Airy Spirits ~ Textile Art

Continuing with my new hobby love ~ a little more Textile Art, only this time, something with wings.

During the lock-down, due to Covid 19/Coronavirus, my brain got busy and spoke to my fingers, which began conjuring up butterflies. Although textile butterflies aren’t the easiest thing I’ve ever made, they’re mighty enjoyable, and all so precious when I’ve finished them. They all seem to have their own personalities, and they make me smile for one reason or another.

The Nectar Collector

Each one I’ve made is in a different fabric, and this particular one, called: The Nectar Collector; was made from Vintage Embroidered Fabric, which I tea stained then added a little ink to give it a warm peachy effect to the fabric itself

Why is this butterfly called: The Nectar Collector? Ah, well that’s an easy one to answer….

Butterflies ‘eat’ nectar and do so by the use of their ‘tongue’ – they have a long, curled proboscis, which is like a soft drinking straw, which uncoils to sip liquid food, and then coils up again into a spiral when the butterfly isn’t feeding.

But … what happens to all the nectar which the butterflies can’t reach, or miss because they don’t notice it?

Well, *I’m reliably informed by the Fairies which live in Cobweb Wood*, that there are special butterflies whose job it is to go around foraging for all the left over nectar which can be found on flowers, and collect it in special bottles. They then take it back to ‘Nectar Central’, where each of the bottles of nectar are dated, stored on shelves and saved for use on days when it’s too cold to go out or too windy, too blustery or those rainy days when the weather isn’t suitable for delicate Butterfly wings.

*Once all this was explained to me* it totally made sense, as I’m sure it does to you too, now that I’ve explained it to you!

The underside of a Butterflys wings are just as important as the tops, but for a totally different reason. The underside of a butterfly wing is actually called ‘The Ventral Side’. This ventral (under) side is more often than not, used for camouflage so that it can avoid being dinner for some passing bird or frog.

And the importance of the Ventral Side of the wings was important to me too. After all … I don’t want some passing frog to eat the Nectar Collector! So it clearly states on the underside of it’s wings that this butterfly isn’t for chomping on – for this is a Cobwebs Butterfly!

The tops of butterfly wings are used for signalling to another butterfly that the butterfly rather likes them and would like to marry them. (*That’s how it was explained to me, anyhow*).

Before this particular butterfly takes flight and leaves me, when it’s found it’s forever home, there will be a very tiny button sewn to the underside – of a particular colour and shape, which will have a special meaning. An explanation of the meaning of that button, will be sent along with him, so that he can be treasured for the treasure he actually is.

Now before I sign off …

I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU – to all who replied and commented on my last post [<— clickable link] and who helped me – because I was near to being a big melted down mess on the floor, and BIG THANKS to those who gave me hints, tips and guidance on how to use the new block editor that WordPress have forced upon us.

As you can see, with your help, I have made a post! [a roar of cheers can be heard from all over the land].

I can’t say that I like the new editor, because I don’t. I REALLY don’t.

  • It has no spellcheck;
  • No ‘update’ button;
  • It won’t colour selected words in a paragraphbut simply colours all the words in that paragraph. (Unless you know a trick to that … and if you do, please share it with me);
  • It has pop up boxes which appear out of nowhere and block the view of what you want to seewhich I’m sure are meant to be helpful, when the time is right – but they’re a darn nuisance!;
  • Things are hidden behind unknown ‘terms’ and names;
  • Silly symbols which mean diddly squat to regular, not unintelligent users!;
  • Everything about it is so darn tiresome and seems to need an abundance of clicks to do the simplest thing
  • even changing the colour of the words isn’t the one click it used to be!

The new system is clunky, silly, old fashioned in many ways, behind the times and boringly, stupidly long winded.

It truthfully feels like the coding has been written by a junior member of staff instead of someone who knows what she/he is actually doing. It’s taken me a lot longer than I would normally have spent building a post – but . . . at least I now have a post, after lots of help from other WordPress users.

My sincere thanks to you all – for without you, I truthfully would have thrown the towel in and given up. Bless each and every one of you.

Thank you so much for coming today and sharing a coffee and some time with me, while I introduced you to the Nectar Collector – who is the first of my Airy Spirits. I love seeing you here, and love chatting with you all. So please feel welcome to leave a comment. It doesn’t have to be a huge comment, just say hello – because it’s always so nice to know who I’m chatting with.

And …. before I sign off, there HAS to be some Monday jokes:-

Q:- Where are average things manufactured?

A:- The satisfactory.

~~~ ❤ ~~~

Q:- What does Charles Dickens keep in his spice rack?

A:- The best of thymes, the worst of thymes.

~~~ ❤ ~~~

Q:- What do you call an apology written in dots and dashes?

A:- Re-Morse code.

~~~ ❤ ~~~

Q:- What do you call a rooster staring at a pile of lettuce?

A:- A chicken sees a salad.

~~~ ❤ ~~~

Just before I sign off … although I’ve been commenting on blogs over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been told by various bloggers that they’ve found my comments in their spam folders – so … please check your spam folders, as a comment or two might just be hiding there.

Have a wonderful Monday, and a truly blessed week. Sending love and squidges through the ether to you ….

* the ASTERISK * marked * statements [above] may or may not be entirely, exactly d’ twufe, d’ whole twufe and nuffin but d’ twufe. But I’m absolutely certain dere is some sort of twufe.

Author: The Art of Cobwebs - aka:- thecobweboriumemporium

Hello. I'm 'Cobwebs'. I live in a wee little cottage in the South of England, aptly called Cobweb Cottage. This little dwelling really is a cobweb factory. Not inside (well, occasionally) - but outside - flipping heck! This information should give you a clue as to why my blog is called The Art of Cobwebs aka: The Cobweborium Emporium. I've been arty and crafty from a very young age, and although my crafts have sometimes turned a corner and taken me in another direction, I've always crafted in some way, shape or form. One day, in the blink of an eye, life changed somewhat for me and the consequences were many. I had to find a new way of being 'artistic'. Card making; scrap-booking; producing ATC's and ACEO's; needle felting; Polymer clay; painting- but in a more relaxed style than I had before, and sewing, - are all things which I visit, as and when life allows. I've fairy recently become a Textile Artist and am enjoying this new creative outlet very much as it offers me so much scope for letting my imagination run through a grassy field and feel the wind in my hair - (mentally, of course). I love to create. To make things. I truthfully believe that the best gifts in the world are those in which you've given your time, rather than your cash. Thank you so much for visiting. Please visit my blog (link below) and have a look around. I'm sure you'll find something to enjoy, even if it's only a handful of jokes! (yes, seriously - there really are jokes!) Wishing you a truly blessed rest of your day! ~ Cobs. <3

22 thoughts on “Airy Spirits ~ Textile Art”

  1. I love when the brain talks to the fingers – what beautiful results you have.
    Two nights ago I was watching a humming bird collect nectar from flowers in our prayer garden. It was the first time I actually saw the long tongue one one. WOW! It was nearly as long as the body. I imagine they butterfly is similar. Thanks for the jokes this morning – a great way to start a Monday!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Ruth.
      Yes – the brain having a chat with the fingers …. like you, I love that when it happens. My fingers seem to come up with some magic from somewhere, because I’m pretty sure I wouldnt be able to make these things. lol

      The humming bird … ohhh how envious I am that you are able to see these tiny miracles with your own eyes. We don’t have humming birds here in the UK. However … just last night I accidentally came across a video of a humming bird feeding her babies – and what was even better was that the person taking the video had his hand in shot and the mommy humming bird was stood on his finger whilst feeding her babies. Ohhh, it made me all silly and warm

      I looked for the video on You Tube but can’t find it, but I can share a link to where I found it.
      You’ll find the video on this link, but when the page opens, you’ll have to scroll down to find the humming birds – that video is just below the two lions on the beach, paddling in the sea! (I kid ye not!)


      (Don’t read the words of the link – there’s a swear word in there)

      Glad you enjoyed the jokes. I love fun humour which tickles my chuckle muscle, so just HAVE to share the chuckles.

      Have a blessed Monday Ruth. Thank you so much for coming and sharing a coffee moment with me. ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Very nice butterflies, Cobs. I couldn’t make anything like that myself, but I do have the urge to try something new (time permitting, of course!)
    And good on you for getting your post out! I may treat myself to a week of creating posts in the new block editor (just for fun 🤭 and devilment 😈😇) We shall see what happens there.
    I’m using the app on my mobilius phoneus and your latest post isn’t appearing in my reader for some reason, but I can see it when I filter by your site on its own. I shall have to check this so I don’t miss your posts in future. I’ll try not to!
    Your comments had ended up in my spam folder, but I rescued you with vigour. I firmly clicked the NOT SPAM option, so I think that’s sorted for a good while now.
    Enjoy your Monday, Cobs… I’m now off for a walk whilst the weather’s wonderful!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Something new from you would be a total delight, Tom. You are more creative than you give yourself credit for. Let yourself relax. Allow your brain to talk to your hands…. then when the feeling comes to you… pick up whatever you want or are being led to pick up, and create that thing which is inside you. Don’t doubt yourself… just let go and do it.

      There are several people who have said that my posts aren’t showing in their reader – so I’m going to test this idea out on you ….. Try ‘unfollowing’ and then ‘following’ again, and see if that does the trick.

      I have no idea why all this silliness is happening (missing comments, no emails being sent, spam, etc etc).
      Although I’ve added ‘The Art of Cobwebs’ to the top of the blog -I haven’t changed the blog name or changed the blog internet address – so as far as WordPress is concerned it’s still The Cobweborium Emporium, so it shouldn’t give the W.Press system a headache.

      But … it’s not just got a headache – I think it’s got Covid19 in its system!

      Thanks for coming Tom, and for just being the great fellow blogger you are. All your followers love the blogger you are, and we’re all tickled pink that you’re back and in fine form.

      Wishing you a truly blessed rest of your day – and a week that brings you many smiles. ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh Cob! Your beautiful creation is truly grand. You have the most wonderful ,childlike imagination that just sings to my soul. You are a blessing and a true artist. I’m sending loads of hugs and wishes your way for you ,Hugo , Little big Cobs and Mr. Cobs too. Do tell every one in the Fae Hello for me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Beverly
      Aww heck, I’m just thrilled from my head to my toes that you like this lovely butterfly, and that you enjoy my writing. I’ll let you into a secret …. I never lost touch with my inner child. She’s 7 years old and has the most wonderful imagination. That’s where I get my inspiration from when writing.

      I told Hugo that his Aunt Beverly sent him loads of hugs, and he smiled brightly – in fact, his eyes twinkled like he had stars in his eyes.

      Mr. Cobs … aw he’ll take any hugs that are on offer – and he said: “….ooooo, thank you very much! Eeeeeverybody needs hugs!”

      Little Big Cobs … well we’re not able to see him at the moment, – because of my health problems, there are concerns that I should be kept safe – so I get to talk to him on Skype and on the phone …. when his mother can tie him down and keep him still for a few minutes. LOL. But – I shall pass on your love and hugs to him when I next speak to him.

      I’m thrilled to see you here Bev, and am just blissfully happy that you like this post.
      Thank you for coming, my friend.
      Sending you heaps of love and a huge bucket load of Squidges ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Lovely way to start the week off. Coffee and a chat with the Nectar Collector. Beautiful Butterfly Cobs and I do like the little container for the nectar. Well done. Did you mention how big she is? I do like the wings. Have a lovely day Cobs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Soozy!
      ahh, I’m tickled you like the butterfly Soozy, and his special Nectar Collector Bottle!
      The Size! How could I forget to put the size?! What an idiot I am.

      Ok … the measurements for this lovely chap are:
      firstly in inches:
      At the widest point, from tip of wing to tip of wing = 8 inches.
      The length of his body, from nose to end of ‘tail’ = 5 inches. (not including his antennae.
      In centimetres he measures: 20.3cm wide, by approximately 13 centimetres in length.

      He can sit on a table or desk, or he can hang on a wall, simply on a nail or hook, hanging from the black metal loop you see sewn to his upper belly.

      Thank you so much for coming Soozy, and for the lovely comment.
      Hope life is treating you well and that you are staying safe.
      Sending lots of love to you, and to your four paws. ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh Cobbs that butterfly is gorgeous! We have a lot of monarch butterflies in our yard. Someone told me that it is our visitors who have past. My Dad and brother sure make a lot of visits! I love it! This is just simply adorable!! Love the jokes! They put a bright spot in my day! Oh, I just found out that you CAN change back to the previous WordPress version! All you need to do is select Plugins on the left side and in the top bar where you can look for things, type “Classic Editor”. You just install that plugin and you are back to the “classic” version! I just thought I would let you know.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YES! I’ve read somewhere that Monarch Butterflies are visitors of those who have gone before, visiting to let you know that they are near and still around! I can’t remember where I read it, but it was about 4 or 5 years ago, and the way it was explained (far better than I have here) really touched a place inside me, and that’s why I remember it.

      Aw, I’m so pleased that you like the Nectar Collector, and the jokes too. Can’t beat a joke on a Monday morning – just to set your brain at the right level for the rest of the day.

      WOW – you can change back to the classic Editor!!! Flippin’ ‘eck! Well that’s a turn up for the books.

      For now … since everyone has helped me SO much with this new ‘carp’ that W.Press have gifted us, I’m going to have a play around this week and see if I can discover easier ways of doing things. Fingers crossed here.

      It’s not that I’m adverse to change – it’s that I’m adverse to stupidity and retrograde steps when making new programmes for IT. And this new editor that they’ve introduced is definitely a retrograde step. It feels, on one hand, childish and clunky. And on the other – it’s stupidly complicated by having far too many clicks in order to ‘do’ an action, and it’s removed the simplicity of what was there in the first place.

      Aww, I shall clamber off my soap box, tuck it under my arm and bu**er off for dinner. I could stand on that box all day over this matter. lol.

      Thanks for the ‘destructions’ for changing the editor. If I’m still having problems, I shall jump on board and do it.

      Thanks for coming Nancee and for the great comment!
      Sending buckets of squidges your way ~ Cobs. x

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Big cheers and applause to welcome back Cobs! I feel the same way about the new blocks, it is taking me longer to complete my page’s facelift. I love your butterflies and your story of the extra nectar, so magical! I just wanted to let you know I am so happy to have you back with your jokes and wonderful art!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Morning Scrapper!
      Thank you for your lovely welcome back message! :o) I feel all warm and squiggly inside now. lol

      Oooo… the new blocks/editor .. you don’t like it either, I take it. I haven’t heard of one person, yet, who actually likes it, so you’re in good company.

      Filled with joy that you like the Nectar Collector Butterfly and the story of why the extra nectar is collected and stored.

      I’m so happy to be back and chatting with much loved friends like yourself. It feels like coming home after a long day of wearing high heels, and kicking them off and settling down in a comfy chair. Ahhhhhh. [sigh]

      Thank you so much for coming M.Scrapper, and for such a really lovely comment.
      Sending you much love and a bucket of squidges ~ Cobs. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Ar don’t know nuffink either but always tells the twufe l’s do! What a lovely story, and your butterfly is exquisite. You are so clever! Well done on mission impossible and producing the nicest butterfly story. Big squidges x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, hello lovely Kim!
      I knows lesser dan nuffink, so I’m muchly at big disadvantages. LOL

      Overjoyed that you like both the story and the Nectar Collector Butterfly, Kim. Coming from you, – Card Maker Extraordinaire – that’s a hugemongous compliment. :o)

      As for mission impossible and producing the post using the new ‘improved’ (that’s a laugh) editor … I held my breath and waited to see if W.Press actually published it…. I was WIDE EYED with joviality when I opened my ‘puter and found that they had!
      Big love and buckets of Squidges, being sent by carrier pigeon, as we speak.
      Stay safe out there Kim.
      love ~ Cobs.. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

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