! 🙂

      And, before I sign offYOU are a blessing to me. A big one. (Ohh you’ll never know!)
      You aren’t just a blogging pal, but someone I care about and love having in my life. A blessing!

      Keep up the good work Bev.

      Sending my love and some groovy blessing vibes your way.
      Heaps of love and squidgy stuff ~ Cobs. x


  5. A dreamer you are. Love the jellyfish and your dyi filler paste. I’ll give it a try.
    ps…over here we are having a time with sea lice. Very small baby jellyfish you can’t see in the water but they just about eat you up. Sort of takes away from the fun of vacation.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ewwwwwww! (wriggling here with a shiver running down my spine!). I don’t fancy those sea lice at all. I’ve googled them and have seen the rash they can give someone. Nope. Please keep them over there. We don’t need those at all.

      Yes, do have a go with the filler paste. Get the fine stuff so that it’s easier to spread. That jellyfish you saw in my blog post was the very first time I’d tried it. I was thrilled with the result.

      Keep out of the water over there and instead just make sandcastles on the beach and have a picnic. Ignore the sand in your sandwiches – it’s better than what those sea lice will share. (shudder) ~ Cobs. xx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello ‘isntshecrafty’, welcome to the Cobweborium blog!
      I’m always thrilled when I see a new name here, and especially so when that person is a crafter themselves because it feels like this new person will ‘get it’ .. will ‘get’ the crafty I’m yammering about.

      Like you, I like the Gorjuss girls … but I can’t work with them for some strange reason, and I can’t figure out why. They’re so beautifully well drawn and I appreciate the incredible art work which has gone into the making of them. But I seem to hit a crafting block when ever I’ve picked them up to ‘play’ crafting with them. It’s the oddest thing. I’ve never done that with anything crafting before. If I’ve liked something I can always make something with it. But not with these fantabulous little images. They’re obviously just not destined to be a ‘me’ thing. I suppose it’s a good thing really, because I’m not sure if I have room for anymore paper crafting items at the moment, I’m over-run! I’ve told myself that I have to part company with anything I haven’t used within the last 2 years. I’ve got a box ready … but there’s nothing in it. As soon as I put something in it, I get it out again. (Parting with these craft room ‘freinds’ is a heart wrench).

      It’s really lovely to meet you. Don’t be a stranger now!
      Sending crafty hugs your way ~ Cobs. x

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